Here is another recipe I found on youtube of all places. I've made it a couple of times now and its delicious. Its perfect to slice up into six servings and take every morning and nuke when I get to work, or if you have company over.
1 container 32 oz. egg whites
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped red peppers (or any other veggie you have on hand)
1 cup fresh spinach
Spray a casserole dish with cooking spray. Pour egg whites in casserole dish, add the onions, peppers or other veggie. Add the one cup of fresh spinach and use back of a spoon to get press spinach down and cover it with egg white. Sprinkle Molly McButter over the top. Bake in 350 degree oven for 40 minutes. Cut into 4-6 servings.
I indivudally wrap in clear wrap so its ready for me in the morning. I eat it with all natural salsa on top.
You could probably add cheese to this before baking but I watch the cheese intake. Also I bought a bag of frozen pre cut green peppers, red pepper, onion mix and add that instead of chopping.
1 container 32 oz. egg whites
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped red peppers (or any other veggie you have on hand)
1 cup fresh spinach
Spray a casserole dish with cooking spray. Pour egg whites in casserole dish, add the onions, peppers or other veggie. Add the one cup of fresh spinach and use back of a spoon to get press spinach down and cover it with egg white. Sprinkle Molly McButter over the top. Bake in 350 degree oven for 40 minutes. Cut into 4-6 servings.
I indivudally wrap in clear wrap so its ready for me in the morning. I eat it with all natural salsa on top.
You could probably add cheese to this before baking but I watch the cheese intake. Also I bought a bag of frozen pre cut green peppers, red pepper, onion mix and add that instead of chopping.