I broke my neck and have been in a hard collar brace for over 3 months I got to take it off and have been cleared to begin exercise again...i have been able to walk some during the 3 months. I was doing your IMAX 2 and 3, bootcamp, and intensity series and running some before this happened. Do you have any recommendations for good DVD's to begin with as I am getting back into exercise. I can't wait for the new DVD's to come out. I am so excited. I hope I will be at full activity by delivery.
I broke my neck and have been in a hard collar brace for over 3 months I got to take it off and have been cleared to begin exercise again...i have been able to walk some during the 3 months. I was doing your IMAX 2 and 3, bootcamp, and intensity series and running some before this happened. Do you have any recommendations for good DVD's to begin with as I am getting back into exercise. I can't wait for the new DVD's to come out. I am so excited. I hope I will be at full activity by delivery.