ETL Challenge Tue 1-23


Good morning ETLer's

Yesterday was good

Before my workout a lowcarb genisoy bar and coffee
B: fruit smoothie
L: big salad with Quorn and pinto beans, banana
S: half a genisoy bar, some walnuts
D: Three Bean Chili over brown rice & bulgar, steamed brussell sprouts, salad
Dessert: smoothie split with my DH

The Three Bean Chili is very good and is from Vegan Planet pg 314, I used a can of diced green chili's instead of the fresh hot chili.

Judy...I know you had asked about the Cilantro Pesto is in the Vegan Planet pg 319.

Diane...that Vegan restaurant sounds good. I wish we had one closer than 2 hours! You dressing recipe sounds yummy too, I will have to try it.

Kim...good job on the water intake..
Today has not been good so far. My stomach is queasy and I couldn't eat much for breakfast.

B: made steel cut oats with mixed berries and flaxseed. I could only eat a few bites, so made myself drink a glass of soy milk.
S: at about 11 am, I was hungry again and ate a bagel with light cream cheese. I needed some refined carbs on my tummy.
L: garden burger on ww bun, but no salad, couldn't stomach it.
D: tonight I think it is either veggie plate again, same as before, or a vegan chili recipe.
Food for today:
Breakfast: Kashi Blueberry Morning Cereal
Snack: Carrots and raw hemp seeds
Lunch: Chickpeas and okra
Snack: Banana Bluberry Hemp Smoothie
Dinner: I am probably going to have seitan and a huge salad
Carole Thank you for the cilantro reference, I just a fresh big bunch.

B- fruit smoothie
L- coleslaw (made with Newmans lite sesame ginger vinaigrette), cucumbers, carrots & raw red pepper (with a small amount of hummus to finish it up) Spicy Red Lentil chili, Ezekial brand wrap w/ a little soy cheese melted.

S- watermelon, coffee
D- baked Tilapia , a Spinach/Portabello recipe from Veg Times magazine this month, and salad.

I am trying some different salad dressing recipes. We mostly use Good Seasons packets (not lo-fat) but I use it sparingly. I tried a balsamic orange vinaigrette last evening; I liked it but DD did not.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

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