ETL challenge Wed 1-24


Good morning ETLer's

Coffee and a genisoy lo carb bar before workout
B: fruit smoothie
Snack: half genisoy bar
L: big salad with pinto beans added, banana
S: genisoy lo carb bar
D: Quorn patties, steamed broccoli, leftover rice and red beans, salad
Dessert: smoothie split with DH

You all seem to be doing well..:)
Today may be another weird day for my stomach:

B: 1/2 a banana and small bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch with flaxseed
S: 1/2 of Ezekiel english muffin
L: I don't know I am going to a meeting where lunch is provided so won't have much of a choice.
S: probably other have of muffin to keep something on my stomach
D: I think either margarita pizza or vegan homemade chili.
Ok, I had to have some chocolate last evening, I probably didn't eat enough calories. I definately had enough fluids...

B- revival soy bar & banana
S- 2 apples
L- Spicy Red Lentil Chili and steamed broccoli
S- coffee and perhaps a pear
D- "Taco Salad: shredded soy cheddar, TVP cooked in tomatoes with chili, garlic and such. a mountain of romaine, red pepper, salsa, avocado and a dollop of veggies sour cream. Perhaps oven toasted ezekial tortilla cut into triangles.

S- might as well say two dark hershey's kisses....
Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

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