Elbow weakness during triceps work


New Member
Cathe (or anyone else!)

I am having some difficulty with weakness in my elbows, particularly my left one, while doing triceps work. I don't notice any problems in any other type work, but while doing MIS or PSCST, I freqently get to the point where my elbow will just quit operating; this is long before I have reached any kind of exhaustion in the triceps muscle. It seems obvious to me that I need to strengthen the joint. Any suggestions? I've thought about a support bandage, but I don't want to restrict my range of motion. I'd be appreciative of any suggestions you have.

BTW, I've been working out over a year, but I've only really noticed this in the last two or three months, which corresponds to a switch from a rotation of primarily Firm workouts to a PS rotation (with your cardio workouts).

Thanks, and I really enjoy your tapes. Your instruction is absolutely the best.


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