Equipment - Dumbells for PowerHour and SLOW And Heavy S...


I have been doing weights for awhile, and recently bought a barbell set of 55lbs. I only have a dumbell set of 8 lbs. And, I am planning to buy more to complete the DVDs I just bought. What do you recommend I get for the Power Hour and Slow and Heavy Set.
Please advice, thanks
You might want to invest in getting a more complete set of dumbells which will really come in handy in both workouts. I have a set from 3lbs. all the way to 25lbs. and I use them all. As far as your barbell, sounds like you have pretty much all the weight you need. If you want to buy a couple of extra plates (5lbs.), but really, what you have is fine. I don't think I have ever used more than 55lbs. on a barbell. Hope this helps.
I also have a full set (from 5 pounds up to 90 pounds!). I use the 8's up to the 25's all the time (clearly the 30's and above are my husbands LOL). I don't use the 5's too much, but the rest of them never go to waist. I'd get yourself a full set (at least up to 20 pounds), just like the previous poster suggested. You won't regret it. Even if you can't use the heavier ones right away, you will in time.


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