

O.K...something else that kind of annoys me about ebay.

When you have purchased something....and purchased it fast, shouldn't you get good feedback right away? There really isn't anything else for you to do,right? So why is it,most times you don't get feedback until you give the seller his feedback? Its almost as if they won't give you your feedback until they know you are gonna give them good feedback.
It just doesn't seem right to me. So what if I should get good feedback, I won an item and paid for it within an hour. BUt when my purchase comes, its damaged or not what I ordered.Are they gonna make something up just b/c I didn't give them positive feedback?
Am I missing something? As far as I am concerned the seller should leave feedback after the transaction as went through.

As a seller I never leave feedback until my buyer leaves it only because I want to make sure they are happy with the transaction first. I used to leave it for buyers right away and then I got burned. Someone bought something from me, didn't purchase the insurance, it broke in shipment, they never contacted me and left ME negative feedback. I mean, what did I do wrong? It wasn't broken when I shipped it. I had suggested insurance which they didn't want. To this day, they are my ONLY negative feedback. I'm not saying I would have left them negative feedback--although I may have if I had known they were going to blame me for something that wasn't my fault. Since then I don't leave any feedback until I know my buyer is satisfied.
Hi Lori,

I feel your pain! I buy alot on ebay and I've seen what you're talking about myself. I've actually bought stuff before, been displeased, but still left the seller positive feedback only for THEM to turn around and leave me neutral feedback. That reallllly burns. I do sometimes buy from individuals/ebay stores that leave me positive feedback right after I purchase though - but they are rare. I always try to ask all of my questions - specifically if something is from a smoke free/ pet free home so they put it in writing. I have had at least three sellers tell me something is smoke free and when i got the item it reeked of smoke! I also bought something once that was supposedly NWT and it was a purse - there were open chocolates in it!!! YUCK!

I do love how you can get some excellent deals though. I have bought alot of work suits from ebay that are a fraction of their original price...I hardly shop in local stores anymore.

Recently, I bought 2 items from ebay. Both were knockoffs!!! I got a full refund for both items (including shipping), but only if I left them positive feedback. Crazy, huh? Don't always trust the feedback!!!

My philosophy is that if I am the seller, I leave feedback as soon as I receive someone's money...that is their end of the bargain. My end of the bargain is to ship it out asap. This is the way I want to be treated when I am the buyer, + feedback when I send the $. Seems only fair to me.

There has only been one occasion where I got slammed during a sale. I actually had a woman accuse me of making a Croscill comforter! I mean I can't sew a bit and I had purchased the comforter from a local reputable department store. I really did chalk that experience up as just strange. Overall, most people are great to work with, but I think the sellers are just learning to protect themselves from the odd ones. x( Which is sad that the feel that way, but I certain understand.

xoxo, neicebug ;-)
I find it very annoying when sellers ask me to leave them feedback. I also do not think it's right for them to give you positive feedback only if you give them positive feedback. I always pay immediately, and as far as I am concerned, that makes me an excellent buyer, so why should positive feedback depend upon my giving them positive feedback. At least that's the way I see it.
>I find it very annoying when sellers ask me to leave them
>feedback. I also do not think it's right for them to give you
>positive feedback only if you give them positive feedback. I
>always pay immediately, and as far as I am concerned, that
>makes me an excellent buyer, so why should positive feedback
>depend upon my giving them positive feedback. At least that's
>the way I see it.

My only problem with this scenario is what I stated above. As a sller you need some protection against a buyer who possibly has an ax to grind. I don't look at it as a quid pro quo situation. I am only holding my feedback until I know my buyer is satisfied. If I have an unhappy buyer I would like to be given the opportunity to correct the situation since I take my selling very seriously. In the situation I mentioned above I did nothing wrong but received negative feedback. Part of being a good buyer is being thoughtful about your feedback for a seller. I just think it is best to wait until the transaction is completed and everyone is happy for both parties to leave feedback. I'm sure plenty of sellers have gotten burned as I did and that is why many sellers won't leave feedback right away. I know I used to leave feedback right away for buyers and after the aforementioned situation I changed my policy to be more in line with what I saw a lot of sellers doing. JMO
I too wait until the buyer is satisfied, I view the transaction is incomplete until the buyer says "I'm happy".

When I'm the buyer as soon as I receive the product and satisfied (conditon description etc) I post feedback.

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