EctoChicks into 2003!


Hi, there, my long-limbed sistahs!!! This week I'm starting Donna's 6 week PS rotation that she did last Nov/Dec. How I love that Woman. :D

M-RS, PS Legs (Standing)
T-Interval Treadmill, PS CST
W-St. Max, PS Floor Legs/Abs
R-BM step, PS BBA
F-Intense Moves

Hope you guys are doing well. Angela, please let us know how you are. Everyone have a great New Year and be safe NY's Eve.

Hi Robin,

Thanks for getting us started! I was heading this way to do just that. I really missed Angela last week. My workouts really suffered. I had way to many rest days! :-rollen

I saw that post with the rotation you're planning to do and thought about doing it myself but decided that I would do "the Lazy Girl's Workout" this week. Yesterday I started (couldn't even get myself to work out on Saturday! I've been such a loser lately. But it's really just pilate's for a week or until the Cathe tapes arrive and I preview them. Actually I know which ones I plan to start with regardless - the Pyramid set! :)

So here's my week:

Sun- Winsor Pilate's Accelerated Body Sculpting (WPABS)
Mon- WPABS plus PS:BBA
Tue- WPABS plus PS:CST
Wed- WPABS plus PS:SLA floor work only
Sat- WPABS plus some cardio (most likely the stepper)

You can probably tell I saw the Winsor Pilate's informercial quite a number of times on Saturday and one of the participants said that she saw results in 6 workouts. I know I can't rely on these sale tactics but this inspired my lazy girl workout plan! :) I was being such a couch potato any way, that I decided that lying on the floor working out for 6-7 days would be perfect! :)

But I must admit that the Accelerated Body Sculpting is no walk in the park. I had to really work during this workout and I must say, my core has truly weakend. :( I have my work cut out for me this year! :)

Chat with you all later,
Where are all the Ecto Chicks?! :)

Just reporting in that I had to take a break on Tuesday from the pilate's! My abs/core was pretty sore Monday but I did the Winsor tape anyway! But Tuesday! No way! I took a break but got right back to it last night. I'm not feeling really sore today so that means I can tackle it again tonight and I also think that I must be getting a little stronger because I am improving on several of the moves. But that Seal, the very last exercise on that tape, still gets me. I'll be a while perfecting that one.

That's pretty much it - I wanted to account for my actions so far this week and to see how everyone else is coming along!

Take Care and Happy New Year!
Hey! Here's an ectochick resurfacing in '03! Gosh it feels like Monday but it's Thursday. Too much "familying" for me. I'm anxiously awaiting the return of school :-jumpy!

I've got a new plan for myself that involves working the back/legs 3 times per week. If I'm going to add muscle I might as well try and get on the "largest" ones, eh?

I'll make my grand unveiling on Monday. Stay tuned:)


PS-I'm not slacking this week. Just doing more of the same.
Hi Julie!!

Good to hear from you! I can't wait to hear what you have in store! :)

I'm planning to add muscle this year - I will succeed! :) I'm starting right off with the Pyramid set and Body For Life unofficially! Going to try to eat more so that I can pack on a few pounds. Woo Hoo! :)

Time to hit the road!
Hi Everyone, I know I'm so late, just been a busy week. Had many over new years eve and to make things interesting, I wasn't feeling well and went to bed around 11:30 while the party continued until 1:00. Aren't I a great host!!!!!

I've been continuing on the same routine until I get the IS

M - PS all upperbody
T - LL
W - Upperbody CTX
F - S&H bis and tris
S - S&H legs and shoulders
S - rest

I am seeing such an increase in muscle with this routine, I like it even a tad more than the standard TTR. I think the slow and heavy days are what's building more muscle. Can't wait for those tapes, but I have no idea how to work them in...any ideas??

I was thinking the pyramids would be more slow and heavy, but it sounds more endurance than I previously thought. (which is fine).

Missing Angela too.


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