Entirely Stressed Out By My Wrist


Well my wrist is giving me acid stomach and I am posting about it here because I know you guys really understand. My friends and family, while sympathetic, have the puzzled "what's the big deal?" look when I mention how much I am stressed over this.

I am on the last two weeks of a p90x rotation. Woke up with a sore wrist Tuesday, no idea why, maybe I slept funny on it. Thought I might get through back and biceps but just lifting #20 off the rack made my wrist twinge-y so I bagged it and actually did Slow and Heavy legs instead. Yesterday I did p90x yoga, keeping an eye on my wrist. Today, it's pretty sore, and so intellectually I KNOW I should do something other than back and biceps but I don't want to!! I'm totally stressed that my back and biceps have had no work this week. Silly I know. I also know it's silly to lift and risk doing more damage to my wrist. I feel as if I have the devil on one shoulder saying: Lift or you'll be flabby and an angel on the other saying: Be smart. Do something else. UGH! I know I would tell anyone else in this position, don't worry about it, do something else, and give your biceps a thorough going over when your wrist feels better. Why can't I take my own advice?!

Thanks for listening. I know you guys "get it."


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
Oh, Sparrow, do I get it! My DH keeps giving me the "missing one day won't hurt" talk, and I know he's right, but I hate to miss a workout. One reason I don't usually do rotations is it drives me crazy to skip or have to subsitute something. But please do take your own advice. In the long run, you have to admit that a serious injury will be harder to deal with then a messed up rotation.

PS - great choice for a signature line.
Hi Sparrow,

I don't have any advice that you haven't already given yourself but I just wanted to tell you that I do understand & sympathize. I'm sorry you're going through this & I hope your wrist feels better soon! Also, I know how hard it is but please do take your own advice...

Take care,
Smacks Shelley up side the head. Do not listen to the Shelley devil on your left shoulder. Listen to me, the angel on the right.
>Oh, I get it too. It's difficult to take our own advice.
>*whispers* Maybe if you strap the wrist up?}(

Enabler! (I had actually thought about popping out to pick up a wrist strap...) :D

And thanks Robin! That's one of my favorite JB verses. When we were dating DH sent me flowers with a card that said, "Since the day we met, my garden is filled with papayas and mangoes," so it reminds me of him. ( I choose to believe he was thanking me for the happiness I brought to his life, rather than paying tribute to my cup size :p )


My garden is filled with papayas and mangos
My life is a mixture of reggaes and tangos
Taste for the good life, I can live it no other way
- Jimmy Buffett
Sparrow -

I strongly advise that you take care of that wrist. I just visited an orthopedist who informed me that I have a stress fracture on my tibia (shinbone). He didn't ban me completely from working out, but trust me, my routine is quite different now, for at least six weeks until the next x-ray.

I finally caved in and went to see a doc because like you, I kept working out through pain, and of course it didn't get any better. I've been warned that stress fractures can turn into full-blown breaks if not properly cared for, and that one can take as long as 3 months to completely heal.

I caught mine early and got lucky with a 6-week working recovery period.

Listen to your body and take a rest. It may be only a strain that will clear up quickly. Take care, and good luck.
Completely understand!!!!!

my angel says-- If it gets worse, please see your doc...and listen to your own advice.

my little devil says, wrap it, (must of been listening to Shelley's shoulder devil):) lift a little less and it won't hurt as bad and the pain will go away...

UH-OH, my shoulder devil just woke up and knocked the angel off my other shoulder:p


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