Ectochicks 12/9


Feliz navidad, ectochicks!

How's everybody doing now that the holidays are in full swing? I have to confess: DH and I celebrated our anniversary over the weekend and I had a few indulgences - BUT I did manage to do CTX UB on Saturday and LL on Sunday, so I'm not feelin' too bad about the whole thing.

That gets my endurance workouts out of the way, so the rest of the week I'll be doing the SH series. Wow, my legs are talking to me this morning after doing LL yesterday. And I still don't do the whole thing - I eliminate the step ups and it still kills me!

Have a great week!

Hey, Chicks. Another week of Firm Classics for me. I did 9 Classic workouts last week, plus 3 interval treadmill "blasts" and 3 Winsor Pilates for Abs. Feeling itty bitty.

Angela, contrats on your anniversary. I'm glad you indulged. Hope you had a great time.

I swear, I'm having a fit for the new Cathe's. When I get this way, I start trading and buying up 'other' vids on the swap to substitute. Course, there is no substitute. Maybe I'll just eat chocolate! Yeah, that's the ticket....

Hi All!

Angela - congratulations on your anniversary! Glad you enjoyed yourself and had a wonderful time all around!! :)

Robin - thanks for the link. I think I'll try this on my stairstepper this week. I've done something similar to this on my own. My sprints and recovery times are longer though but I'm done in 18-20 minutes which is still a plus. Maybe I'll try this with my jumprope instead. Decisions, decisions! :)

Okay, last week I had a FEW rest days thrown in but on the days I worked out I either doubled up on the workouts or just pushed myself really hard. So I still had a productive week! :)

This week I'm not really sure what I'm going to do though! :) Usually I know by Sunday afternoon what my plans are but yesterday I didn't give it a single thought. That's what a trip to Borders will do for you! :) I think I spent 2 hours in there! I came out empty handed because I could decide what to get with my gift certificate but I"m off tomorrow and Friday so I have plenty of time to think of ways to spend it! :)

I think I am going to stick with an endurance style rotation. So Power Hour, Step & Intervals, Leaner Legs and the PS Series are part of my plans as well as Power Circuit (I'm expecting that trade in the mail this week). I plan to use the PS upper body tapes after the Step & Intervals and Power Circuit workouts. I tried S&I and PS:CST (skipping the chest section) Tuesday and really enjoyed that combination. So I'll follow this until the new tapes arrive and I lose all sense of control! :D

Will check in again later!
Hi Ectochicks, I am in much better spirits since last week :) :) :). But I did learn something after having that breast infection flu can get really "cut up". I lost about five pounds from being sick and got in the shower on Tuesday and happened to glance in the mirror and flexed. Man, my muscles were so defined and stuck out. Definitely not a healthy thing, but kind of cool none the less. So the moral of the story S&H for a few weeks and get the flu and you'll look great...briefly and feel like cr*p.

Angela, glad you had a great anniversary...anyone who does LL over their anniversary weekend deserves whatever it was that you indulged in!!!Go go girl!!!!

I'm still doing the endurance/slow & heavy rotation also. I'm REALLY liking this. You know how some rotations just seem to be "right" or "fit"? This is one of them and my arms are growing (in a good sense).

T - LL (not sure if I'm looking forward to getting up in the morning. :-tired )
W - Upperbod CTX
Th - Cardio kicks
F - S&H Legs and shoulders
S - S&H Tris and Bis
S - off

One thing Aquajock mentioned was doing cardio before weights. I never do this but wondered if it would be beneficial to maybe do 15 minutes or so before weights. Have any of you done this? I don't know if I want to invest the time to do this...just curious.

Hey Briee,

I read an article online that advised against doing cardio before weights - particularly if your primary goal is building muscle, not weight loss. I looked all over for the article yesterday - yep, a slow day at work - but never found it. I thought I saw it on the Dolfzine site. There's a lot of great weight training info there, though, if you've never checked it out:

Did you survive LL? I did it Sunday and I'm still feeling a slight soreness. That's just an amazing workout.

Oh Robin, you busted me with my fat butt stickin' outta the fridge!

I'm very freaked/stressed out by this whole @#$% thing called Christmas. Trying to get it all done this week so I can MAYBE enjoy the month of December for once. BAh! Humbug!

:-mad :-mad I smashed the living crap out my right index finger in the car door on Monday. WAAH! The swelling and throbbing finally went down today, but about 2/3's of the nail is blackberry purple, EWWW!

So I'm lame. Maybe I should say lamer than usual. Doing my same rotation. But dang that guerilla thingie you put on, Robstress, sounds like good horrbile fun. I might have to try it. I'll have to use a different finger to press my treadmill buttons.

Ah. . . but finally some good news. Last night the pastel society (pastel painter's group) I belong to chose my painting as the ONE to represent our whole pastel society at the International Convention in Albequerque (Albakerky?) this May. Yahoo! How cool is that?

Robin, I'm noticing that when I do interval work, I burn fat like little inferno (okay, big inferno) but, I'm coming to the conclusion that I have to do cardio about 4x's per week. Wish I was one who could forgo it, but no. Do you see the same?

Trying to survive,
Angela, thanks for taking all that time to look for that info on cardio before weights. I really didn't want to spend the time to do the cardio, but I'm hearing of so many doing it, just thought it might be good to try. I am trying to build more muscle though, so I think I'll scrap that idea if it's counterproductive. Thanks for the site too, I'll look into it.

Robin, that fat blaster thing sounds interesting. I may just throw that in on my one measly cardio day for fun (but not after IMAX). I think I'll look for a jumprope and use that for the interval training. The knob on my treadmill machine broke off a few days ago in the fast position, so it's like one long sprint now when I'm on it.

Julie...sorry to hear about your thumb, bummer. Hopefully your a fast healer. BIG CONGRATULATIONS on your painting!!

Back to Angela...I did LL on Tuesday and almost posted my results on the forum, but decided they were inappropriate. It hurts like crazy to sit down and primarily on the toilet seat. I cringe just to walk into the bathroom, just thinking of sitting. I think it's cause I was sick for that week and my glutes took a vacation and are not happy to be back!!! I did CTX Upper body this morning, but nothing is sore from that yet, just those glutes. "LL the workout that bites back". It isn't bad enough that we sweat through those low ends, but they keep gettin ya for the next two days. All for a nice tight end!!!

I've never seen anything like it. The formerly fearsome Firm Standing Legs never got me like LL does.

On the other hand, I think PH may have a similar effect on me, but I haven't tried it in a long time. Seems like a total body workout never fits into my gameplan since it requires a rest day before and after.

As you may remember, I'm not doing any cardio. I may regret it the first time I try the Bootcamp workout. Hmm. Maybe I should pull out my old Firm Tough Tape 2 since I don't have any Cathe cardio.

Congratulations, Julie! What an accomplishment! I'm so jealous. Since I got out of school, I rarely ever do any design work outside of my job. I have an uncle who is an avid watercolorist and everytime he visits, he asks to see some of my work and I have nothing to show. The last time he asked, I pulled out my portfolio and showed him annual reports and brochures, etc.

I love pastel works. Do you have portfolio Web site I could look at? I had hoped to take a pastel class at our local Art Center, but had to cancel. :(

Oh Angela, I would encourage you to keep on trying to take a pastel class. It's really great for beginners because the medium is much easier to keep control of, unlike watercolor and oil. It's also much more like drawing. I'll be happy to help any way I can. ;-)

I had taken one year of commercial art school get this: 20 years ago. Hated the school AND the instruction and quit. Didn't resume any creative work unitl about four years ago. And now I'm just about to finish my fourth painting. I am very slow and very detailed. My work is visually very accurate but not an actual photographic copy of the original.

I've been taking Atelier style classes the last few years. Really neat, it's based on the instruction of the "Old Masters" where you intensely apprentice under an established painter and learn to accurately "see" things using techniques that date back as much as 500 years (Da Vinci).

Alas, I have no website at this time. From what I understand, your work can be blatantly plagerized (SP?) on the web with very little you can do about it. But, if I ever get there I'll let all artistic ecto's know.

Boy, I was feisty yesterday.
Hey, Chicks. So far, so good this week....except I haven't done a cardio guerilla fatblaster thingie yet!!! My legs are just too tired. OTOH, did ya'll see Francine's pictures on Trevor's 'picture' thread?? Francine is the one who originally posted this workout and her photos have made me more motivated to do this more often. Maybe when I'm not doing 2 Firm Classics per day (which I'm enjoying BTW.)

Julie, glad to 'see' you're get outta that fridge! There's not room for both of us. LOL. You know...I haven't noticed that interval workouts increase my metabolism. At this point, I'm not sure ANYTHING will help. I remember that I walked 2Xday (2 hrs total) when I lost wt. b/w my first 2 babies, and so that's why I'm doing 2 AWT vids per day now. Maybe it's quantity and not necessarily quality(intensity) that helps me. And of course that clean eating nonsense might help *some* BLAH! I hate to see the Christmas season stress folks. It's not supposed to be that way. Take some extra time to relax, OK? (I know that's easier said than done).

Back to the Guerilla treadmill thing. I told ya'll, I did it 3X last week and I was drenched in sweat after 12 min. It was dripping off my wrists. I really thinks it's a fatblaster, but not a muscle waster. Kinda like the BFL theory that shorter (less) more intense cardio saves sprinters muscles vs marathoners. (Did that make sense?)

I envy you artist types. Wish I had that gift. Julie, congrats on your picture being chosen. You must be thrilled!

Chat Latah!

Angela, I just finished reading that article. It's right on!!! If I just cut the carbs and concentrate on protein for a day or two I drop 2-4 pounds almost immediately and get much leaner more defined. Always have a big salad for lunch,(which I admit I am thoroughly sick of, but it makes my body function MUCH more efficiently. (I can't use dressing so this is really boring, but it makes me feel better.) I loved the recipes and will try them except I'll use soy free veggie protein powder instead of egg or whey powder. And I can't use too much fruit currently so I'll go light on that. Thanks it's a cool site. You also gave me the answer to my pull up question through this site. Great article on how to do pull ups - I'm trying it!!!

Has your friend given you the money to reorder your tapes? Hopefully, it won't take long to get them replaced. You could do some weight training and cardio on your own in the meantime. The current issue of M & F Hers has some great weight training workouts for the whole body, plus cardio and instrux on different training splits.

Hey, Robin!!!!!!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-02 AT 11:30AM (Est)[/font][p]I hope you don't mind me digging up the post for Cathe on the second installment of the "ecto rotation". It looks like she's sort of back on the forum again.


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