Egg White Protein?


Active Member
Hey all. I saw an ad for a product that is pasteurized egg white. I'm wondering if anyone has tried anything like this before. The web site talks about how this is ideal in the morning and night (so you're body doesn't go into starvation mode in the middle of the night) and also how it's easy to use in a variety of ways making it great for kids - my 8yo son eats next to nothing and it would be easy to sneak this in to some of the things he does eat.
Anyhoo... does anyone have any insight, experience, advice about this product?
Most online reviews are positive, but I'm new to the whole strength training scene. Is it common to have protein right before bed?
I don't know about this product but egg protein does break down a little slower than whey (a milk protein). If you are looking for an overnight protein that will stay in your system or for a meal replacement, try Casein (or Casien- I forgot the spelling). It's a slow digesting protein that can stay in the system 4-6 hours vs 1-3 with whey.

Regardless of the protein you choose, just know that the vast majority of the population can only use 30-35 grams of protein within a 3-4 hour time frame. Anything more than that and it will not be absorbed into the body, but eliminated in your urine. That will also help to save you some money by not eating more than your body can handle. There is a small population of ppl, a rare amount, that can digest and use almost unlimited amounts. These ppl have a medical condition known as Sticky Blood which also is found in ppl with naturally high-extreme levels of cholesterol (hereditary).
Wow! Thanks! I'm going to look up some Casein stuff. I've been much more hungry since starting STS - especially right before bed.
Gold Standard is the brand that I have; there may be other brands on the market too! Good Luck and I hope you find something that you like.

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