Eat to Live (ETL) challenge 1/02


Hey everyone! What a crazy day. I got in all my veggies and fruit, so I'm feeling good. I'm not a vegetarian, so I had about 2 ounces of chicken breast with dinner. I couldn't help it :)

Other than that, doing well, just need some extra beano right now:) (I made a delicious lentil and veggie soup the other day, yummmmmy but still feeling the bloated tummy)

alright ladies, keep on going and I will see you tomorrow!!

NIght, Tina
So far so good today. Got in lots of fruit, will have salad and veggies tonight. I am a vegetarian, but am trying to go vegan. I only really have to give up yoghurt and I am there. I feel so much better not eating dairy which seems to bloat me. Good luck everyone.

Hi Tina and Kim. Sounds like you 2 are doing well! I started ETL 5/04 and though I don't go by his book exactly, I still eat vegetarian/mostly vegan. I say that because the only cheese I could find that was tolerable (and I don't eat cheese much) is one called Soya Kaas and it does have some casein in it which is of course from milk! I also on occasion have a form of Egg beaters.

I have been eating bad for some time as in too many chips!! So I thought checking in here would help me.

I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast

For Lunch, a Thai soup bowl that I add 2 cups veggie broth and about 7 ounces grated tofu too, which I split with my DH.

I did snack on some chips during the day

Dinner was of of Amy's Frozen Non Dairy enchilada dinners (very good) and a big salad.

I also need to get in more water...

See you tomorrow...:)
Hi Carole,

I am so glad you checked in here. I have read heaps of your comments about ETL on this forum (and after reading them is what got me going on ETL) and would love to know what you eat from day to day for variety etc.

I too am also upping my water intake. Sometimes I eat when I should drink water.

Thank you Kim...:)...I am glad I gave you incentive to try this way of eating. I think this check-in will be good for all of us...:)

I may need to wait until next week to start in earnest. I have 3 "eating out" obligations this week which is highly unusual for me.

Yesterday I did well until evening. Had citrus for breakfast, a large salad with veggies and pinto beans plus an apple for lunch, banana with peanut butter snack (this was unplanned and the beginning of the end for me yesterday:eek: ) dinner was tofu stirfry w/ veggies.

Shortly after that I was bombarded with stressful stuff (including the 3 eating out thingies that I did not want to attend - I had been looking forward to starting full throttle this week) and I ate not sure what I ate! I know a pb&j half a sandwich, and some of the kids chocolate...not sure.

I have a ton of stress right now so this will be the hard part for me, but the stress is not going anywhere so I really can't wait it out.

I wonder if some would like to share why they are doing this program and what they hope to accomplish? I changed my eating to more veggies and protien with less starch about 6 mos ago , so for me a big thing is to replace the protein. I would like to lose some weight, but most importantly I want to get my blood pressure down without drugs. I have serious cardiovascular problems on my dad's side and diabetes on my mom's. I had gestational diabetes with all 3 pregnancies. My bp has always been excellent, so I was shocked a few months back to find it over 140/90 while using my mom's machine. I bought my own machine and I am proof that high produce levels help. It will range l40-145/90-95 if I eat a lot. Eat junk (like I have been during the holidays) and it goes to 155/100! My blood sugar has been over 100 the past few times I checked it . So I better get busy if I want to be around awhile longer. I am giving myself a 2mos limit to get these numbers better then I will have to go see the doc and get meds.x( Losing some lbs. would help here too!;-)

I stopped at sam's yesterday and loaded up on some more produce. Just call me bugs bunny :p Marnie
Oh can I join you ladies?

I did ETL faithfully this summer and lost 18 lbs in 6 weeks. I totally fell off the wagon during the holidays, but I'm back on track now and I would love the accountability of a check-in.


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