Ectochick Check 10/6


Hey ladies,

Here's my plan for the week:

Sunday PS BBA
Monday PS LA
Tuesday PS CST
Wednesday Off
Thursday Leg work in the gym
Friday Abs
Saturday Off

Have y'all heard anything back from Cathe on phase two of the "overweight ecto" program?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-02 AT 08:00PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey, Guys. No, Angela, it doesn't look like Cathe has responded and I have to thank Amadeus for bumping my post up while I was gone. (And Ann too!) I don't know how long I'll keep it going, but I guess another week? Did she answer any posts last week? I'll have to check.

Anyway, since I don't know exactly what she'd say, I've started my own little rotation till/if she responds.

Mon: Total Body Strength
Tues: Cardio (running outdoors or treadmill)
Wed: Lower Body strength
Thurs:Upper Body strength plus cardio
Fri: Lower Body strength
Sat: Upper Body strength plus cardio

I have a lot of tapes besides Cathe, so I'm going to switch up every week. I consider Cathe to be heavy and the Firm to be Medium and I have others that are light wt./hi rep. (like Gilad, Margaret Richard etc). I'm going to switch the intensity every week.

Still no refined carbs for me and now it's time to work on fiber and fat. Oh, and I need to drink more H2O and less soda. My ankle is much better, but I'm gonna baby it again this week and just run on my NEW (OK, my Mom got it from a garage sale, but it's NEW to me! :p ) treadmill. :-jumpy My shoulder seems much better also, so I'm jumping back in with upper body. I just can't stand to neglect my wimpy shoulders!

Have a good one, Guys.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-02 AT 02:31PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-02 AT 02:29 PM (Est)[/font]

Hey, ecto's!

I am totally gripped with pennant fever. Love those Minnesota Twins.

Robin, I'm glad to hear your feeling better AND your vids were safe from Lilli. That would have a been a true disaster.

My week looks like this:

M Ctx Step & Intervals CTX Back, Biceps Abs

T CTX Leaner Legs, CTX Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

W Imax

T Slow and Heavy: total body split

F 45 minute intense cardio

S Cardio option of choice (this totally fexible as far as intensity and duration go).

I did the total body S&H last Thursday and was a BLAST! I never did just one or two sets of it that way before! It really was fun without being overly intense. Hope I see some results. If you need the thread it's: by dpendleton "Making a 2-day split out of S&H". Originally posted on 7/2/02. I added leg work to it, subtracted abs and came out at 75-80 minutes. Compares well to MIS timewise. This is way cool.

Have an awesome week. GO TWINS:-jumpy

Edit: Found it on page 17 of the Ask Cathe forum or:
Going to cross my fingers and hope I got that right.
Hi all you Ectos!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't been around. My computer bit the dust a couple of weeks ago and had to send it out to be fix. All is well now.

I'm sticking to my PS: series. Wild horses could not drag me away. This is week 3:

Monday-treadmill workout-done
Tues-PS: BBA
Wes-PS: SL&abs
FRI-walk with abs

I'll do some running to. I don't know which day yet. I'm glad to be back. See ya later! Georgia.
Hi everyone!

Sorry I'm late checking in too! Doing a project at work and it's a little time consuming. Started Monday afternoon, should be done tomorrow! :)

Here's my week:

sun- leg training, leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises (3 sets of each)
mon- chest, shoulders, triceps
tue- cardio, Ropenastics! that was interesting!
wed- legs and calves (rock hard challenge plan)
thu- cardio plus abs
fri- back, biceps and hopefully some cardio
sat- cardio plus abs, maybe some yoga if I have time

I'm still working out using the M&F Rock Hard Challenge training plan. It's a 3 day split although I've added a second day of leg training. And for some reason last week, my cardio sessions just vanished from my workout schedule! :) I'm hoping to get back on track this week.

My oldest will be home from college this weekend! I will try my best not to let her being there interrupt my workouts! :) So I guess that means I need to write out my To Do List now!

Everyone have a great workout week! Will talk to you again next week! :)

Take care!

p.s. Robin, glad to hear your shoulder and ankle have healed enough for you to get back to your training. Take it easy though! :)
Hi Robin,

Are you talking about that "hardgainers" article I mentioned? I can bring my magazine to work tomorrow, scan the pages, make a pdf and send it to you if you'll send me your email address. I think it's only about four pages. Cool?

Are you having trouble getting your subscription copies of M & F Hers delivered? There was one issue I waited on forever. Finally, hit their Web site and complained. They mailed a copy in a brown envelope - kinda strange - then a couple of days later, the one intended for me arrived. This was at least a couple of weeks after it hit the newsstands, and I thought subscribers usually got theirs first.

Hey, Angela,

I actually haven't had my subscription for long. I've received one issue so far and I can't remember how long after the issue hit the newsstands that I got it.

No way do I want you to go to all that trouble. I just thought that there might be some earth shattering news in there for ectos and I didn't want to miss out. I guess it's the same ole stuff, huh?

Thanks for the offer. You're very sweet. :*

Hi Robin,

I tried scanning the article and making a pdf, but legibility wasn't great, so here are the high points:

The article features four fitness competitors and each has their own advice to give.

1. Lisa Lowe - Advocates heavy weights. Choose a weight with which you can get only 8-10 reps per set, and perform 3 - 4 sets per exercise. Train only one or two body parts per day, always working a small with a larger part. If body fat isn't a problem, limit cardio to 30 min. four times a week at most. Avoid overtraining - workout only four days a week and get complete rest on off days.

2. Beth Horn - Performed overall-body workouts twice a week using compound exercises. Work at 75 - 85% of your max for each lift. Rest 3 - 4 min. between sets. Beginners do three sets - advanced up to five sets per exercise. Allow two days off between "shock" sessions. Cut way back on cardio. Try this for six weeks.

3. Lovena Stamatio-Tuley - Many women overeat carbs and fat and skimp on protein - source of amino acids that build muscle. Advocates 4 - 5 small meals every 3 - 4 hours. Have a protein with each meal. Opt for complex carbs, no processed, sugary junk.

4. April Carpenter - Uses tri-sets, performing three exercises for the same bodypart in a row without resting. For each exercise, choose a weight with which you can achieve 15 - 20 reps. Take 2 - 3 minutes to recover after all three sets. Work up to performing tri-sets three times, resting between each set. April also recommends supplementing with l-glutamine for muscle building. She takes 5 grams before and 5 grams after her workouts.

If you want more details on any of the above, I'd be happy to supply them. This is a great issue - hope yours finds its way to you soon!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-02 AT 02:32PM (Est)[/font][p]I know. We keep looking for the magic pill or latest supplement that will give us a miraculous transformation in the shortest amount of time, but unfortunately...

I'll say this much: I was working out in the gym we have downstairs at work yesterday. I don't do this very often because it's kinda creepy down there and usually deserted. Interesting thing was, the room has several full-length mirrors which I don't have at home. I was wearing a bra top and bootleg workout pants. Imagine my surprise to notice *visible ab development* when I wasn't even flexing that area. Wow! When did that happen?

The changes are small and gradual, but cumulative. Hey ectos, moving toward our goals and pickin' up speed! :)

Thanks so much for taking the time to write that all out, very interesting.

I'm on week five of the tank top rotation and I want to start slow and heavy after this is over. I LOVED the slow and heavy split thread and am printing this out. Also, thought you have a tough looking week there, I'd like to try this (with the slow and heavy split).

If anyone has any suggestions as to how to get more protein into a vegetarian's diet, I'd really appreciate it. I'm noticing that I'm "starving" since I started the TTR. I eat no meat or dairy and can't have fruit sugar. I'd make tofu shakes with strawb's and bananas if I could, but I can't have the fruit sugar. This has been extremely limiting. I have been eating some fish, but hate the reports on mercury, so I really would love other ideas. I know beans are an option, but I'm nursing a baby who does NOT do well with the beans. I'm sorry, I know I'm not leaving many options here. I may post a separate thread to see if there are any other weightlifting vegans. Thanks everyone.

How about nuts or nut butters, pumpkin and/or sunflower seeds? I use these as low-carb protein sources. Of course, there's always protein supplements and bars. Some of those could be a problem if you're watching sugar. The Wild Oats here in Little Rock carries a rice protein powder that's pretty tasty.


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