Ectochicks 03/03/03


Oooo! The mysterious oh-three-oh-three-oh-three date! Maybe this will be a lucky day for all of us!

I'm starting a new rotation this week. I'm dusting off my SH tapes and will be working with these for a while. Did Chest and Back Saturday and Legs and Shoulders yesterday. Looking forward to Bis and Tris.

I'm also cleaning up my eating. No more sugary snacks. Guess I'll have to let hubby have those Girl Scout cookies I ordered.;(

Have mercy! I forgot I ordered cookies too! :) And I'm trying my best to cut back on sugar. I don't use a lot but I tend to have more during the late fall/winter months - for my hot tea, hot cereals and then the enormous amount of sugar in a single package of hot chocolate! But with spring just around the corner - it's water, water, water! No more dashing to the lunchroom to make a hot beverage to warm up before I begin my work day!

I've already tapered down on the starches - reduced the pasta intake to once a week.

Here's my schedule for the week:

Mon- a.m. 20 minutes cardio, p.m. Pyramid Upper body
Tue- p.m. Pyramid Lower Body
Wed- a.m. 20 minutes cardio, p.m. Pyramid Upper body
Thu- p.m. cardio 30-45 minutes
Fri- rest day
Sat- MIS
Sun- cardio 20 minutes, plus level 1 Ballet I workout

Will decrease the number of reps on the pyramid sets. I'd like to gain some muscle mass over the next few months. I know it won't be much but I'll take whatever I can get! :)

Have a great week!
Hey, Gang. I continue this week (week 3) with Amyfit30's Intense Fat Blaster rotation. I haven't lost any pounds, but I do believe that my clothes are a bit loser. At church yesterday, someone called me "The Incredible Shrinking Woman". I know most ectos can't relate to this, but *some* of us can. OK, a couple of us can. Har!

Angie, I'm trying to figure out what to do for my next rotation...would you check last week's thread? I have a question there for you.

Julie, how's the ankle doing??? I hope it's healing fast and you can return to the world of Cathe soon.

Have a great week, Everyone!
Hey Dollies!

Had to revert back to "C&C": crutches and couch bound. Of course I overdid. I think everone does in this situation does, don't they? I mean it kinda feels like you're returning to normal, but then the pain starts in again. Dr. gave some naproxen for pain, but I won't know if I've done too much walking if I take them. The vex of modern medicine.

I got some great ideas on water workouts form AquaJock, aka "The Cathe Freidrich of the Pool." So I'll try some of that business, I'm looking forward to it.

I just feel so fat! But, you know what? It's ttotm and I'm making my best-ever muscle gains doing S&H upper body with NO cardio. So I can't really go by what the scale says. For legs I can handle PLB and SLA floorwork, no standing leg work, and I rediscovered a great FIRM tape. "Lie Down and Workout", a re-edit of Tortoise and Hare floorwork. Very good, with lower reps rather than endless reps.

Robin! I just heard a news report about Mardi Gras parade revelers taking off their clothes and throwing them into the crowd. Does that include our incredible shrinking woman?

Have good week everyone.

Julie:9 :* :+ :7
Hi Robin!

In answer to your question I don't remember doing that mini rotation. :eek: See what happens when your patience is short with fitness rotations? Too many rotations and so little time. I'm sure I copied it and I must have started it but more than likely something more exciting came along and I moved on. But I'll look through my journal tonight and see what I find. :)

Right now I'm going to take a look at that rotation maybe that will jog my memory.

I'm heading home! My head's been throbbing off and on all day. Had a mild migraine yesterday so I'm dragging today. I think I'm going to rest for a bit then get up and tackle PUB!

Talk with you all tomorrow!
Julie, some good ole C&C never hurt anyone. PLEASE don't rush too soon. So are you taking AJ's classes, or water advise?. Do you get to do this frequently? I'd just love to get to one of her classes, sounds like so much fun.

I have to say I am on a very loose rotation. This morning (I'm sure being Monday and Sunday was a rest day) I was just so motivated so I did S&H tri's, bi's and shoulders. It was just one of those great days where I gave it my all. I used to put my S&H work at the end of the week, but this just isn't working, I lose concentration by then, so I'm going to do endurance stuff at the end of the week instead.

Haven't been watching diet and DON'T care. I don't get into sugar much, so that's not a problem. Carbos are my problem, I put on my Karate pants for class tonight and they were tighter than normal. But to be quite honest, I'm in the "I couldn't care less mood" and I'm feeling good and having fun working out. We'll reevaluate things closer to summer!!!!!

M - S&H tris, bis, and shoulders
T - LL
W - S&H Chest and Back
F - S&H Legs and CK
S - Upper body CTX
S - Rest

Angela, I'm so glad your starting up the thread wasn't the same without you!!

Yes, Julie, I do believe everyone over does things after an injury. Esp. us masochists.:* REST! I'm really curious to hear what happens after all your floorwork. See anything good happening? I need to do more and I've often wondered if just floorwork would make big changes. I've seen your buns, so I *know* you did something right.

Yes, Julie, that was me throwing my clothes into the crowd. They were throwing them back.:p

Angie, thanks for checking for me. I know I want to do a S&H rotation...just searching for the right one.......and then....

...I saw Briee's! That looks like a great rotation. Have you done it before? Let me know how it works for you. I may start that one in April for 4 weeks.

Angela, I concur with Briee. Nice to have our fearless leader back. :*
Thanks, ladies! It's good to be back, although I'm still not up to my previous level of fitness. My doc tells me I'm anemic, so that could certainly be part of the problem. I'm supposed to go in today for an iron infusion by IV. Maybe that'll pump me up.

Where in the world did you find that mooning smiley face?

Robin - sorry I didn't get to check my old journal last. I went home had something lite to eat and fell asleep a half hour later on the couch in the basement (as planned)! Only thing is I hadn't planned on sleeping until 9 p.m. :eek: But I did manage to get up and workout around 10:30!

I think I gained endurance/strength from the legwork but no definition. I didn't have many tapes to rotate with and soon moved on to something else. But from now until May I plan to incorporate floor legwork or ballet work into my weekly plans. Another experiment of mine!

Time to do some office work around here!

I love that mooning smiley face too! What a riot! :)
Robin, I've done this rotation for...lets see now if I count yesterday and today.....yep two days. And let me tell you what an incredible difference I've seen in muscle definition, veins poppin everywhere, incredible strength gains.....ha ha ha ha ha. Sorry it's getting late for me here as I'm an early to bed person. I'll let you know how it goes. Only problem is that I kind of left out PUB and PLB unthinkingly of course. I may sub them in for LL or CTX Upperbody sometimes, but for this week, I'm sticking to my plan. I may substitute some of the ab work from the intensity series in place of Cathe's old ab work, just for fun and something different. I've got to use that stability ball after forking out $ for it!!!!!

I realize how much I missed when I hadn't done LL while in FL. I did it this morning and nearly passed out..OUCH. I'm sure I'll be feeling it tomorrow. This rotation (if you can call it that) is something I'm tailoring for me. I'm looking for upperbod development so I'm really working my UB. It's always interesting to see people trying new rotations based on what other's have achieved. Everyone is incredibly different....I think it takes a while to know just what "your" body needs to get the results you want. What works for one may not do much for another. Just my philosophy. This is not to say that I don't care to read how other's have responded to certain rotations and I appreciate this site as we have similar body types.

Robin, am I to understand that you live in the Minneapolis area as you have viewed Julie's buns? So have you been to AJ's water class too? I'm always up for something new and different in regards to workouts and I would love to try a tough water workout.

Angela, I hope your iron boost helps, it should!!!! Keep on going, but in no way overextend yourself...your wise enough to listen to your bod!!!!!

LOL, Briee. No, I don't live near Julie and haven't seen her buns in person. Remember Debbie H's thread dedicated to you? Julie posted a pic of her buns there. HAHAHA!

See for more smilies.

Y'all, I'm overtraining with Amyfit30's challenge. Too much high impact cardio or just too much cardio in general. I don't know which or maybe it's both? Anyway, I just ache! And I don't want to exercise, which isn't like me. I'm taking it easy for the rest of the week.
Robin, GOOD FOR YOU to realize that your overtraining. I swear...we have to start doing workouts that fit OUR body not someone elses!!! Do what works for you girl!!!! Maybe you just need to leave some of the cardio out. (easy for me to say, I'm just not a big cardio fan). Or maybe you need to try MY rotation as I'm seeing such INCREDIBLE results as stated above :7 :7 :7 :7 ha ha ha.

Seriously, do what works for your goals and drop the PRESSURE!!! And you too can have identical buns with Julie just by clicking a button!!!

Wow, okay maybe I was just kidding. Maybe you could take a rest day and then go back at it, but maybe with a little less intensity and maybe a rest day like every fourth day. Sometimes this helps. I know that on Monday I can always do more!!! Don't know, I'll have to think about this one.

I just lost probably more than 2 inches from my chest (of course this was due to weaning a baby!) I'm happy to be flat again, they really get in the way of workouts and I hate IMAX type stuff with them going all over the place. SO REJOICE!!! There is a positive side!!


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