ETL Challenge Mon Jan 22


Good morning ETLer's

I think we are all fairly busy to post over the weekend!

yesterday was good for me, in fact the weekend was not bad.

Before 12 mile run, piece of wheat toast with Vegan butter and peanut butter.
B: fruit smoothie
L: big salad with kidney beans and diced Quorn
Snack: genisoy bar
D: Chipotle & Black bean Garden burger ( tasty!), steamed broccoli, brown rice and bulgar, salad
Dessert: fruit smoothie and a piece of See's candy!
Yes Carole you are right about weekend posting...
My weekend was "fair" We had pizza on Saturday night and I had some. I was too lazy and hungry to make an alternative. But yesterday we went out for breakfast and I was able to order oatmeal with blueberries ans pecans. This was a good choice for the diner we chose.

B- smoothie
L- red lentil chili and cauliflower
S- apples and coffee
D- possibly barley mushroom soup and salad or veggie "beef barbeque" (made with Morning Star Farm beef like strips) that is leftover and needs to be eaten I may serve it over cooked bulgur.

I am re reading the ETL book to brush up on the basic concept of it.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Hi Ladies -

I am never on the computer much over the weekends, so I didn't post either. This weekend was good:

B: steel cut oats and fruit
L: homemade hummus with ezekiel tortilla chips and salad
D: went out to eat a vegan restaurant we found and it was so good. I had a vegan "BLT" with tempeh bacon, with a side of creamy lentil soup. YUM! We will be going back there all the time.

B: steel cut oats and fruit
L: big salad with black beans and sported corn tortilla
D: veggie plate - quinoa, brocolli, onion and rice cheese bake, sweet potato, salad, tomato, beans - it was way too much food, I couldn't even eat half of it.

B: Kashi Go Lean Crunch with soy milk
L: No sure, hopefully salad
D: maragrita pizza on ezekiel tortilla, beans, mixed green salad with pears, dried cranberries and walnuts.

I made a new salad dressing last night from a recipe in one my vegetarian books. It had flaxseed oil, nutritional yeast flakes, Bragg liquid aminos, balsamic vinegar and some dijon mustard and lemon juice blended together. It keeps in the fridge for up to 2 weeks, and it has a lot of the nutriets than vegans need - b12, amino acids, omega 3s. It didn't taste too bad either.
Hi everyone

I have been away for a bit and haven't been able to check in. It looks like everyone is still doing well though.

I have been doing good too. Am slowly upping my water intake.

B - Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries
S - Banana
L - Oats, almonds, pepitas and yogurt
S - Grapes
D - Veggies


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