Ever had a shoulder injury?


I did Push/Pull the other day and afterward I had shoulder pain. There was no particular point during the workout that I felt I hurt something. Just felt it afterward and ever since. I am trying to just take Motrin and rest it but I am dying to get on the treadmill or something....I'm resisting, but it is HARD! Any advice? Thanks, Jackie
I've had two shoulder injuries. Both times it was when I put too much of a weight load on my shoulders. My first injury happened when I did SH rotator cuff exercise. That hurt bad for about two weeks or so. The second was when I did those inverted shoulder press (toes on the high step and hands on the floor). I didn’t take anything for the pain, but for working out I concentrated more on cardio, just leaving out moves that involved raising hands in the air. Now I realize I'm not quite as strong as Cathe and I cant do everything she does. It takes time to build up strength. Taking time off when your hurt is very frustrating, I know.
Susan C.M.:D
Thanks for the reply, Susan. I always knew that I wasn't even close to as strong as Cathe. It is encouraging to know you were better in a few weeks and that you did other things while you were recovering. It's already starting to feel a little better. Thanks. Jackie
Hey Jackie!!! The only advise I can give you is to always pay close attention to Cathe's cuing and form pointers especially when doing shoulders. Whenever the back arches or you feel compression in the neck or the weights are out of your peripheral vision or you are coming very close to muscular failure and straining, you put yourself at a higher risk of shoulder impingement and/or injury. Anatomically speaking there is so much going on in and around the shoulder (joint capsule, bursae, tendons, ligaments, nerves, arteries, veins......) that it is affectionately known as 'spaghetti junction'. Our vulnerability to injury in this area is the price we pay for the beautiful range of motion that we have in our shoulders and arms. Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better, I have seen people at the gym and in clinic who suffer for months with shoulder pain from improper lifting and poor body mechanics. PLAY SAFE (and have fun)!!!!:)

Take Care
Hi, Laurie. Thanks for the advice. Still hurting over a week later, I am thinking I should see a doctor. I am still so frustrated by this. I am not new to lifting at all and don't really know what I did wrong. I am thinking that maybe just too much as there seems to be alot of shoulder work in Push/Pull. Still taking it easy and you can bet I will be far more careful in the future. Thanks again. Jackie
i got bursitus in my shoulder from over use. i have all of cathe's upper/total body tapes and alternate them each month because they all work the muscle differently.

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