Ectochick check 11/25


Alright girls, we're officially entering the holiday binge season. As they used to say on Hill Street Blues: "Let's be careful out there."

My gameplan for the week is to continue with the combo slow/heavy and lighter/high rep workouts. Did CTX UB on Saturday and will do LL tonite, then the rest of the week will be slow and heavy.

Hey, Ecto Babes! This week is a Firm Classics week. I think I'll stick with Vols 1,2,3.
Mon-Vol 1/Winsor Abs
Tues-Vol 2/Winsor
Wed-Vol 3/Winsor
Thu-Vol 1/Winsor
Fri-Vol 2/Winsor
Sat-Vol 3/Winsor

My folks are coming this week, so I'm sure to miss a couple of workouts. I hope not, tho.

Still doing the False Fat Diet and it's really turning out to be easier than I thought. I feel absolutely maaaaaahhh-velous.

Check ya'll latah!

Good for you Robin!! Stick to that diet, I'm wanting to know how it's going so keep us updated. I will report this....I just read the blurb about the book (false fat diet) that Angela posted and stopped eating certain foods he listed together and my 2 month digestive problem disappeared almost immediately and I haven't even got the book yet. Also of interest. I ordered a thin wedding band to hold my regular wedding band on (didn't want to size the original as I never know when I might get prego and need it larger) When the ring came in I couldn't get it on, but I took it home anyway. After two days of combining foods correctly, my normal band was once again falling off and I am using the new band to hold the old one on, it fits perfectly now. Also, my stomach is flat again, I was so bloated and gassy, and also the flax wasn't adding the gas, the incorrect food combinations were. I feel great now, isn't that incredible!! GET THIS BOOK. THANKS ANGELA.

As for this week. I've made up my own rotation with the intention of working legs twice (once light, once heavy) and Arms and shoulders three times, twice heavier, once light. Definition is really progressing.

M - PS CST BBA (I'm trying to go really heavy on one of the sets so I can only complete 6-7 reps in the second set)
T - LL
W - CTX Upper body (to me this is lighter, high rep)
Th - Cardio Kicks or RS
F - S & H Biceps and Triceps (I'm using the pyramid approach with this...first set heavy, second set really heavy so I can complete maybe 6-7 reps, and third set back to heavy.)
Sat - S & H legs and abs Once again doing the same pyramid approach as above. This makes for a much more interesting workout, I love it. I did squats with 72.5 pounds on my shoulders for the really heavy 2nd set, I was able to complete 7, but will admit, I felt really good that day, it's not always that way.

NOTE: Go to bed early, see what a difference it makes if you workout in the morning. I feel almost super human. Also I ate a good amount of protein evenly spaced the day before. It made a big difference in performance


Sorry I rambled on here!
Wish you had warned me of this last week! :) I did quite a bit of binging last week and my workouts were non-existent! I ran Tuesday and that was it! And I had McDonald's twice! }>

So I need to get busy this week! I have all of my workouts planned starting with yesterday! Here's the schedule - you all let me know if this seems like it's too much!

Sun- Power Hour (it felt great doing this, all of it!)
Mon- 2 mile run or stepper for 45 minutes
Tue- (a)Power Hour or (b)Leaner Legs
Wed- (a)Rhythmic Step or (b)Step & Intervals
Thu- (a)Power Hour or (b)Leaner Legs
Fri- 6 mile run, abs or (b) 6 mile run, PS:BBA
Sat- Winsor Pilate's Accelerated Body Sculpting

I have the (a) and (b) options there because tomorrow's workout is really going to depend on how I feel. Today I'm a little sore all over but it may ease up before tomorrow night, therefore allowing me to do PH again. But I really want to get PH in 3 times this week. I'm using a light barbell (20# for warm-up, 15# thereafter until I get to the triceps and biceps sections, then it's decreased to 10#). Light enough to feel all the reps but not so terribly that I can't finish all reps in the set. With the exception of the low-end lunges! I take a break right about that time! :) I'm working on it though! :)

Have a great week!
Going to have to check out this False Fat Diet book! Is that the correct title? Who's the author? Sounds like interesting reading.

The False Fat Diet by Elson Haas. You can check it out at his Web site:

There's other great information there, too, that you can read online.

I started the total elimination diet today. I'd already eliminated the "sensitive seven," and that wasn't enough, unfortunately. Glad to hear things are going so well, Briee! That's fabulous!

Good Day Ecto's!:)

I've got the "False Fat Diet" requested at the library. Wow, what encouraging words I've read about it.

I found out part of my "stomach problem" (read gas) was due to the soy that I've added. No good deed goes unpunished, but anyway, my old bud "Beano" is coming to the rescue.

As far as eating goes, I'm going to do Body Rx in my own little half-a**ed way. (Don't tell the BRx zealots, okay?) But I noticed a huge, quick change in just the three days I was on it. I was attributing that to my reduction in cardio. But now I see that's not the case. So, attempt number two.

Just finished week three of Slow and Heavy as written, one time per week. Glad to put it to rest. Tried to do six weeks of it, but no way. Weird: I just never quite get the results I want with that tape. So, back to CTX and S&H "total body split".

M-CTX 10-10-10 Chest Shoulder Tri Abs
T-CTX Kickbox Back Biceps Abs
W-CTX Meaner Legs (Say a prayer for me;-))
TH-Yoga abs
F-S&H "One Day Split" abs
S-cardio of choice

I REALLY noticed results when I was on this program prior to S&H. So, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Only you guys could understand this: I started getting tears in my eyes when I read the video descriptions Cathe posted. :-rollen It was kind of excitement/joy but really I was just touched by how hard she has worked on this CONSIDERING her all ready full life. God bless her. I can't wait for my DVD's. :-jumpy

Did anyone else order the Terminator?

Have great week. REMEMBER: Turkey is an excellent source of low fat protein. ;-) (Hmmm . . . I wonder if cheesecake is, too?)

False Fat Question

Angela, is this different than that thing that Suzanne Sommers does with food combining? It sounds pretty similar.

RE: False Fat Question

Yes, it is. He mentions food combining as helpful for folks with digestive problems to try, but that really isn't what this is about.

This is all about determining your individual food sensitivities and eliminating them. Here's a little excerpt from the first chapter:

You're not nearly as overweight as you may think. Much of your weight isn't even fat. It's "false fat" - the bloating and swelling caused by allergy-like food reactions - and you can shed it almost immediately.

This false fat is not your fault. You are not a glutton. You are not lazy. You just have a very common metabolic problem: food reactions.

You can solve this metabolic problem. The problem is not permanent, and it's not hard to correct. You can solve it over the next few days. It need never return.

When you do solve this problem, you'll regain your power over food. As your false fat fades, so will your food cravings and certain metabolic disorders. You'll begin to lose your true fat steadily and surely.

I urge you to carefully consider this great news. It will be your key to having complete power over what you eat, and over the biochemical reactions that foods cause in your body. When you have this power, you will have an entirely new way to solve your weight problem. [As well as many health problems! - Angela]


This is an amazing book. I'm recommending it to everyone - particularly those of us thin ectos that are plagued by abdominal bloating/fat.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-02 AT 04:32PM (Est)[/font][p]Angela,

I don't have the book. What's the total elimination diet????? And, am I supposed to be combining my food properly? ie-fruits alone and pro/carbs separate? I eliminated the seven foods, but I'm wondering if I should be doing more.

Thanks in advance!!

Angie, you're week's rotation looks grand. Let me/us know how PH 3Xwk works out.

((((((JULIE)))))), you're so sensitive!! Yes, I cried when I read the vid descriptions, but it was due to FEAR!

Here are the choices from the strictest to the easiest:

1. The Juice Fast - consists entirely of fruit and vegetable juices as well as "Master Cleanser Lemonade"
2. The Total Elimination Diet - consists only of foods generally recognized to be non-reactive
3. The Sensitive Seven Elimination Diet - eliminates soy, corn, wheat, dairy, eggs, sugar and peanuts
4. The Limited Elimination Diet - eliminates only the worst offenders: wheat, dairy and sugar

#1 and #2 are relatively difficult to follow and are not meant to be used long-term - only until your body rids itself of reactions to bad foods. Some people choose to spend two or three days on these plans, then transition to one of the easier plans.

On all of the diets, you must also eliminate any food you eat virtually every day, because chances are, this is one of your addictive/reactive foods. And yep, this is what really hurts! :)
Hey Robin,

Good luck with the Total Elimination. I'm on Day 3. It's not hard in a way to give up your favorite foods because 1) hopefully, it's only for a limited time and 2) if you're tempted, you think, "Hmm. A couple of bites of the forbidden food and I'll have to start all over - sure don't want to do that!"

I haven't felt quite myself, but on the other hand, I haven't had any really bad cravings or irritability - yet. Still four days to go, though!

Volume 3 is probably my favorite of the "Classic Firms." It's a real tough workout. I like Sandahl. Did you see her in the Conan movie?

Well, ectochicks, have a great Thanksgiving and good luck to you if you're planning on shopping on the biggest shopping day of the year...

Hi Angela,

Just wanted to give you some moral support. I just read what you posted on the "will I allow myself to be thin" thread. You are 100% correct. You asked me how I'm sticking to my diet on another thread and I remained silent for a reason. It was a VERY bad day of eating. But keep in mind, I've been battling these breast infections for seven months and have not eaten a stitch of sugar, even fruit sugar. My baby has been cut back to nursing 3 times a day and I feel so much better already, so much so that I decided I would try a bit of donut that the kids were eating. Well.....three donuts, two croissants, and a few cookies later, my head was spinning and I felt like cr#p. I can only agree too whole heartedly with you that I have an addiction to these foods, even after all that time, I couldn't stop with just a taste. I am truly like an "sugarholic" with donut type stuff. I have to completely stay away from it or I get sucked in and can't stop. I did order that book from the library and will officially start it as soon as it arrives. I believe I've been pretty much following much of it, but the food combinations are helping my bloating and gas. Fascinating stuff being debated here on the Cathe forums. Have a fantastic Thanksgiving Ectos, I just finished making sugarfree jello with strawbs and bananas (I know not fruit sugar free, but I'm cheating a bit on thanksgiving) and pumpkin pie made with a little honey and soymilk.


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