Hey everyone,
Just wanted to know what everyones first Cathe workout was. Mine ws Legs & Glutes when I first saw her on Fit TV.

3-4 years ago, i bought VHS MIC and MIS from collage video. now i am the proud owner of her entire collection!!:p
I tried Power Max first which was a BIG mistake, LOL so I back tracked down to Basic Step and Body Fusion and once I had them down I went back to Body Max and it was much easier to pick up!:)
Boot Camp. I was hooked and haven't looked back!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Get in shape for your wedding...and it worked!!!!

I am proud to say that I am happily married to the same man since 1993. DH and Cathe have both made wonderful impacts on my life!

Paragonah, UT
Basic Step came with the home step that I bought at Walmart. It was OK, but I didn't get all that excited until I did CTX All Step (that came with the full size step DH bought me for Xmas). Now that was when I got hooked. And once I did Imax2 (off Fit TV) it was all over.


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
I got All Step with the first step I got (for Christmas) and I tried it once and was completely lost in the first 5 mins! It took me a LOOONG time to grasp that one! LOL
Mine was the RS/IMAX/MIC dvd. The first time I tried IMAX I thought I would die! I did it again this morning, and it felt like no big deal. (Although my heartrate did get up there!)

Terminator, last year sometime. I purchased a compilation thinking I would get a good feel for the other workouts. I was quite blown away. But in a good way.
Mine was Body Max. I got that one b/c I was able to break it up and do just cardio or a short weight workout. I just had my first daughter and it really helped me lose weight and tone up. It also got me completely and utterly hooked on Cathe!

Mine was Rhythmic Step on Fit TV. This really got me hooked. I now have my Cathe collection almost complete.

He he Adri,

Your question is one I have oftened wondered about. It still makes me laugh, but after a few years of the firm and feeling pretty fit, I found Hardcore Extreme on Ebay. It absolutely kicked my butt....and then I quickly found her website, basic step was then the next one I bought. Many dollars, Cathe dvd's, and 18 months later....I can finally finish Hardcore extreme, it still kicks my butt but now I smile when I finish as I crumble to the floor absolutely fried and proud!!!!

IM2/C&W a year and a half ago.

"You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is." -- Ellen DeGeneres


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