exercising thru groin pain



Another part I guess of a previous question I asked is: If I'm experiencing a sensation in the groin area such as a stretching, aching feeling and feeling as though everytime I stand up I just got off a horse, is this just normal and safe to exercise with, or should I avoid leg exercises with these sensations existing? thanks!
groin pain

I have that groin pain. I never had it with my other pregnancies. But I have developed Vulvar Varicositis. I think that is the name. It is tough since I love to workout. I found that stretching and floor work like inner and outer thigh work hurts the most. I don't use an ankle weight anymore. And I found that straddle stetching hurts so much! But on Cathe's PS Back/Biceps/Abs cooldown, she has one leg extended and one leg bend and this helps tremendously! I do have some pain on floorwork but not pain that is very severe. I can still do standing leg work like squats, plies and so forth. I just don't use much weight on my barbell. My doctor says just go with how your body feels. Some days, I feel so sore in the groin and just don't exercise. Go with how you feel. It's not easy to endure this pain though! But they say it will go away after I have the baby.
Exercising through groin pain

Hello there,

Groin pain during pregnancy can be caused by many things. One of those is what MandyLee described, vulvar varicosities, or varicose veins of the vulva. Some other causes could be round ligament pain or pubic symphysis pain. Round ligament pain can be described as a shooting pain or aching in or around your vulva. Round ligaments "suspend" the uterus in the abdominal cavity. During pregnancy these ligaments, which are normally 2 inches in length stretch to as long as 12 inches. In your case your ligaments are stretching more rapidly since you are carrying more than one baby. Pubic symphysis pain could be caused by a laxity in the joint between the two pubic bones. This could also give you an achy feeling. Inner thigh stretches would be VERY uncomfortable if this was the case. So......... my advice to you is to not exercise when you are experiencing this pain. You should NEVER exercise through pain, especially if you are pregnant. I would definitely discuss this with your doctor/midwife the next time you are in their office or sooner if the problem seems to be getting worse.

Keep us posted.

Sheila Watkins

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