Ok guys, here in a nutshell is what happened , I just need your input on what I should do:

I bought a 33oz bottle of Back to Basics shampoo from Ebay. When the package arrived there was shampoo all over the place, and the post office even had to put it in a plastic bag. Our mailman told me to just "return it to the sender , b/c the person who sent it did a really crummy job packaging it". So I returned it to sender, and contacted the seller.
She pretty much said I was S.O.L, and it's too bad I can't get my money back b/c I chose not to insure it. The money was only $20.50 but that's a lot for getting nothing. She was totally not helpful at all, her tone was "well too bad for you, I already got your money".
I'm really feeling that this whole mess is so unfair, and I feel like I'm getting the short end of the stick here. But,on the other hand, yes I should have insured it, but I would think if you were packaging something that would spill like shampoo, you'd make sure it was totally secure.
What should I do, I really try to never give negative feedback, until every avenue has been exhausted. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to resolve this??
Hi, I have been selling on e-bay for about a year so I've had some experience. #1, was $20 a good deal for that shampoo to order it off e-bay - just wondering! #2, yes, she should have taped it shut or secured it, and she at least could have been more considerate, but she's not really liable for it since you didnt insure it. Sometimes you can leave neutral feedback and maybe say you werent totally satisfied, but its probably not worth the negative feedback. Although...I would check her other feedback to see if she has any other similar negatives, then it may be appropriate if she tends to not take care of her customer. Hope this helps.

Even if it was insured, the P.O. will not honor it if the item was not packaged correctly. Also, anything less than $20, IMHO, isn't worth the aggravation of standing in line and filling out paperwork. The paperwork has to be sent to the seller, then the seller has to prove the value of the item and send it back.
I've been through this with a bean pot, (the handle was broken) I bought from Ebay. Since it was packed in shredded newspaper instead of foam peanuts, the P.O. said it wasn't covered (even though I insured it). When I contacted the seller, she apologized and quickly refunded my money plus the shipping. I left her positive feedback because of the fact that she made things right.
If you don't want to leave the shampoo seller negative feedback (which she deserves, IMO) you could always leave neutral feedback and point out that the item was improperly packed, arrived damaged, and money not refunded. I always look for these things when deciding to bid on an auction.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-02 AT 05:39PM (Est)[/font][p]Sorry...I double posted!
I do a lot of selling on Ebay, and I also don't like to leave negative feedback (if there's a borderline situation, I tend to not leave any feedback at all). But this situation sounds like it deserves negative feedback. Whether or not the item was insured, it SHOULD have been safely packaged. As long as you're truthful, I wouldn't worry. Just be ready when the seller comments on your negative feedback.
I would put down a bad feedback under her name on EBay, that's what the feedback section is for. Also complain to EBay (there is a place to report problems) and see if they can help. Don't stop emailing the seller, she'll maybe get sick of hearing from you and give you your money back.
My husband just bought a copier cartridge for his mom. the quote the woman had on the auction was "brand new factory sealed" well, not only was the box opened but the aluminum around the cartridge was. She acted like she didn't check and thought it was. My husband wouldn't have put a bid on it if it were not sealed, but it looked ok otherwise. The tab was still intact so we got some money back. It's on it's way...or at least it better be

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