Good Day Ecto's!
I've got the "False Fat Diet" requested at the library. Wow, what encouraging words I've read about it.
I found out part of my "stomach problem" (read gas) was due to the soy that I've added. No good deed goes unpunished, but anyway, my old bud "Beano" is coming to the rescue.
As far as eating goes, I'm going to do Body Rx in my own little half-a**ed way. (Don't tell the BRx zealots, okay?) But I noticed a huge, quick change in just the three days I was on it. I was attributing that to my reduction in cardio. But now I see that's not the case. So, attempt number two.
Just finished week three of Slow and Heavy as written, one time per week. Glad to put it to rest. Tried to do six weeks of it, but no way. Weird: I just never quite get the results I want with that tape. So, back to CTX and S&H "total body split".
M-CTX 10-10-10 Chest Shoulder Tri Abs
T-CTX Kickbox Back Biceps Abs
W-CTX Meaner Legs (Say a prayer for me;-))
TH-Yoga abs
F-S&H "One Day Split" abs
S-cardio of choice
I REALLY noticed results when I was on this program prior to S&H. So, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Only you guys could understand this: I started getting tears in my eyes when I read the video descriptions Cathe posted. :-rollen It was kind of excitement/joy but really I was just touched by how hard she has worked on this CONSIDERING her all ready full life. God bless her. I can't wait for my DVD's. :-jumpy
Did anyone else order the Terminator?
Have great week. REMEMBER: Turkey is an excellent source of low fat protein. ;-) (Hmmm . . . I wonder if cheesecake is, too?)