-- eating on this TUESDAY will be TIDY and clean --

Good Morning Girls !

Hi Kate ! :) I like the title !! It WILL be C & T !!! Did you have your ice water yet ??

I'm going to get some water now......workout today will be TM .

I'll bb............
Becky! LOL! Thanks for the water reminder! Haven't got out of bed yet, but I will in just a minute!:D
Will you listen to CC on the TM or music?

Clintonya, They dont get much a break from dance do they?! WOW! BUt I suppose they love it, yes?
Thanks for the compiments:)
I know EXACTLY what you mean abt a messy house - it's when we're NOT home consistently that its the messiest!
Good job on the WO even tho you were tired!

More ortho for Gina today - the bands come out of the back and wire spacers go in. She's such a good sport about it all. I've got a few errands to run too. WO will be some Insanity during Ju's nap. Eats were great yday and will be today too!
Ha !! Okay, still in bed ! :) I was rushing you !!

Oh yes, I always do a CC or an iTREAD on the TM .....or walking Strong , just haven't chosen the workout yet. I'm getting there tho.....;) Right now I am on the couch with my blueberry green tea and small breakfast bar. (from costco, a whole grain energy bar, FULL of Omega 3's) I'll hit the TM when Kevin leaves for work. :D:D
Why will Collin not sleep thru the night? Why must everyone in my house get broken sleep? And why can't my husband understand that if I have to fight with the kid to get out of bed and dressed in the morning, then I don't have time to eat breakfast myself? I love my husband, but he is really slacking in the parenting department these days.
(((katie))) Sorry for all the issues this morning!

Becky, Your morning sounds wonderful! I love when Mike & I get a few minutes before the hoodlums wake up!

Chugging my water, eating my eggs & pico. Made french toast for the kids and avoided it. MIRACLE, I tell ya!
EEK! Just found out the half a pig we ordered is getting delivered this morning! My freezer is stuffed as it is! Gotta make some room for Wilbur! :p:p:p
Good Morning Everyone!

I am feeling much better this week than last week. Yesterday I had energy all day and this morning I am energetic instead of tired. Woohoo! I did a 3 mile run (in the rain - yuck) and Insanity PCC. I usually do the insanity warm-up, run, then finish the insanity workout. Last night I did Shiva Rae Daily Energy Earth from FitTv and it was good. I really need to buy the workout because the commercials drive me crazy.

Kate, yeah on the clean eats yesterday! Yikes, a half a pig - I don't think I could store that.
Katie, sorry about the rough morning with DH. Sometimes men are a little dense.
Becky, do you like iTread or CC better?
Clintonya, glad you are finally getting a break from dance. Now you can have some time to relax.
Wendy, yeah another trip to SF! I have never been but DH has been there a few times.

b: buff smoothie, scrambled eggs
l: salad with tuna, sweet potato
s: watermelon, peanuts
d: not sure - DH has an event tonight so we'll probably raid the freezer
Good morning~

Kate, no not that long of a break, but yes they do love it so they really don’t mind :) Great job on avoiding the French toast, that’s one of my favorites :D

Becky, how did your w/o go? Is it sunny today?

Katie, sorry about Collin. Has he sensed any changes because of the baby? I remember my oldest doing things like that when I was pregnant.

Colleen, glad you are feeling more rested :) Yes, we all enjoyed being home last night :) Great job on getting your run in even though it was raining!

We’ve still got clouds and drizzle here. Not sure what w/o I will do today, probably a kettlebell one. Eating is about at 90%, will work on that other 10% :) We didn’t make it to the grocery store this weekend so that’s been a challenge!

Katie, Glad you're feeling better! No sweat!:D
And yes, we are like a ghost town here!

Clintonya, I adore french toast from the depths of my soul! It took a LOT of will power to resist it!
Get that 10%!!! :D

Colleen, I didnt really want THAT MUCH pig but that's how it comes so I guess we'll take it. Better than the antibiotic, hormone-laden junk at the store!
Glad you're feeling good! Awesome WO! I love PCC!

Just did Pure Cardio and also made some homemade vanilla ice cream. Not eating any tho. I AM ON IT!:D Bout to start some beef stew for dinner. TIme for cleanmax til Ju wakes up. cya!
I am here ! Eats have been great, but I am starving and haven't thought about dinner yet. HELP !!!!

Workout was TM 45 minute interval power walk. Very challenging.

Why is it so quiet here today ?
Becky, Easy dinners around here for those OH NO nights are tacos or spaghetti. .....or take-out!:D Did you use CC or Tracey?

I've got beef stew a'brewin' and it smells YUMMY!
I downloaded a "trekking " workout by Brooke Benton. The FIRST interval started on a 15% incline !!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Luckily, my TM only goes to 12% !!!:p;)
Oh and Kate, thanks for the ideas. I was starving and had already fixed a big bowl of greek yogurt, with strawberries, bananas, cinnamon and granola. Not the very best meal ever, but it is fast !
If it's not enough, I can have a CLEAN snack later....
Katie, no problem :)

Becky, our entire week is going to be like that since we are short a grocery store trip. We are doing homemade wheat pizza for dinner!

Kate, the stew sounds great - it would be perfect for today, it is really cool and cloudy out.

Getting ready to do my w/o in about 20 min, will do kettlebell dynamics. Then we will do dinner a little after that.
hi ladies! just back from SF and unpacking, laundrymax, then off to the gym for a 2 classes. i need to work off my visit to SF chinatown + some. BACK ON IT as of now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggest loser here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kate, i love your friends blog, love love love it! and holy cow on half a pig... or should i say holy pig! thats a bit much for me, even at home. you must have a second freezer, yes?
Up late - need to go to bed!

Becky, YUMMY food!

Clintonya, Pizzaaaaaaa.....yummmmmm

Wendy the BL! Glad you had a good day!
Yes we have a 2nd freezer - a big'un in the garage!

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