Ectochicks 4/7


Hey ectochicks!

Is everyone awake out there after "springing forward?" I go to early worship service on Sunday mornings. When my alarm went off at a quarter after five (which my body still thought was a quarter after four!), I didn't know what state I was in.

We had a great thread going last week! We had so many posts we made the "view all" - impressive!:D

Last week was pretty screwy for me. I'm hoping this week will be better. Here's my plan:

Saturday - CTX UB
Sunday - Off for iron I.V.
Monday - LL
Tuesday - PUB
Wednesday - off
Thursday - PLB
Friday - Bootcamp abs

Hope y'all have a great week!

Hi Angela and Fellow Ecto's! :)

You are just too cute with the "we made the View All list". :7 That was funny!

My Friday through Sunday was off too! No workouts although Saturday I did a ton of organizing and packing for someone else! Don't know if I burned many calories but I sure as heck had a lot of endurance and energy! :) By Saturday evening I had an achy back so I rested, put my feet up and had some pain relievers. Yesterday I kept having muscle spasms or charley horses or something in my lower back and upper glute. Wasn't painful just catching me opff guard that I was looking like an idiot at times while out shopping but my daughter and I had a few laughs about it. :) I'm much better today though. I made sure I did plenty of stretching to relax the lower back/glute areas. (Will probably continue with that this week too - just to be safe!)

Anyway I have plans for this week. New goals for me! First I want to keep up with the extra abdominal work and I want to throw in extra resistance work for the legs. I'm talking using my tubes and bands to hit the inner and outer thigh a few nights this week and possibly some glute work too, if I can get the bands to do what I want them to do. Otherwise, I'll have to place an order with Spri for a Lex Loop.

So here's my week:

Mon- lower body plus tube/resistance work
Tue- upper body plus cardio
Wed- cardio, stepper 30-45 min.
Thu- lower body, plus tube/resistance work
Fri- cardio, run 30 minutes
Sat- off (?)
Sun- upper body

This week I plan to do leg training in a mixed format. One day using the S&H legs, another CTX LL and a third without a tape. Each of those days I will do the tube work.

Oops! Time for break! Will check in later,
Hey, Guys. This week:

M-Joyce Vedral's Bottoms Up Upper/walk
T-Bottoms Up Lower/Abs
W-Firm Upper Body Split/interval workout (30 min)
Th-Lower Body Split/Abs
F-PS Shoulders, triceps, biceps/run
S-PS Legs/Abs

I was s'posed to run this a.m., but I got a bit nauseous during the upper body I just walked. I'm thinking I OD'd on shiny spandex during Joyce's workout.:p In fact, I have a headache now, so I'm gonna go lie down.

See y'all!
Okay guys, I just typed a really long note here and my dh wanted to go check email and when he did so he zapped my whole message. Angie...this constituted a response to your question from the last thread and right now I'm sick of so sorry. If you really want a more indepth account of my workout, email me.

Robin....what on earth is ODing on shiny this what this Joyce person wears????? Sorry for the ignorance...I'm a cathe monogomist and I'm happy ODing on muscles. Especially this girl has serious muscle!!!

Workout this week. Yes, more of the same!! I'm really an exciting me (ha ha ha ha )

M - RS warmup and first section. Then Upperbody, most exercises are like Cathe's from the slow and heavy series, but I go really heavy and do 12-14 reps. I add in pushups and do extra shoulder work as this is my whimpy spot. I take as many breaks as I want and it takes about 2 hours or more. I add Ab core work from PUB at the end. My upper body is fried.
T - LL and Ab and stretch
W - Imax warm up and upper body workout again. PUB abs again.
Thursday - probably CK or IMAX II
F - S&H legs and PLB floor work and abs from PS BBA (sometimes I do my shoulder work here and then skip it tomorrow)
Sat - Extended Upper body workout (same as above - heavy) with warm up first. Again, I do as much as I can handle weight wise and being Saturday...I really push. I end with Ab work again (don't know which one of Cathes)

I'm finally seeing muscle development in my shoulders...slow going as it is. I've been really sore, but it's getting better. Last year I did the TTR and liked this very much, but I'm trying this to see if I can get greater development with the S&H push. So far I'm enjoying this and my dh can listen to the news while he works out with me. It's working for me, but we're all different!!!

Have a great week everyone. Angie...good for you helping someone pack and move.....this is of much greater value in the long run than working out. You'll be right back at it this week!!!!

Hi Briee!

What's your email address? Actually I wasn't helping Evelyn pack to move, we were organizing her home. She has a 6 bedroom home but the rooms all need to be tiddied up. My mom forwarned me about the job. She told be that the house was large but very clean, just major clutter - closets to straighten out, cabinets to be organized/tiddied, books shelved by category and an office to set up. I love doing this type of stuff. :)

I think I really need a change because I'm becoming a little restless with my program. Never fails but Robin knows exactly what I'm going through (that lack of commitment/focus to one set program, especially with Cathe posting an April rotation. Thank goodness that's enduranced based!). I really need to get back on track. I missed my workout last night because I was too busy trying to keep up with my 4 year old nephew. He was so giggly last night - I think it may have been the hawaiian pizza we ordered! He ate quite a few pineapples! :) My sister and here husband were late picking them up (Joshua and his big sister) that I was too pooped to do anythiing other than hit the sack!

Tonight I plan to work out no matter what! Haven't decided what to do just yet but I'll know before I leave today! I need a new plan of action! Heck, I need some energy! This dreary weather is bringing me down! :(

But I have been a bit occupied in other ways -- reading back issues of Muscle and Fitness Hers, thanks to Angela! I read the issue with The Cutting Crew article and then a few others prior to that one. One had an article that helped me figure out the number of calories I need daily and it broke it down to protein, carbs and fats! I've been a busy girl! :7 Then there was the article for body types, two 8 week body blast workouts -- still interesting the second time around.

Okay! It's just about time for lunch but I think I will take a lovely power nap! And not that 15 minute rest either. I'm talking 30-40 minutes! :eek: It will be quite refreshing! :7

I'll be back!
YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE!! Run, don't walk, over the slnewmanpt's (Sherry's) thread. Look at her awesome pics. Briee's already seen, I know. Anyway, here's my get those arms, she hit's them 3Xwk heavy, lighter and endurance. Close to what I'm planning now. Course, you're thinking, 'well, she may not be an ecto, like us'. OK, she may not, but just thought I'd mention it.

My goal is to have 'Sherry Arms'. We should have a 'Sherry Arms Challenge'.:7

Back to your regularly scheduled programming.....
Robin, you are a hoot!!! I just answered your post on the other Sherry thread and then I saw this!! Yes we should all have Sherry Arms. Now....I believe I could spot a bicep vein on her and you know how I feel about bicep veins. I'm drooling over here and it could be hazardous to walk around in the same room that I'm sitting in.

What do you mean she might not be an ecto....I think she just might be...see guys we have hope could happen to any one of us.

But I'm still sticking to this S&H 3X per week because I'm extremely impatient and I still believe my muscles are starting to develop. How do I know you ask.........because if I go down stairs at 3:00 in the morning and stand about 20 feet from this full length mirror door that we have on our pantry and turn the light on dimly and flex really hard with my arms at just a certain angle and the light (ever so dim as it may be) reflects off my body....I swear I look just like Cathe. (Oh, also I don't have my contacts in....does this count??). And before you question my sanity.....tell me that you've never done this. Ha....I got you there didn't I!!!!

Briee (the Cathe clone) And Jumpiman (who looks just like Arnold Schwartzneger under the right conditions.)

Oh....Angie, I think you can just click on the mail thing by my name and email me or PM me or PUB me or PLB me or whatever you'd like to do!!!! And I think I slaughtered Arnold's last name..sorry.
Not to mention she has a son who looks like he's about my age! Who says you have to get frumpy as you get older? Go, Sherry!

So, Robin, what's the difference between "light" and "endurance?" I thought they were pretty much the same...

Hi All! :)

I saw Sherry's pictures and I immediately thought - "That's how I want to look" (in a whiney voice). She looks fantastic! I hope she posts her past rotations. I'd love to see what she did and the weights she used. I think that's important to know too!

Personally I think she's an ecto! She's tiny or maybe it's those compact muscles! :) But she looks like she's small boned. As far as I'm concerned she's and ecto and NO ONE is going to spoil my dream! :7 I have to have someone to look up to! ;) Those arms are totally awesome!

Okay, Briee, now I have to go back and re-read the posts to see what it was I wanted from you! :eek: Something to do with a rotation right? It's been a rough week and it's only Wednesday! I've had a mild pounding headache since late Sunday! And nothing's relieving it!
Hey Angela, I hope you don't mind....I kind of threw your name out on the "bloating stomach" thread. I'm sure that book you recommended to me could help her, it's quite possibly diet. I couldn't remember the title, but knew the authors name was elson (haas - maybe?). I notice right away when I combine foods incorrectly, my stomach almost swells!!

Angela! Please post this as I seem to have a bloating problem too. I'm sure most of the time it's something I've eaten but some days it seems to happen for no reason. I need to have a list of foods that are possible culprits so that I can remove them from my diet. Or just work out a new plan! But I really need help!

I'll be sure to check that thread later for the name.

Briee - I recognize the names you mentioned. I'm going to shoot over to Borders and do a search for Haas. Elson Haas does sound very familiar.

This is all I need -- another book to read! :) The stack is never ending!


Hi guys,

I posted a response on the bloating thread. I was out town yesterday and didn't get to visit the boards several times a day like I usually do.;-)

The book is "The False Fat Diet" by Elson Haas. Definitely worth a read. I found a copy at my local library.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

I've had 'The False Fat Diet' before. Did I miss something or are you following that diet Angela? Briee? Angie? Who????

OK, Angela, you're right, 'light' and 'endurance' are the same to me...I guess I lost something in the translation. Sherry said she lifts heavy for upper and lower body, then light for upper and lower, then does an endurance workout. Sounds like she does 2 splits and one total body. That's my impression.

I'm really gonna work HARD to get this wt. off and then I'm gonna follow her lead.
Sherry has given me new motivation too! I'm going to work a little harder developing and defining my muscles. :) When I'm lifting heavy wieghts and see what my muscles really look like under all that tension, I know I have the potential! I just have to stick with the program. And as Briee has told me, really want the muscle! ;)

Robin - I'm not doing The False Fat Diet. I glimpsed through it, read some sections and it just seemed too difficult. I'm sure that was just my excuse! Maybe it was just more than I could handle at the time. But I will certainly give it another try or find a similar book to follow. Something that involves a slow elimination process! :7

Time to go! My mom and I just came from a quick shopping spree! Time to go through my goodies. Woo hoo! I only went to Walgreens!

Talk with you all tomorrow!

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