Hey ectomorph, I've got to pick your brain on something. Now, seeing how you described yourself as a potential "marshmallow with four toothpicks in it" I must tell you we're in the same boat.
I know that you have prescribed a heavy, low rep/lighter, high rep weight workout (spread over four days per week), but what's niggling me now is the cardio question. I find the more weight training I do, the less patience/enthusiam I have for cardio. There are times when I don't want to do it at all. But I think I should do SOME. I love that endorphin buzz!
I am currently following your weight training recommendations with cardio ONLY on non-weight days (trying hard to gain muscle here), three times per week 30 minute sessions. Any guidelines or recommendations you could throw out would be much appreciated.
Also curious as to what you have done to reform your shape. And also how much cardio you do. (If you don't mind me asking such a personal question, that is.)
Several of us "ecto's" have weekly check-ins (Ecto-chicks)in the OD forum and I would cordially invite you to join us if you are so so inclined. I know you're busy, don't feel pressured.;-)
Thanks, Maribeth, I have found your advice to be SO helpful. You've saved me a headache or 10,000.
I know that you have prescribed a heavy, low rep/lighter, high rep weight workout (spread over four days per week), but what's niggling me now is the cardio question. I find the more weight training I do, the less patience/enthusiam I have for cardio. There are times when I don't want to do it at all. But I think I should do SOME. I love that endorphin buzz!
I am currently following your weight training recommendations with cardio ONLY on non-weight days (trying hard to gain muscle here), three times per week 30 minute sessions. Any guidelines or recommendations you could throw out would be much appreciated.
Also curious as to what you have done to reform your shape. And also how much cardio you do. (If you don't mind me asking such a personal question, that is.)
Several of us "ecto's" have weekly check-ins (Ecto-chicks)in the OD forum and I would cordially invite you to join us if you are so so inclined. I know you're busy, don't feel pressured.;-)
Thanks, Maribeth, I have found your advice to be SO helpful. You've saved me a headache or 10,000.