Ectochick Check - 10/28


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-02 AT 11:32AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-28-02 AT 01:07 PM (Est)[/font]

Hi guys,

Welcome to Monday - yee-haw...

Well, this week I'm back to strength workouts. Here's the plan:

Saturday - PS CST (done)
Sunday - Yoga (done)
Monday - PS Legs and Abs (done)
Tuesday - PS BBA
Wednesday - off
Thursday - Abs
Friday - Heavy leg work in the gym

As much as it pains me, I'm going to use on the PS tapes this week and limit it to one time each, lifting as heavy as I can - really pushing myself and allowing plenty of rest in between.

We'll see what happens...


P.S. OK. I can't leave this alone and I can't stand only working out three times in one week. I decided to do BBA tonite (Tue) and squeeze in another leg work out in the gym on Friday at lunch. Yes, I'm addicted.
Hey there!!

I've been MIA for the last couple of weeks! I hope that all is well with everyone :). I just got over a yucky cold myself. I felt so bad that I couldn't even workout last week :(. But then again, I have been working out for almost 4 months straight, so I was due a week off.

I'm starting fresh today though. I'm thinking about just doing all Firm Classics and straight cardio to ease myself back into the swing of things. This is what I plan on doing:

Monday - Volume 1
Tuesday - Cardio
Wednesday - Volume 2
Thursday - Cardio
Friday - Volume 3

Next week, I should be able to hit the weights harder!

Hey, Ectos!

Angela, I love the PS series.

Cheryl, glad you're feeling better. I'm gonna join you in a FIRM/cardio week:

Mon: Extreme Intervals
Tue: Super Sculpt
Wed: Power Max
Thu: Better Body & Buns
Fri: Tae Bo Advanced Get Ripped (Orange box)
Sat: Tough Tape

Angie, I forgot to congratulate you on your race...I so wish that I could do that type of thing. In a couple of years, I should be able to..can't wait. Continue to share so I can live vicariously thru you!!!

Have a great week, Ya'll!!!

Surprise! Surprise! I'm posting on a Monday! Not the end of the week.

Mon-PS: BBA-done
Tue-PS: CST&cardio
Wes-PS: SL&Abs
Thur-k/vpilates and cardio
Fri-TT1 with abs
Sun-Rest or cardio

Note: Cardios are supposed to be runs. If not then TM workouts. It just depends on how busy I am.

Pfive, don't leave me hanging, did you run this weekend??

Angela, I'm gonna try to get a picture up. You look great! I can tell you do Cathe. ;)

Hi guys, last week was a tough one, I was sore. Here's the plan for this week, as the soreness is subsiding finally:

Monday: S&H Tris and Bis, Abs too
Tuesday: S&H Legs and Shoulders
Wednesday: S&H Chest and Back, Abs too
Thursday: Cardio kicks
Friday: S&H Upper body split I'm trying to hit bis, tris, and shoulders primarily on this one, (therefore, may skip the chest and back part.)
Saturday: S&H legs and Cardio.
Sunday: Fun family bike or something.

This is basically what I did last week and it was a killer, but I am feeling much better after that initial ache. I'm really loving this workout now. As you can tell, I'm really trying to pump up those muscles. I'm NOT focusing on cardio. ala BODY RX. I recently read this and do not agree with all of it, but there are always points to gleen that are applicable, so I toss the rest!!

In order to lift as heavy as I can on legs (wondering if any of you do this) I load the bar (60# this workout) on the bar rest of my weight bench and then get under the bar from the back of the bench and lift from there. Therefore I never hoist the bar up overhead. This seems to work very well for me, (wanting a squat rack for Christmas). I still feel like I could lift heavier and plan on increasing 5# each workout for legs as much as I can handle overhead without that rack.

Glad you all are doing well!!!!

Good idea, Briee! I don't have a weight bench. :-( Makes those extra heavy chest presses kinda hard, too!

If DH is around, I have him lift the barbell and load it onto my shoulders for a round of heavy squats.

I find I can handle a lot more weight using the leg press machine here in our work gym than I can doing free weight squats. I seem to have a weak lower back and knees that don't like that heavy barbell. The machine seems safer.

I've got a new theory. I saw better muscle development from the LL endurance approach than from using SH and PS. It makes me wonder if I was just wasn't physically ready to do the really heavy leg free weights. The jury's still out, but I may eventually limit my legwork to LL and work on the machines at the gym that are kinder to my weak ecto frame.

Hi, I have lower back problem as well. I wear a soft waist belt for support. I do not like the hard one due to the fact that it might actually damage your back and they do not have sizes that fits for women anyway. The belt also helped me in shrinking my extra lower belly fat so it's double bonus. You can get them from any sporting good stores. This belt is must for me whenever I am doing the S&H.
That's a good suggestion - thanks! I'll have to plan a trip to my local mega sporting goods store. I also want to get some clips for my barbell. I have the doo hickeys that have to screw off and on when changing the plates - it really slows me down!

Hi Brie

Thanks for the bump and for the reply. I For now, I suppose I will just stick with the heavy weights and the PS tape. What other recommendations do you guys have for a good leg muscle building tape from Cathe. I was turned off by the name "leaner" legs. That is what I have now. But alot of the hits on this site suggest that LL is a hard muscle building tape. Any thoughts??

Also, dont forget my "pooch"............Should I be doing cardio for that, or will I jeopordize all my hard efforts on my leg focus??????

P,.S. Love your name Brie. I was going to name my daughter Brielle!
Welcome to Ectochick Land!

Sounds like we share a very similar past with the chicken/cricket legs taunts. Fun stuff, eh?

First, let me put in a big plug for Leaner Legs. At first, I thought this was an "endurance" workout that was geared toward slimming your thighs and not what I wanted to do. Once I tried it though, what a workout! I would **strongly** recommend it to you. I've seen more results from it than I've gotten from PS and SH doing it twice a week. My theory is those of us who are light weight and small boned have a hard time using heavy enough weight to really work the legs. With LL, you'll start lighter (you may work up to pretty heavy weight later), but the higher reps will really make you feel the burn. I literally could hardly walk after I tried it the first time - and I didn't even do the entire workout.

Ah, the tummy pooch. I understand childbirth can make this worse and I can't speak to that, but I'll say this much: there are certain foods that you may be sensitive to or allergic to that cause tummy bloat. There was an excellent article in Women's First recently - wish I still had it. It mentioned some common offenders: corn, wheat, milk, eggs, soy, peanuts, etc. You might try eliminating some of these and see if it helps. Dairy (milk and cheese) is almost always a problem.

Are you working those abs pretty often? I always hated ab work and would often skip it. That was a mistake. Once I got serious about doing abs at least 3-4 times a week, I was surprised how quickly I developed obvious muscle tone in the upper ab area. I'm still working on the navel and below spot!

Hope this helps,

Hi all!

I finally made it back! :)

Robin - thank you! It was a great experience. I plan to do more!

Georgia - I must say I wasn't able to run this past weekend and I so wanted to. Migraine came on. :( I tried to get rid of it before the race which started at 5:55, but at 3:30 I was light headed, partially dehydrated and my eyes were puffy. Wouldn't I have been a pretty sight! ;) Still trying to find a running group to join though. Last night I attended a Team In Training meeting. It all sounded wonderful except for the fundraiser part. It seems like it would be easy to do but I don't know if I'd have the time to put into it. I'm sure it's more than just mailing out letters to local businesses and family and friends, so I don't want to get in over my head. At certain stages of the fund raising I would have to pay the difference from the money collected. Long story! And to get the training manual to join your particular group was $85.

Fortunately the Luekemia Society is right here in the business complex work in. Early next week I will go over there and chat with someone about just joining to train. In the meantime I do have a couple of other places to call. I would really prefer a group close to home. I will keep you posted on my runs.

Since I missed the Freaky 5K and was feeling better Sunday, that afternoon I went ot the park ran 1.5 miles and for the next 1.5 alternated between jogs and sprints. Ran again Monday night with a couple of coworkers. I think we're on again tonight.

Speaking of running I think I'll post for suggestions of good running shoes. I had a horrible time shopping for a pair over the weekend!

Thanks for all the support!

GN, I agree with Angela on the diet sensitivity stuff, but MOSTLY on that abwork. I just had my fifth baby 6 months ago and have always had a little tummy after each of course, but this time I have REALLY gone hard core ab work and my abs are FLAT. I have some loose skin that I would like to get rid of but it too seems to be starting to firm up a little. Been doing that skin brushing that Bernard spoke about in an earlier thread to try to help that tummy skin to tighten up.

Also, don't be afraid of LL, I love it too. I'm doing S&H now, but miss LL a little bit. I am trying to go as heavy as possible on S&H to try to get those leg muscles (and flat tush)to develop a little more and then hope to go right back to LL for some variation.

Pfive, it's a good thing that you sat out. I get those nasty headaches to and you would have been vomiting if you ran. I don't get the migraines anymore but the nasty tension and sinuse headaches. If I don't treat them right away they do turn into migraines. I ran 2miles last night on the treadmill. I must say I was tired. I ran consistently in the summer 2-5miles every other day, but slacked off big time. School started and I have 2 children in scoccer and just got so busy. I have to discipline myself again. I hope you find a group. I like to train by myself. Because I get so easily distracted.

I plan on getting LL soon. Gotta pay some bill first,:-rollen I hate being patient. Ugh!

I love reading through everyones post. I may not comment, but I'm learning so much. Thanks gals! :)

Thanks for the reply and help with the "legs" . It looks like I will be purchasing LL for my next tape.

So how is your success with your legs doing? Are you "almost" embarassed to wear shorts like I have been the past couple of years............

I totally hear you as far as the food sensitiviy w/ the abs. I must confess, for having a pooch, it could be much worse considering what I eat. It's a joke in my family,that I must have a tapeworm , because no one knows where all the food I consume goes............certainly not to my upper thighs Ha Ha.
I am only doing the abs twice. I will take your advice and add another day, and If I get really motivated, I'll increase to 4.

So do you do cardio as well, or just concentrate on strength training. I feel I should add cardio for the tummy but am afraid of losing the little weight I have on the rest of my body, especially the legs. Any advice here .

Thanks for the replies Angela and Brie............Now back to exercising!!!!!!!!!

I have the November issue of Running Times magazine and they have 16 week training plans for 5K to half marathon. I going to give it a try but I don't know if I want to run daily. It seems like I won't have much time for weight training. :( Any suggestions?

My goal is to be able to wear shorts by the time it warms up again without feeling self-conscious. Unfortunately, these things take time. Sigh. I was just starting to really see improvement in muscle tone - especially in my upper body when the weather turned colder and I had to cover up with my warm wardrobe. I'm actually looking forward to "unveiling" the new body when spring rolls around. It's been my experience that people don't notice gradual changes much - especially when it doesn't involve weight loss. So, I'm hoping after several months of hiding out under my warm fuzzy sweaters, everyone will be pleasantly surprised. In the meantime, at least my husband can notice my improvements. Ha.

I used to berate myself for my "fat" belly. Now, I can't believe I didn't realize it was bloating from the terrible diet I ate - very high sugar, high processed carbs. It really comes on right after eating and gets progressively worse as the day goes on, but I have a digestive condition, so this is an ongoing struggle for me. That time of the month also bloats me. All I can say is IMHO, if your belly is the only place that looks "fat," and you notice a big difference in size throughout the day, food sensitivities and bloating are the culprit, not extra fat.

I don't do any cardio, but I'm probably in the minority. I read in "Shape Training," an excellent book with a chapter devoted entirely to us ectos, we should try to conserve energy as much as possible for muscle production. It even stresses getting an adequate amount of sleep.

Sorry this is so long...


I feel like your words are coming out of my mouth. It's so refreshing to speak to someone and be able to say, I just dont know how to GAIN weight" . No one can understand that unless in that position; a position that Im sure only about 10% of the population possess. I am 5'6" and weigh 116. Are you close to my range?? I have always been around the same weight, but no one ever called me "skinny" or endlessly felt compelled to comment on my weight loss (even though there hasnt been any) until after I had my 2 children. I didnt lose or gain any difference, but the weight shifted. It seems that my bulk weight that I used to have in my arms and legs seemed to shift to my tummy. Is that possible??? So anyway, not to bore you with my problems, but Im now trying to achieve my goal of rebuilding my "limbs". Pretty goofy huh? Anyway, thanks for the conversation and keep your success posted. I enjoy reading! Perhaps by spring, I'll be as enthused as you to show these legs of mine.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-02 AT 08:22PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi GN,

Yep, that's why we started the Ectochick group - we a poorly understood minority. Ha. You and I are pretty close in size: I'm 5'4" and weigh 110 which is the most I've ever weighed - thanks to the development of healthy muscle! I used to average about 105. When I was extremely ill (ulcerative colitis) I lost down to about 90 some odd pounds. You can see a small picture of me on my profile page.

People have *always* hassled me about my weight. I was taunted and ridiculed in school. Was afraid to try out for the drill team in high school (my dream) because I figured people would laugh me off the field. As I got older, the comments changed to more of an envious tone from other females, but I was still told to gain weight. This really hurt when I was sick and couldn't help the weight loss. This is why I'm so adamant about people keeping their comments about weight - either way - to themselves.

I was skimming some articles online and found this little quote about cardio you might find interesting:


Regular small doses of steady-state exercise can actually improve recovery, but too much can sap your strength and lead to muscle wasting.

If you compare the physiques of 100-meter sprinters against long distance runners, such as marathoners, you'll see that sprinters are just as lean (if not leaner) than their aerobic counterparts, even though they do little to no aerobic exercise. Extensive and frequent forays into the aerobic zone can cause your body to lose muscle (since muscle weighs more than fat, it is the body's preferred tissue to cannibalize in the interest in lightening the load). If you've been trying (unsuccessfully) to lose 10 to 20 pounds of unwanted fat, think of resistance training as the core of your program, and aerobic exercise as the supplementary activity- not the other way around. "

If you want to read the whole article, you can find it here:

We're so glad to have you join our group!


P.S. My husband's an ecto, too. He's 5'10" and weighs about 160. He looks taller than he is because he's thin and long legged. People will guess that he's in his 20s when he actually turned 40 this year. It's a sad commentary when people assume aging and weight gain have to go together.

I was 110 when I got married 11 yrs ago at 31. I'm 5'4" too. Baby wt. is the problem around my middle.

I remember being so skinny tho in school. I used to hate summer and I dreaded it. Everyone had great legs, except me! I remember the teasing well.

BTW, I grew up with a Mom who had ulcerative colitis, so I know about the flare ups and wt. loss. She once got down to 80 lbs and she's NOT an ecto. She doesn't have it anymore tho.


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