exercises that wont hurt your lower back

I was just wanting to know what would be some safe cardio that i could do that wouldnt hurt my back. I cant go back to the doctor to ask him because we are trying to get some insurance so i can get a mri. when i went to see the doctor he thought it was a pulled lower muscle. its been about 3 months since it happened. Sometimes it feels better and then some times it hurts but i want to stay active. what can i do?
Hi there. I have stuggled with a lower back injury for some time. It just happened and was related to working out. Here is what I found:

chiropractor helped me. But it kept recurring.

I took down my step height. I never use two risers on each side anymore and my heart rate stays just as high.

I limit my kickboxing now. I found that did adversely affect my back. Not sure why; and I still kickbox; but only about once every two weeks. I love Cathe's KPC and Kick Max but they are longer and my back does tweak when I do those.

I can't do the ball roll outs for abs. I can completely feel that in my low back. No matter what I do, I will not do those. I can do planks and jack knifes though....I also limit the supermans and any other lower back exercises. I do do them; but I am super careful

however, the only thing that really helped my back get better was a lot of rest. I took a whole month off, then worked out a week, took a week off, and then got back in it. My back has been great and I can do any type of cardio now. Some like kickbox has to be limited; but otherwise I am doing very well and it feels great! (I always work out a month now and then rest a week. I have too for my back and knees and I don't lose a thing fitness wise.) Hope this helps! Take time off if you need too right now; it is really important to heal. Do gentle stretching and possibly walk if you can. But your back may need it.

I have to be honest and say that you should not engage in any activity until you get it cleared by a Dr. If it is serious enough that they want to do an MRI, then it could be aggravated by almost an activity. I hope you get it looked at soon.

I hope you get some relief soon.
One more thing....squats can really affect my back. I do them; I am careful though.

Even with my injuries; I am in the best shape of my life! I refuse to be told not to do things; but I will rest when I need too. I think that is soooo important! We think we will lose all our fitness gains, but our bodies are screaming for rest.

Just my two cents! Good luck!


thanks guys for the advise i have gained a few pounds and feel yucky because i havent worked out but i have to get my back feeling better
My understanding is that the way to a strong back is through a strong core - that if your abs are weak, it strains the back to compensate for it. That being said, I second the opinion that doing anything without a doctor's approval might be a bad idea. I do NOT recommend a chiropractor (very bad experience with them, along with many friends' bad experiences) but do recommend a Physiatrist (a physician that specializes in rehabilitation).
Lower Back

I go to a chiropractor once a month (wish I could go more) but he gave me exercises to strengthen my abs/lower back! When I don't do them, I can really tell.

There are a few ab exercises that aggrevate my lower back and I limit kickboxing to once a week. When I do kickbox, I kick lower.


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