Ectochicks 4/14


Hey ladies,

Guess I'll start us off again this week. We're having beautiful weather here in central Arkansas - sunny and temps in the 80s! All that hard work is starting to pay off now that we're breaking out the spring and summer clothes!

I'm still doing the heavy/light rotation:

Sunday CTX UB
Monday LL
Tuesday PUB
Wednesday Off
Thursday PLB
Friday Abs

Y'all have a great week!

Hi Angela, yes isn't it beautiful. Glad to see winter leaving!! Only problem we have is "lots of mud" with the new home and it hasn't been landscaped too much yet. We're working on it!!

I had a killer week last week and loved it!! But I have to say, I'm tired today. And LL is having to wait. I'm planning more of the same this week, but don't know now where I'll fit LL in. I'm doing a cardio blast (yes me the cardio hater) in attempts to clear toxins from my system - this is the sole reason.

Sunday - boot camp (not with heavy weights as this is usually a rest day - I treated it more like cardio)

Monday - RS follow by upper body workout - chest and shoulders heavy.
Tuesday - Tai Kwon Do is it for today I believe unless I can fit in LL sometime after we run to Lacrosse. Bis, tris and back in the evening after TKD I hope.
Wednesday - IMAX II followed by S&H legs and PLB ball work.
Thursday - CK followed by upper body heavy, abs.
Friday - LL if I didn't do it on Tuesday
Saturday - IMAX I or II followed by complete upper body heavy and abs

I am focusing on blasting those toxins from my system with cardio, juicing and salads, we'll see how it works, but I just couldn't part with the heavy weight work. I want to add that I didn't think I could do IMAX followed by anything, BUT I love following it with weight work and I'm not half as sore the following day. It must get the blood pumping and warm me up enough to reduce that lactic acid build up or something on that order. Don't quite know all the technical side of it....but it works.

Hope your all enjoying this weather!!

Hi Angela! Hi Briee!

Where is everyone? I know I'm late but usually everyone else has posted by now! :)

I'm still foloowing the heavy-endurance pattern too! I really enjoy doing CTX LL and UB! I think I'm going to keep my eyes open for the other Crosstrain videos. I have 2 to go! I've been catching them at great prices or luckily have had videos for trading. It's taken a few months but I'm almost there! :)

It's funny Briee, how I have been thinking about the juicing idea, havign more raw veggies an fruits....too bad the salad part didn't come to mind! :eek: Let us know how things turn out!

I'm trying something new! Here's the plan,

Sun S&H Legs and shoulders, plus 15 minutes cardio
Mon S&H Chest and back, plus cardio
Tue S&H Tri's and bi's, plus cardio
Thu CTX LL, plus cardio (15 min)
Fri CTX Upper body

I'm going to try scheduling 2 rest days per week because it seems as though I get in 2- 2 1/2 really good weeks of working out and then I start dragging. By the start of week 4 or sometimes the end of week 3 I need 2-3 days to rest because I'm exhausted! So I'm going to try something new here! I'll keep you posted! :)

Whoa! It's time for lunch already! I will check back in later!
Hi, Guys.

My Slim Series DVDs came in and so I'm doing those for now. In case you're wondering, they are all the rage at and being a vidiot to the bone, I succombed and ordered them. :+ Light to no wts and just endless reps. Very challenging, endurance-wise. I can't finish all her reps and I'm SO SORE right now. So far, I'm enjoying this set. Debbie Siebers is a doll. Anyway, if I post the rotation, I'm sure you won't know what I'm talking about, cuz you won't recognize the tapes........but I'm gonna anyway cuz the titles are corny and I like that:

Tues: Shape It Up
Wed: Firm It Up (inner thigh killer!!! I'm so sore.)
Thurs:Mix It Up
Fri: Tone It Up
Sat: Tear It Up (sounds frightening)

I'm hoping to blast off some fat with these and then return to Cathe's heavy wt. workouts.

Has anyone heard from Julie?????

Have a great day, All!!
Hey Ecto's,:) :)

Here's Julie! I've been in the throes of bad news this week. I am slowly coming to the conclusion that I have either Fibromyalgia or Chronic Myofascial Pain if not both. It's basically like getting arthritis in your muscles. As they tighten into ropy bands the nerves become aggravated and inflamed sending off pain signals. I DON'T at this time have a severe case, but it seems something has triggered a flare up. Have to find out what it was.

A stroke of luck: Maribeth also suffers from the same thing and is very willing to guide me on this. She's also told me not to follow the standard advice of no weight training and moderate cardio. So that makes me very happy!:7 :7 :7 :7

I think I felt best on S&H so I'll go back to it. And some CTX cardio.

ANKLE IS HEALED!!!!!!! I think that may have started the trouble.

Have a GREAT Easter weekend!

Julie:* :* :*
Hi Julie,

I'm so sorry to hear about your health problems. I believe there was an article on fibromyalgia in M & F Hers recently. Did you see it?

There is a lot of great information on these puzzling and frustrating conditions on the Web. I know I've learned a lot about my health issues.

Hope you'll feel better soon!

Hey ladies,

I got my nerve up and put in a request for a special workout aimed at us ectos/hardgainers to be among Cathe's new workouts planned for this summer. Since we are such a small minority, I doubt if my hopes will ever be realized, but hey - if you don't ask...

I did PLB last night. Wow, that hamstring work on the stability ball is a killer!

Hey Angela!

I'm glad you did that, she's really put out a lot of low weight/high rep stuff lately. Not complaining, but I'd like to see the pendulum swing the other way. We Ecto's understand, bulking isn't in our vocabulary!

BTW, could you tell me the month/issue of M&F Hers?



I'm glad you put in the request too! When I first saw her April rotation, in the back of my mind I was thinking I hope she puts something together for those of who aren't trying to lose weight.

Thanks for thinking of and for the group! :7 :7

Julie, I'm glad you're back and you're ankle has healed! YES! OTOH, I'm also sorry to hear of this new development. Yes, you're probably right about the ankle injury triggering the new problem. I'm THRILLED for you that Maribeth has experience with this and is gonna help you and I'm also THRILLED that you feel OK to continue lifting wts.

Angela, chiming in to thank you for the Cathe suggestion. I went over there and couldn't think of anything to add to that list. Everyone's suggestions are good and seem to cover all bases. I didn't even think of *us* in particular. (*smacking self up-side the head. :p *) BTW, I keep reading that Cathe is putting out new vids this summer, but I can't find the post. Do you know where it is?

Angie, stop bragging about not trying to lose wt! :* :* DH, gave me some Meridia the other day. I begged and begged :+ . Anyway, I'm hoping to be an official 'ecto who has a hard time gaining mass and NOT trying to lose wt.' I don't think I'll ever be an ecto who's teased about being too skinny again. Those days are gone. Kinda good...kinda bad, I guess.

Hey, Wonder Woman..uh, I mean, Briee, why are you cardio blasting and doing the anti-toxin thing? Is this something you do every season? Year? I'm curious. Sounds healthy.

OK, gotta run. You guys have a wonderful Easter weekend. Be safe.
Hey Angela!:)

I'm finding out that certain things cause flares. Such as injury, illness, lack of sleep, change in temperature and, get this, even a full moon. It sounds crazy but I have an awful time sleeping during a full moon, I guess it has to do with electro-magnetic fields.

I feel like werewolf!}( }( }(

Julie Julie Julie

Julie, good to hear from you, but not so good to hear about your health problems. I'm going to pray that the Lord gives you wisdom to find the answer to these aches and pains. Like Angela said, there is so much information out there, accessible through the internet.

When I was sick, I was getting really frustrated with people offering solutions to the problems because I felt like I had tried everything.....but after a while various things started to help....much of that came through diet and exercise changes. Sad to say very little came through the traditional medicine route. But, to be fair, I had some help from them as well, just had to really dig for the right person who would take the time to research the subject and help me treat it.

Keep us posted as to your progress....glad to hear your not giving up your workouts. We'd have to beat you or something drastic if you did that ;-) ;-) ;-) .

Wonder woman chucks......uh I mean detoxs

Check back in one week and I will not be wonder woman (like I ever was!!!!). And yes I believe this could be called a seasonal thing, maybe that's what's causing it, I don't know for sure as we haven't figured it out yet (obviously). But, in my mind the only answer is to blast it out of the water quick before I'm spending my days hanging onto the rim of toilet....chucking, chucking and more chucking. All I know is that theoretically when one is in this condition the "sickness" is caused by the body dumping toxins and of course those darn hormonal shifts that occur to prepare one for that dreaded day known only to women (and I will ever more curse Eve for that one). So's out, and it wasn't quite part of my plan, but obviously God has other plans.

So now, my part of the plan is to exercise until I drop and then spend exactly one month throwing up and then back at it. And you know, I hate to miss workouts, it is a mental as well as physical thing for me. So in between IV therapy for the dehydration, I'm planning on sticking in cardio and strength days....hows that for a plan!! More later....gotta run.

Just a thought, I believe this condition improves vascularity....maybe I can achieve that bicep vein in the months to come????? Any thoughts?

Angie, I'm such a jerk....I just got your email. We have a screening service and it filters hotmail so my dh just pulled it from cyberspace. Sorry to have taken so long!!!!


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