Endurance Rotation


I just have to post and tell all that I completed my 1st week of Fitnessfreaks' endurance rotation, plus I have been adding in a couple CMax's,Smax's and lotsa yoga to the list.

My legs are way fried from L&G extreme(standing)yesterday morning. I am very grateful to have my rest day today!!!

My goal is to complete the 4 weeks, which will end on Dec.31
Is there anyone else doing this rotation?

Hi Kate, I'm glad you like my rotation! I like hearing feedback on them because I honestly don't know who is following them or not. Thanks for the post!
Me too! This rotation totally rocks and blasts the fat ;-)

Debbie you are a gem! Thanks for providing this rotation for us!

PS I sent you an email request to jumpstart our freestyle rotation thread for the new year ;-)
Hi Debbie.

I love the rotations you post. I am always checking for new ones.

I did the "One Body Part a Week" for 3 weeks and got amazing results. Thank you for posting these rotations. Much appreciated!!!

I may start this one on Monday. I feel like I may have to add in a little more upper body work? Also, how are you adding in the CMax's and IMax's? Are you subbing them in for some of the cardio or are you doing extra workouts? I have one week before winter break. I will be home the whole week before Christmas and travleing and visiting family the week after. I will be able to do extra workouts the week before Christmas. If I start this rotation on Monday, I can get the first two weeks done, about one week of traveling, then pick up the last two weeks when school starts.

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