Eating prior to Cathe



I am new to this particular forum and would like to first say hi to all of you. I have been one of those who have read from afar and finally got up the nerve to ask about the dreaded diet. Don't fret, it's just a timing question. I am a morning exerciser, have been for about 12 years. I used to get up so early, eating wasn't on my "to do list." Now I workout after the husband leaves for work and the kids leave for school. Okay, enough preliminary stuff....

As someone who could stand to loose about 15-20 pounds, therefore wanting max fat/calorie burn, would you recommend eating prior to working out? If so, how long before? Sometimes when I do eat prior, I have a great amount of energy, then others, I feel kind of sick.

Thank you in advance for your feedback and I look forward to picking your brains as I think of things.

Have a great day!

Hi Jamie and welcome,
I try to eat at least 2 hours before any of my workouts. I find that I HAVE to eat if I am going to teach 2 hours in a row. Otherwise, my low blood sugar makes thinking difficult. Also, from an energy point of view, I think eating beforehand is very helpful but like you I too have some times when I get nausea. It depends on what I eat. If I have a protein shake, then I am usually okay. If I eat cereal and milk, well then it can be iffy. Anything heavier is out of the question. I have found that when I eat regularly, small meals at 3 to 4 hours apart, that my weight comes off easier. I was at my heaviest when I was skipping meals, not eating in the morning and tended to eat only one meal per day. Those days are long over and my energy levels have responded very positively.
Have a great day yourself!
I personally prefer NOT to eat before if I'm working out in the morning. If I'm having an afternoon routine then I'll eat 2-3 hours before hand. I just don't feel comfortable exercising with too much in my stomache. I don't feel low on energy either. Everyone is different though! Susan
I work out in the mornings when my son is napping. I usually eat something light like a granola bar or nutri-grain. You NEED to eat something light or medium so you can burn off fat with energy. If you don't eat before you work out, you won't lose weight as much. Also, I discovered if you eat salad with a little dressing and chicken mixed in it, I have a lot of energy for a few hours. I would not skip a meal before working out. Eating a granola bar before working out helps to give me energy. Also, drink PLENTY of water, too. It helps a lot. People who skip meals, please don't. It's ridiculous and won't help you to lose much.

Thank you Sheila, Susan and Lisa for your responses.

I think I need to put more time between my breakfast and the workout. Lately, I have only given myself about an hour, and this was definitely not working for me. I like the idea of the shake about 2 hours prior. Perhaps I'll try that for a while.

Thanks again for your input!

Maybe an hour hasn't been enough time because of what you ate. Some foods are more quickly absorbed than others depending on the glycemic index. If you get hungry closer to your workout, maybe eating something quickly-absorbed would tide you over through your workout until you had time to eat a more balanced glycemic combo. (I'm certainly no dietary expert, but maybe this will give you food for thought.)

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