End of OverEating Thread #4


Since checking in really helps I'm going to start a new thread, since I feel this is a new beginning for me this week.

Sandra, You're probably right, continuing to read up on this is probably as important as planning. It helps keep all these ideas in the forefront of our brains. I will have to check out Tom's books too along with FWDGF that Clango/Laurel suggested. I have finished EOE but I need to go back and review the ideas again.

Becky, How did the ankle hold up on your test run?

Laurel, Wow 4 dozen cookies and only two bites. Good for you. Hearing your last post I know you'll make it through the move. I can tell just based on your attitude. The attitude you're currently in can and will carry you through it. Let us know how you like Insanity. It's a great rotation, but like Sandra said, I'm glad I'm almost done. The last week becomes a real mental struggle as much of a physical struggle. The journey to the final week was really a great experience.
Hi ladies! I am soooooo happy! My ankle did great on the run!!!:D And, even better, it seems to still be feeling fine several hours later! I did ice and elevate when I got home just to be safe and I will go for my follow up appointment. There were a few twinges but nothing that was painful enough or lasted long enough to make me think I needed to stop. Got in 9.3 miles. We thought it was 10 but when we clocked it, it wasn't. :( That was a little discouraging.

Laurel, I can't believe you did all that baking and only had 2 bites!!! Way to go!!! My biggest downfall when baking is cookie dough...I can leave the cookies alone, but give me a spoon and bowl of dough and get out of my way!!! :p

I also feel like this week is a new beginning for me. I did a lot of thinking...maybe brooding...over the past 10 days and really am tired of letting life and time pass by while I TALK about what I am going to do. This year, I am going to do it. I feel like I have a start and I'm not in that *woohoo!!rah rah!!!* place that burns me out. I'm taking the turtle approach...a little everyday towards the goal....what did you call that concept Sandra???? Oh, yeah...BALANCE!!!!! ;)

Have a great evening everyone! Making spaghetti for DH's birthday and got a teeny tiny little cake and ice cream flavor which he likes and I don't. Again...baby steps forward!
Maybe one of these days my ticker will actually start moving again!
Yesterday was pretty good. I went out for dinner and ate healthy choices and a reasonable amount. I came home and the DH had chips and the cranberry salsa I had just made the day before. I had about 3 chips with some salsa and stopped (it helped I wasn't really hungry), The good news is I didn't blindly keep eating despite not being hungry. :D

Becky, 9.3 miles so quickly after injury. Wow. I hope your ankle is still feeling good today. It's good to hear that balance, reasonable goals and a level head about things is working for you. I'm really curious and have to ask: What ice cream flavor did the DH want? Sadly there are only a handful of things the DH and I don't agree on food/flavor wise.
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Dawn, ha ha! Sorry, just meant I picked a flavor I don't like. Went back and re-read my post...didn't make much sense did it!!?!?!

Just getting back from sports med doc....I'm off the DL!!! My x-rays looked beautiful again and the swelling is very minimal after the long run. He kind of snickered at me when I told him I did such a long run and shook his head. The soreness I DO have is very normal and is probably the area surronding the pocket of synovial fluid being compressed and bruised, He said to let pain be my guide, but there was no indication of any damage which would be made worse by resuming normal activity. So, just pain management when needed and ice if needed as well! Happy dance!!! :D

Just remembered I have groceries to unload...duh! I got so excited about sharing my good news, I forgot them!!! :eek:

Quick question Sandra ~ what is your plan for Thanksgiving on Monday? Just wondering if you have some great ideas I can steal next month?
btw~ I have dual citizenship, but have never lived in Canada....my dad is the only one of his family to have left ...everyone else is still up north.

Catch y'all later, eh!?!;):D;)

Becky... Opps, I figured the ice cream comment out after reading your post a couple time and I must have edited my response while you were responding to my reply, so sorry for the confusion to everyone else. :eek: and more importantly, Woo.to.the.who on the report back from the doctor!!!!!!
I see you're a long way from home these day. Being from a northern state, we find the eh's and 'you betchas' and 'yah there eh's' creeping into our vernacular too (or is 'you betcha; just an northern midwest thing?).
One thing I'm doing short term...I realize they are not the most healthy meals in the world, but I have picked up some Lean Cuisines for myself for lunch or the evenings I'm the only one home. It's built in portion control which is certainly one of my weaker areas. I just need to get the one serving size down so it becomes automatic. I also posted a page with pictures of helpful cues...tennis ball, dominos,etc showing what the size of one portion is for different foods.
A basic tip, but it's helping!


Both are great ideas and fit in perfectly with the baby step mentality you are smartly following. I tend to be an all or nothing kind like you have been in the past. I go directly from being completely healthy to not at all. However, based on your post from yesterday I did go to the store and pick up a few organic frozen meals (they were surprisingly lower in sodium then many others coming in at about 300 mg). They will be great to have around for lunches for when I don't have time to prepare something else.

Thanks for the tips.

So where did everyone else go again? Hello? I'm going to start getting self conscious since I started this thread and no one except Becky has come back again. :D

Don't feel self conscious!! I try to check in every day, but things are getting crazy in this move, and this week has been particularly difficult. But I'm still here! :)

One of the things I've been doing this week is getting my medical clearance to go to Korea (since overseas medical through the military is more limited than it is in the US). The good news is....I got compliments from the doctor for how fit I am! That made me happy. I must admit it felt good to go see a doctor and now I'd been doing everything right.

The bad news.....I'm slipping back into some bad habits. :( I knew this would happen, and the good news is it hasn't gotten out of control....yet. But I'm just having a hard time spending alot of time on food right now when I have so many other things to spend alot of time on. Right now, it boils down to a bit of chocolate here, a cookie there, maybe a little more to eat than I need and a little less working out than I need. If I stay like this, though, I'll be fine. But I hate seeing the old 'I just can't be bothered with worrying about this part of my life' attitude creeping back in.

Becky, I know you'll hear alot of people say that eating processed food like Lean Cuisines should be a 'NEVER!', but I ate frozen dinners about three nights a week when I was losing weight last winter. As you've pointed out, it really taught me portion sizes. Even now I use the caloric content of frozen dinners to guide me when preparing my own dinners. For instance, I aim for main courses that are between 300-400 calories (equivalent to those in many frozen dinners) because I know that is all I really need to eat as a main course. So if eating Lean Cuisine works for you....I say 'Go For It!'

Side note: When I was in the doctor's office the other day, I saw David Kessler on TV (on some news show). I was really happy to see that the ideas he shared in TEOE are still being talked about. I haven't had a chance to read anything new lately, and I think that's one of the reasons I'm slipping off track a bit. I think I'm going to look into Venuto's Body Fat Solution and BFFM to see if they'll help me stay motivated. If anybody has any other suggestions, I'd appreciate them.

I'll check in as often as I can!! Take care.

Laurel, thanks for the encouragement! I WAS a bit nervous about mentioning Lean Cuisine because I know it's not the best choice, but it is a hack of a lot better than pizza or McDonalds! :p
Way to go on the compliments from the doctor! That is awesome!!! ^^^5s!!!! :D
Hang in there! You are AWARE of the slip and that is a huge part of catching them. Can you stock up on some protein bars or some healthy snack that is just as easy to grab as a cookie...preferably something with chocolate? ;)
My house is a mine field right now. My 2 girls are home from college and we went to the grocery store and I caught myself (not until we got home!) stocking up on all sorts of crap snacks for them (and me). Went back to day and got myself some healthier options. It was a big wake up call to me though how i use food/love/home in emotional eating! Yikes!
Okay, need to run. 2 papers to proof read and help format. Ugh!

Oh, I almost forgot....look at my ticker...it moved!!! Of course I changed my goal weight so it has farther to go, but...still....:D
Ate myself sick yesterday...I can't even list it all...you guys would be sick reading the list!!! I AM :( Must figure out WHY I do that to myself. I didn't even enjoy the taste of most of what I ate. Finished re-reading 1st 7 chapters on the book...now I need to get to the *what to do...how to break the addiction part*!
Hi Becky,

:( Sorry to hear about your slip. But you need to remember that they are expected. What was your trigger? Your family was home. Were you celebrating? watching your daughters eat? stressed with all the extra things going on? depressed because your time with your daughters was up or almost up? Think about it. Even if you don't know what the exact cause was, write down what was happening and what you were feeling before you TEMPERALILY got off track.

It's important to forgive yourself and just get back on the horse. Re-reading the book was a good start. Keep us posted.

I had a terrible weekend, but I had a devil may care attitude and I know that's what did it for me.
Hi Dawn! Thanks for the virtual hug and encouragement! I have been doing a LOT of thinking the past few days. I think I am lonely. I have had a house full of kids for years and now no one on a regular basis. Although I am soooo happy about the extra time and opportunities for ME, I am lost. I became a mom at 17...had 4 kids by 21....I've never had a chance to be ME. I'm scared and not sure who I want to be when I grow up! :confused:
I've also had a lifelong struggle with depression...extraordinarily bad with winter...and I've wanted so badly to be off meds this winter...I can do March thru October, no problem since moving South....so I just made the very tough call to my doctor and am going in next week to talk about going on them for 3-4 months. I'm very disappointed in myself which leads to more depression and craving more comfort in food. I've been pulling back from almost all my friends, even on-line communities...so thanks for being there today....I needed to get this out.
Going to keep plugging away and figureing this out!
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Oh sweetie,

While I have been blessed and have not experienced depression myself, I totally understand (from an external view). Depression (along with Bipolar and schizophrenia) runs in my Mom's side of the family.

I'm glad to hear you're going to the Doctor to get help with that. It's also great that you were able to pin point the problem. I totally understand your not wanting to bug your husband and talk to him, but you should let him know what your going through. Maybe you can ease your way into talking to him. Start with a short two minute conversation just telling him your struggling with empty nest sindrome, if you think you can be comfortable with that. He may be more understanding then you think. Otherwise we're always here. :D

How have you been doing otherwise?
Thanks Dawn! :)
I don't mean to do DH a disservice because he IS a wonderful man....just tired of *here we go again* in MY mind! I'm going to take him out to lunch this weekend and try to talk.
Doing ok...food is sucking big time....I'm doing a 15k on Saturday so I really need to eat well tomorrow. I just need 1 good day of eating under my belt and I know I can get back on track. There are definitely nutritional and supplemental vitamins I can focus on while waiting to get on meds and waiting for them to start working. I FEEL much better today...I think sharing a *secret struggle* does take away its power, so thanks for being an ear and shoulder! ;)

How are you doing? Have you noticed any carb or comfort cravings with the season changes? That is such a hard wired biological urge IMO, I would LOVE to know how to defeat the winter cravings.

What rotation are you doing right now? I'm still stuck in cardio mode...really need to get back into weights. I'm noticing a lot of soft spots I didn't have 2 months ago when I was lifting.

Laurel and Sandra, I hope you are both doing well! Check in when you can!


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