Ectochick Alert


Hey Ectochicks,

I like to share any information I find that addresses our unique concerns. If you haven't seen it already, check out the October/November Muscle and Fitness Hers. There's a great article called "The Cutting Crew" on pg. 118 that features four role models for us. Two of these were formerly "stick figure" and "skinny minnie," respectively. One of the remaining two admits she finds it easy to gain fat, but not to gain muscle. The article addresses both training and nutrition for "hardgainers."

No, it looks like the Web site's an issue behind. I'm not sure they put the same articles on the site as what's in the magazine anyway.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-02 AT 03:02PM (Est)[/font][p]OOOH OOOOOH! Thank you Angela!!!! Looks like I MUST go to Target today and pick that baby up! (I love to have an excuse to go to Target;-)). Very pertinent post.

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