Exercise in the heat


Hi everyone,

I was wondering what everyone does about exercising in this terrible heat. I don't have an A/C, just lots of window fans, and it seems like for the past two weeks I can barely get through 20 min. of any video without losing steam because I'm overheated. Is this anyone else's experience? I was getting so excited because I could finally finish Cathe's videos right before the heat hit, and I don't want to lose my momentum and endurance if it keeps up like this. :-(

Hi, Jen! Glad you posted the topic!

I posted an alarmist missive on this very subject last year at about this time, after Minnesota Vikings football player Korey Stringer died from complications of heat exhaustion.

All I can say is, in spite of your natural desire to continue with the newfound intensity levels you've been able to build, trying to work through the heat can have serious consequences for you, from dehydration to heat fatigue to heat exhaustion and worse. You need to pay attention not only to the ambient temperature but also to the dewpoint and humidity, which combines to form the Heat Index. If it's hot AND humid, you cannot throw off the considerable heat you generate from your workouts through sweating nearly as well, because the humidity prevents the sweat from evaporating and cooling the skin.

Generally, a good temperature for a studio workout or a home workout is about 70- to 75-degrees, again presuming low humidity. If it's higher than that, and you feel you must work out, choose lower intensity workouts that recruit the legs less strenuously; Cardio Kicks or CTX Kickbox might be good choices. Stay hydrated before, during and after the workout with cold water, and maybe keep a washcloth submerged in cold water nearby to mop off and cool your skin during the workout. Also, pay attention to how productive your breathing is - if you aren't breathing deeply and productively, it may be time to stop.

Hope this helps -

I work out very early in the morning (~5:30-6:45). I work out in my basement where I have had the dehumidifier running all night long. I blow a fan. I take small sips of water frequently. I wear as little clothing as possible. I also tend to tire out more on the cardio and do more strength work. Jeanne
Hi Annette,

Thanks so much for your quick reply and the good reminders. It is frustrating, but I know I don't want to hurt myself. That was interesting info about how the humidity affects your ability to cool off - I never fully understood that before. The idea about a washcloth submerged in cold water is excellent - even if I'm not working out!! ;-)

(P.S. I'm working on my DH about getting an A/C - we'll see).


I also try to work out early when I can - sometimes I have to work too early and can't get up any earlier. I have the treadmill in the basement, and it is somewhat cooler down there, but the ceiling is rather low to do anything else and it's all concrete - not much in the way of atmosphere I'm afraid. I get books on tape to keep me on the treadmill any length of time.

Seems true about strength causing a little less heat than cardio - maybe I'll try to shift my focus a little.

Thanks for the suggestions!

It feels good to have others identify with this problem as well, UGH. The heat affects my workouts quite often - and it's very humid here. Here's what I do, perhaps this will help. In addition to having a large fan on me during my workouts, I refresh the ice in my water glass up to 3 times during a cardio workout. I find this helps tremendously... I'm going through an entire ice tray per workout (but you get to stick your head in the freezer when reaching for it)! Also, the window AC unit in my bedroom is on so when I'm finished I can stretch in the cooled bedroom. It's amazing how diminished my energy is when it's this hot... frustrating.
Sounds like we have a similar basement. What is atmosphere???
My cielings are also low, but with beam or joints or something. Fortunately, (for this scenario anyhow) I am only 5'2". With floor work I am pretty much ok. For step, I have become accustomed to my arm movements not going much over my head when I am on the step. (No clap overheads for me!). I am also pretty good at getting my arms in between the beams when necessary.

I think the dehumidifier all night long helps tremendously!

Ha, Jeanne!

Isn't it funny how we learn to modify certain things to keep from say, breaking a fingernail on that low light over my head!!! I think Jen meant that the atmosphere or decorating in her workout room isn't all that fancy, but who needs fancy to sweat, right? Watch out for those beams! :-wow

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Ha, Jeanne!

I understood what she meant by atmosphere. I was trying to make a joke, since my basement has no atmosphere either. From time to time I have considered hanging a big bulletin board with pictures and workouts or a mirror or something to make basement have some atmosphere. But, in the end, I just never bother.
Try S&H series

In keeping with the suggestion to shift the focus to weights a bit, I would just say I've found the Slow & Heavy series to be excellent workouts to use during a heat wave (which we are currently having in the DC area!). The frequent, long breaks lend themselves to cooling off, drinking water, wiping off the sweat, etc.--whatever you need to do to keep your body temperature in a normal range and stave off overheating. And of course you can make good use of the pause button if you find you need even longer breaks. I've found I'm able to keep up my strength gains without sacrificing health or safety by focusing on S&H while the heat is on where I live. Good luck and stay safe!!!
RE: Ha, Jeanne!

Thanks to everyone for their great suggestions!!! I've been using several.

Debbie & Jeanne - You're welcome to joke about atmosphere - you should see my basement!:-wow:-wow We're not just talking lack of decor, we're talking uneven concrete floor that gets damp in spots when it rains, concrete walls that are slightly crumbly in spots, and those "beams" Jeanne described on the ceiling making any overhead movements impossible. The ONLY thing it has going for it is the cooler temp! That's why I only use it for my treadmill, which I have on a higher spot that doesn't get damp, and I put on my headset with a book on tape and try not to look around. I do everything else in my LR, which was great until it turned hot...

But the good news is we're working on getting AC now. DH has taken pity (love that man!). Now just have to find one. :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy

Lucky enough for me , my basement is nice and cool.The only place in my house that I can go for some relief.But I did make the mistake yesterday of going for a run in the morning and it was around 10:30.Now I knew it was wiser to wait until the evening but the sun was shining and there was a little bit of a breeze.The breeze didn't last long.I was ssooooo sick by the time I got home.I had to stop at my friends house for a breather and I then continued on...but I vowed yesterday, never again.The sun must be gone down before I go out for a run again.
But when I lived in a smaller place , my husband use to get a fan for me and put it some what close to me, so that when I was doing cathe tapes I could actually breath.It did work./
It has been very hot and humid here in Maine also. Fortunately, I live near a lake so my exercise now is walking in the evening three miles to the beach with my two little dogs, go for a swim to cool off, and then walk back three miles home. By the time I get to the beach, I am drenched and the cool water feels great. The dogs love it too. Today I will also do pilates since that is easy. Hopefully it will cool off soon because I would like to go hiking.
RE: Ha, Jeanne!

I used to workout in the living room, but my husband seems to think that I am somehow damaging our hardwood floors. I think he thought I was loosening them, causing them to squeek more. I am not convinced. But, when we had the opportunity to get an extra tv and vcr and he set it all up downstairs and I figured why not? Now, I know that the cement is a killer on the feet. Every now and again when I am home and he is at work I do some cardio upstairs, but truthfully I've gotten used to the basment. Everything is right there and it seems inconvenient to run up and down. (hmm... dumb since I am trying to burn calories).
RE: Ha, Jeanne!

Have you considered covering that cement with impact absorbing mats? I bought some 5/8 inch thick dense foam interlocking mats from www.greatmats.com that are so much easier on my knees and feet than my ceramic tile floors. I bought enough for a 10 x 12 foot space, and that's been just right for spreading out with Rhythmic Step. It often takes less than a week to get your order. Mine came to $273, shipping included, which was worth it to me since I have grouchy knees and would be really limited in my impact level without them.
RE: Ha, Jeanne!

I have considered it, but my husband and I are on a somewhat tight budget--we pay for his major-univeristy tuition primarily out-of-pocket. At ~30, we do not want to take out much in loans. Also, we rent this house. In another year, when he graduates and gets his post-college job (we hope with an engineering degree and a willingness to move he'll find one) we will purchase our own home. I saved evey penny of my inheritance money for a down payment. I have a dream to build myself a great exercise room with special flooring. Until then, I will make due with what I have. It is better than what some people have. I recall posts of people in apartments with no space and worrying about waking the people below! Jeanne
Hello everybody:

Can't help but notice that the forum's been pretty quiet over the last couple of days. Hope you're all having a lovely 4th of July weekend!

We're just recovering from a heat wave here in Toronto. The heat's been "kind" of a blessing in disguise (ya, right!) since I have a case of Plantar Faciitis so I can't do any of Cathe's hi-impact, intense workouts for awhile anyways. I've had to use the treadmill and stairclimber at the gym -- but good, golly, Ms Molly, the time goes by soooo sllllllllloooooowwwwwlllyyy! I put the clock feature on and play with the incline and speed every two minutes so I can keep it exciting. I also ask my fellow treaders to keep me amused with the topic du jour. "You're kidding! Julia Roberts got married!!!!????"

Another good thing from all of this is I'm not feeling so guilty about concentrating on my weightwork more -- you know, the constant tug of war you go through deciding whether to do cardio or weights.

I've been splitting up the MIS tape -- upper body one day, and lower body the next. On the mornings I do the lower body, I get off my streetcar about 20 stops early and walk the rest of the way to work. I figure since I lost 40 lbs seven years ago by walking (and have maintained the loss, thank Goodness and thank Cathe), I can go on maintenance by doing the same now.

Trouble is, though, I'm going to an all inclusive resort (Superbreezes) in Cuba next week. Oh how, oh how, am I gonna resist a) eating like a pig, and b) guzzling pina coladas by the gallon??!!

Oh by the way, I discovered two really fabulouse music CD's for walking -- Shakira and Kylie Minogue (disco returns!) Happy, happy music!


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