I am new to this particular forum and would like to first say hi to all of you. I have been one of those who have read from afar and finally got up the nerve to ask about the dreaded diet. Don't fret, it's just a timing question. I am a morning exerciser, have been for about 12 years. I used to get up so early, eating wasn't on my "to do list." Now I workout after the husband leaves for work and the kids leave for school. Okay, enough preliminary stuff....
As someone who could stand to loose about 15-20 pounds, therefore wanting max fat/calorie burn, would you recommend eating prior to working out? If so, how long before? Sometimes when I do eat prior, I have a great amount of energy, then others, I feel kind of sick.
Thank you in advance for your feedback and I look forward to picking your brains as I think of things.
Have a great day!
I am new to this particular forum and would like to first say hi to all of you. I have been one of those who have read from afar and finally got up the nerve to ask about the dreaded diet. Don't fret, it's just a timing question. I am a morning exerciser, have been for about 12 years. I used to get up so early, eating wasn't on my "to do list." Now I workout after the husband leaves for work and the kids leave for school. Okay, enough preliminary stuff....
As someone who could stand to loose about 15-20 pounds, therefore wanting max fat/calorie burn, would you recommend eating prior to working out? If so, how long before? Sometimes when I do eat prior, I have a great amount of energy, then others, I feel kind of sick.
Thank you in advance for your feedback and I look forward to picking your brains as I think of things.
Have a great day!