Ectochicks 3/17


Happy St. Paddy's Day! Hope everyone remembered to wear their green today!

I'm continuing the new rotation I started last week of SH with PH. Here's how my week's shapin' up:

Sunday SH Chest and Back
Monday SH Legs and Shoulders
Tuesday SH Bis and Tris
Wednesday off
Thursday Power Hour
Friday Bootcamp core
Saturday (repeat)

I've really been pushing myself to go heavier on SH and am starting to see pretty good results in the arms and shoulders!

Hi Angela and Fellow Ecto's!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too!

I'm also sticking with my rotation I came up wit as soon as I received CTX Upper Body! I just love that workout! :) Yesterday I decided to increase my weights, see what I could do and had an excellent workout. The triceps are or so sore today! :7

Here's how my week is mapped out:

Sun- CTX Upper Body
Mon- CTX LL, plus a few sets of walking lunges
Tue- Cardio (run 2-3 miles)
Wed- PUB plus cardio (20 Minutes)
Thu- PLB
Fri- Rest
Sat- Cardio (long run)

I picked up some TwinLab Energy Fuel (the drink) and plan to take it before my cardio workouts. I'm having trouble with cardio since I've started this weight training - really since receiving CTX UB! I just have to do that once per week. I'm loving weight training not that I wasn't before! ;)

I am really going to try to get these runs in this week but it's so much easier to pull out a video.

Hope everyone has a great week!
Hi Angie,

I love CTX UB and LL! What awesome workouts! I'm just so thankful I found Cathe's weight training workouts. They're the only thing that's ever made a difference in my body shape.

Hey! Did I tell y'all last week that I was starting Body Rx with a cyber friend? During the 3rd cycle, I'm gonna hit each body part 3X times a week, but for now (cycle 1 and cycle 2), I'll work each body part once a week with S&H. I'm only doing the exercises recommended by Body Rx tho, cuz you have a 3 min rest period b/w sets, so you can really heavy up. I'd be exercising for hours if I included all the S&H exercises.:p My week:

Mon: Chest........I am SO SORE!!!!
Tues: Biceps......I really heavied up. 15 and 12 lb dumbells and a 28.5 lb barbell.
Wed: Back/Triceps
Fri: Cardio.....this program calls for no cardio during the first cycle, but I'm a rebel.:+
Sat: Shoulders/Abs

Frankly, I can't seem to eat all that I'm why does this make me happy????????:9

Have a good one!
Like many others on the forum, we just love reading your posts. You can always make a girl giggle!:7 :7 :7

What's the rep range you're doing and how many sets? I remember reading Body Rx a while back. What exercises are you doing for the chest? It's been a while since my chest has been sore more than just hours after the workout. I know! I probably need to increase the weight and plan to do just that my next upper body day!

Take care everyone!
Hey, Angie,

I'm doing chest press, incline press and incline flies (flyes???) In Body Rx, you really heavy the point that the last set is so hard, you can hardly squeeze out the last few. And, if you miss the last couple of reps due to fatigue, all the better. So, when Cathe says she's lowering her wt. for the next set, cuz she was shaking, I wouldn't do that. I'm supposed to really struggle. You're s'posed to do only 4-6 reps with each set (3 sets) for this cycle, but I'm doing the 8 reps with Cathe.

Also, I will say that, for some reason, I'm always sore after chest work. Even with 10 lbers.:p My back and biceps tho, are not always sore. I'm anxious to see what my biceps feel like tomorrow.

Anyone is welcome to join us at the Ya Ya site!
Hi Robin!

I'll be curious to hear how this goes for you. As I mentioned, I've been trying to go really heavy with my SH workouts and have seen some results. As you mentioned, I'll even go heavy enough that I can't quite make the last one or two reps.

My doc's got me taking a series of iron I.V.s to help with anemia/iron deficiency. Wonder if this will help me become an "iron woman?":7

:) "Iron Woman", that's too cute! :) I haven't done S&H in a while, so I'll be glad when these 12 weeks are up so that I can re-visit the series! PS too!

But I do have a hard time getting a good chest workout. Barbell bench presses make my elbow joints ache while performing the exercises so I can't really go very heavy with those. I think it may be because of the placement of the plates. You know that tube that's on the barbell that stays in between your plates, I think I may need a slightly longer one. I really don't want to have to go out and buy a new barbell and possibly new plates.

Since tonight calls for PUB, I think for the bench presses I will substitute dumbbells. Or am I dreaming here? Do I have my workouts mixed up??? Must be CTX Upper Body. Those are the only 2 upper body tapes I'm working's been a long day. I'm heading home in 10 minutes, skipping the 8th grade class meeting. I just don't feel like hearing those parents go on and on about the same freaking fundraisers set on the schedule. I know the ones I'm signed up for and when they'll take place. They tend to drag a 30 minute meeting into and hour or more. I HAVE THINGS TO DO! :p

Talk with you all tomorrow! :)

Hi Girls, Angie, I have a question here. When you said you're having trouble with your hands being spaced wide enough on your barbell due to the tube in between the plates....can you expound on that. I'm thinking of getting the troylite barbell and I know it's shorter, but I never thought about the fact that it might not allow for a wide enough spacing for my hands during chest presses. Am I totally off here, or what else were you meaning? I have a real long 15 lb bar bell currently, but my husband and I are always competing for it in the morning. I'd hate to get the troylite and be disappointed. Just to add....I have been doing all my chest presses with really heavy DB and I think this has it's advantages over the BB.

My week....

M - Bis and Tris (really heavy)
T - LL
W - Chest and Back really heavy I'm breaking away from S&H a little bit and trying to focus on going really heavy and just as slow as I want which means I'm not always doing 3 sets, just whatever I can do.
T - Cardio day, probably IMAX
F - S&H Legs and shoulders (I may push shoulders to Saturday) again really heavy and at my pace.
S - Upperbody (shoulders if not the day before) Bis and tris probably really heavy again.
S - Rest

I'm determined to put on some serious muscle here, so I'm gonna stick to slow, heavy lifting until further notice (I've heard that phrase somewhere before).

Angela, speaking of iron women....(too cute by the way) does ANYONE know where to get the tshirt or one like it that says "women need more iron" on it. They used to make one by the FIRM years ago, but they discontinued that stuff (only to be replaced by other junk right?). There was a statue of liberty holding an iron weight in a curl position. It looked so cool and I WANT ONE. I told myself that if I got to a certain weight I would order myself one and I was so bummed when I went to order and they didn't have it. I still DESERVE this T and it's been almost 1 1/2 years since then!!!!

Briee, I don't know about that particular t-shirt, but has a couple of cool ones...."A Fit Woman is a Powerful Woman" and "A Fit Mom is a Powerful Mom". As soon as I get fit, I'm gettin' me one!!!:p
Hi Briee!

I have a bar from Wal-Mart that I bought a few years ago and it can with 110 lbs of weight plates. Most barbells now have that wide...circular...round block looking thing to act as a stopping point for the plates and then you use your plate lock to secure them in place so that they don't slide off the bar while working out. Hope this is making sense because I think I'm cunfusing myself here! x( So mine is just a long black bar without the circular blocks/knotches. So picture this, if I stood my barbell up on one end and satarted putting on plates, they would all drop to the floor. Anyway my bar came with a plastic tube that slides over the bar it's about 3 feet long and the bar itself is about 4 1/2. So that's my block, the plates slide on and stop when they touch the plastic tube. This amy be my 'excuse' to get a new barbell. I'll just measure the circumference on the new bar to be sure that my plates will fit (don't want to have to buy more plates, then I'll need a plate tree too!)

I think I really need a longer bar or if I could find a longer tube that may work but then that leaves me less space for paltes but I think there would still be sufficient room. My problem is when my arms are in the bottom half of the bench press my hands and wrists are not in line with my elbows, my hands are further in. So I'll just switch to dumbbells.

Must admit I skipped my workout last night. I was pooped! ;( So today I must decide on what workout to do tonight - full body (PH, ME, or MIS) or do my missed workout (PUB). I want to run tomorrow night and am not sure if I will really want to do PLB once I get home. I'm sure I'll be hungry! :D What do you guys think?

Okay, I'm off to get a little work done. Briee, hopefully you understood my very weird description. Wish I could draw it for you! :)

Chat later!
Thanks so much for going into detail Angie, I would get really irritated if my weights slid down during the recovery phases of LL, you know where you do the calf raises. That would probably give me an excuse not to do LL, heaven forbid. I'm just glad that this is not the troy lite bar as it sounds very appealing at $49.95 (I'm still griping over the shipping charges though which is why I haven't ordered it). So my dh and I continue to fight over the long bar bell.

My vote for tonight would PH just for the fun of it!!!! Have fun.


Robin, thanks for the site, I'll check it out, I'm determined to find that T shirt. If not that one than I want one that says "My mom can beat up your mom!"
Hi Briee!

Thanks for the vote but last night I went for PUB. I thought about the tough leg work in both PH and ME and since I packed my back for running tonight after work I decided to forego the leg work. My original plans were to run Saturday but I know how I get on Saturdays. I run errands early and by the time I'm free, I'm pooped! I had my hands on both videos last night, re-reading the covers like that was going to help me make my decision.

But I had a really great workout though! :) I pushed myself during several exercises and by the time I finished with triceps my muscles were trembling. :eek: I had to take a 2 minute break before beginning biceps. My daughter kept interrupting with her comments last night - "mom, if it hurts maybe you should stop!" and other funny stuff like that. When it gets to be a little rough she always wants to take a rest which to her means going to sit in her rocker for half an hour or more! :D She is SO funny!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. We're supposed to have nice weather, 55 tomorrow, 66 Sunday, so I hope to get a little yard work done (just raking up leavesm around the shrubs, maybe trimming the driveway). I better write up my To Do List before I get off work today!

Talk later,

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