Embarrassing female question


Has anyone ever had a "zit" on their n*pple? I mean, one like
you'd find on your face (not meaning to be gross, but puss filled)?
I thought it might be a milk-something-or-other (where the milk
comes out) so I pressed on the n*pple to see if I still had anything
that might come out (it's been over a year since nursing).
Anyway, I noticed that the spot showed a white-head when I
squeezed the n*pple so I tried to pop it as I would with one on the
face. Sure enough, eeww, yuck...the same stuff came out & a TON
of it. Then, just like on the face, it was done. Nothing more. Is
this normal? It's been there for awhile and I have no clue what
made me do that today. I'm wondering with all of the working out
that maybe it got clogged due to the sweat and compression of the sports bra.

Now that I'm completely embarrassed, maybe someone can give me some input.

Hi Sue! Don't be embarrased. (Athough, I probably would be too! :p) I have no idea but thought maybe you could give your OB/GYN or your mammography place a call tomorrow and ask if it is something you should be concerned about. It could be just a clogged pore. I know this is no help. Just want you to keep an eye on it and let us know what you find out.
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Hi :) I honestly don't think it's anything to be concerned about, unless of course you start seeing this constantly. I am 22, and since I was 15/16 I have been getting a few blackheads and a small handful of "whiteheads" on my nipples. Very painful there. My boyfriend recently confided that when he was going through puberty, he got them, too. Perhaps you are going through a hormonal change right now that could be causing the zits in such a strange place? Or, like you said, it could be just an every day clogged pore. You're not alone :) I wouldn't worry yet.

Hi Sue,

It was probably just a zit but please, if it comes back or doesn't clear up COMPLETELY in a few days, see your gyn asap. Don't fool around with any changes in your breast at all. I had a very, very, small change in my nipple that turned out to be Paget's disease, a form of very aggressive breast cancer. Actually, I might be a little more cautious than most due to my previous experience, but I'd call your gyn anyway. If for no other reason but to alleviate any concern you might have. That's what they're paid for!! and remember ladies, GET YOUR MAMMOGRAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks ladies! I stayed up until about midnight doing web research and then finally called our 24 hr. nurse line. It's pretty much gone this morning but I'm still going to call my doc and get in to see him.

Denise, sorry you had to endure Paget's. That's what was running through my mind even though it didn't fall into any of the symptoms that comes with it (well, exactly as stated). Glad to see you still around!


I knew it was you...I just knew it.....hehehe from the other board....I knew it!!!LOL

Really seriously I hope it is nothing and it probably is though I have never has one on the nipple I have had them on the breast itself and they are usually nothing.

Talk to your doctor and see what he says.

I knew you'd pick up on it. Thanks for responding! Let me guess--it was the "comment" about working out that clued you in.

Blessings on your day Annette!

Hi Sue,

I was just wondering if you were able to see your Dr. today. I was thinking about ya.


Thanks for checking...no. DH came home from literally having been in Asia for a few weeks so our day was consumed with readying for his return. It now looks "normal" but I will try to call today although it'd be next week before I could get in.

Thanks again!
Hi Sue! I thought I better tell you what's happening to me right now. About 3 weeks ago I had a nipple zit. I've never had one before, and it popped A LOT, like yours, then I noticed a hard lump in my upper chest area, a little bit below the collarbone. The Doctor thinks it's probably a Lipoma, or benign fatty tumor, and told me to watch it for 2 weeks and come back. Well, it hasn't even been a week and I can tell it's branching out all over the place. I'll be getting a second opinion shortly. I'm not trying to scare you, but my zit and lump seem to have showed up at the same time. Give yourself a thorough self-exam and make sure to go all the way to your collarbone, ok? -Joey

Thanks...I was about to blow it off because things are so hectic. I'll definitely call on Monday for an appointment. Keep me posted on what comes of your situation. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Boy do I feel like an idiot! What I thought was my Lipoma spreading like wildfire was actually parts of my ribcage! (or so says the doctor.) My only explanation for my idiocy is that maybe, as we get older and thin-out in the chest area, there is less breast tissue to cover up the ribs, so the bones will be more pronounced, and might be mistaken for lumps. Anyway, the Doc laughed off the whole zit issue and thought there was no relation between the zit and lump. But the lump and zit did show up at the same time, so I really think you should keep a close eye on any changes in the area. Good luck, and thankyou for your prayers (it worked!) and I'm sorry if I alarmed you unnecessarily. - Joey
Well Praise the Lord...so glad you received a great report. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon but am having trouble with getting a sitter. However, I am still going to go somehow! Thanks for sharing!

For those that have been following this thread...

I went to the doc today and she did an exam. Seems it was just as I expected...a n*pple zit. Her comment was that you'd be surprised the places you can get them. We did discuss Paget's disease and she told me some things to look for (pretty much everything that I'd read online). Anyway, that's the result. Thanks for all of those that responded!

Ditto that! I guess we won't be so quick to freak out next time we get a weird zit. I'm glad everything's ok, too.

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