Ectochick Check 12/2


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-02 AT 01:43PM (Est)[/font][p]Welcome back, Ladies,

Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday! I managed to workout Friday and Sunday, so I'm still pretty much on schedule.

It will be another week of combo slow/heavy and endurance work for me. I'm still doing CTX UB and LL for the endurance and alternating SH, PS and gym work for the heavy.

Briee, I was following the strict elimination diet, but I treated myself a little over the holidays. I can tell it - feel kinda cruddy today. I'm back on the diet today and will be until this weekend when DH and I go to a B & B for our anniversary.

I know exactly how you feel on the donuts/croissants. Sweet stuff and baked stuff (or a combination! :9) are my big weaknesses, and once you get started, it's sure hard to stop.

Hi Everyone!

I didn't do too bad myself last week. I missed my Thanksgiving morning Power Hour session though! :( Up too late the night before on the phone, so I was dragging and sore that morning. So I did Step & Intervals before heading to my sisters' and when I returned home I got on the the stairstepper for 30 minutes. Friday morning I headed to the park for a 6 mile but little did I know that some junior football league was having playoffs in the park! There were 2 games in progress and several teams warming up for the next set of games. As I was running along the trail at times I was constatnly on the lookout for little tiny players running around, practicing drills and some of the bigger guys tossing the ball. After 3 miles I called it quits. I didn't care for footballs being tossed over my head and I felt a liitle bad running through their warm-ups. :) It was a good day all the same! :) The little guys looked so cute!

This week I plan to stay with the endurance training. Here's my plan:

Sun- Leaner Legs
Mon- run 2 miles or Step & Intervals/cardio only
Tue- PS:CST and stepper (15-20 Minutes), Speedwork in the evening
Wed- run 2 miles
Fri- run 6 miles
Sat- Power Hour

Hopefully I will keep on track. Our company Christmas party is this Friday so that's incentive enough! :)

Take care! It's lunch time for me! Gotta go!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-02 AT 04:03PM (Est)[/font][p]Hope you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving holiday.

I'm still following my version of Body Rx eating. Doing well. I strategically used Thursday as my "free day" and ate a whole days worth of food in ONE sitting on Thanksgiving (I usually eat 6-7 small meals in a day). I felt like a snake that swallowed a water buffalo all afternoon. Can't be a pig even if I try x(. LOL Oh, well live and learn.

As far as working out goes, it's like this:

Mon-CTX Step & Intervals + CTX CST
Tu -Leaner Legs CTX BBA
Th -Slow and Heavy total body split
Fr -Kickbox
Sa -Cardio of choice OR Circuit Max

I love this little rotation for me.:*

Robin, I'd like to know what kind of results you're getting from doing so many Pilates sessions. Have you seen any major changes? I just about ordered the Winsor set when I watched the infommercial. Is it too easy for a "Cathe-grrrrrrl" like you?

Just picked up the "False Fat Diet" from the library, can't wait to look it over.

Take care,

LOL, Julie! I kinda have that "snake that swallowed a water buffalo" feeling this afternoon. It's funny, the morning after Thanksgiving, I felt great and my belly was flatter than I'd seen it in a while, but by that afternoon I was bloated again and have been ever since. Guess I have delayed food allergies.

I had one piece of Pecan Strudel Pumpkin pie that I cut into three portions and nursed all day. Also ate a few cookies and one piece of fudge. Thought that was being pretty "good," but I never eat this kind of thing, so now I'm paying the price. Dang. Sure was tasty, though!

Hey, Long Limbed Mamas! I did SO WELL on Thanksgiving Day. We didn't have pie, so the apple struedal type dessert was easy to resist. How I applauded myself, bragged on me, and patted my own back ad nauseum. Then, on Friday, I ate enough cookies to kill a horse. Back on track tho, as of Sunday. Also, I'm gonna workout out thru December (at least that's the present plan) for 2.5 hours a day. Yes, you read that right. 2 Firm Classics, Winsor for Abs, and a treadmill workout called "Cardio Guerilla Fatblaster", that was posted on this forum by Francine a while back, every day Mon thru Fri. I'll be through just in time for the new Cathe's!!!

Julie, yes, pilates has to be the most boring workout ever created (I think by Satan himself...right after T-Tapp) BUT!!!! The Winsor Abs tape is only about 15 min or so...really short-YES MA'AM, I'm seeing a change in these abs (and I use the term 'abs' loosely). As for the other Winsor tapes, I had the accelerated and the total body tapes at one time -- I think I did them once...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Really, in true Cathe style, if I'm not pounding the crap out of all my joints, screaming in agony, sweat and snot flying everywhere, then I just ain't happy! :D

Have a good one!

Hey Ectos,

Better late than never right??? I had a week I'd like to forget. Angela, glad your back on the diet. I blew it over thanksgiving. I made Soy Pumpkin Pie and apple pie with only honey. I can't seem to even have honey or my body flips out. Also, had some rolls that I made for everyone else. This really doesn't sound that bad does it?? but for me it's off limits.

Saturday night I got a major breast infection (worse than the flu) and I've been trying to clear my system from the junk since.
I resisted taking the antibiotic and instead ate TONS of garlic and vitamin C. Well...enough complaining.

I managed to do PH on Thursday and IMAX (modified somewhat) this morning. Glad muscles have memory!!! This coming week can only look up right?? I will get back into the swing of things, Lord willing. Glad you are all here to keep me accountable.

Hey Briee,

Sorry to hear you're feelin' bad! Hope things will get better soon.

I know what you mean about the slip ups over the holidays. I feel like I'm still trying to recover from mine. What's tough is DH and I are scheduled for an overnight stay at a B & B tomorrow nite for our anniversary - that means Sunday morning I'll have all kinds of forbidden food to eat for breakfast! Yikes!

Angela, you guys have a great time for your anniversary and don't sweat the food, you can come back home and go right back at it!!! Enjoy yourselves!!!


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