I may need to wait until next week to start in earnest. I have 3 "eating out" obligations this week which is highly unusual for me.
Yesterday I did well until evening. Had citrus for breakfast, a large salad with veggies and pinto beans plus an apple for lunch, banana with peanut butter snack (this was unplanned and the beginning of the end for me yesterday
) dinner was tofu stirfry w/ veggies.
Shortly after that I was bombarded with stressful stuff (including the 3 eating out thingies that I did not want to attend - I had been looking forward to starting full throttle this week) and I ate ....lol not sure what I ate! I know a pb&j half a sandwich, and some of the kids chocolate...not sure.
I have a ton of stress right now so this will be the hard part for me, but the stress is not going anywhere so I really can't wait it out.
I wonder if some would like to share why they are doing this program and what they hope to accomplish? I changed my eating to more veggies and protien with less starch about 6 mos ago , so for me a big thing is to replace the protein. I would like to lose some weight, but most importantly I want to get my blood pressure down without drugs. I have serious cardiovascular problems on my dad's side and diabetes on my mom's. I had gestational diabetes with all 3 pregnancies. My bp has always been excellent, so I was shocked a few months back to find it over 140/90 while using my mom's machine. I bought my own machine and I am proof that high produce levels help. It will range l40-145/90-95 if I eat a lot. Eat junk (like I have been during the holidays) and it goes to 155/100! My blood sugar has been over 100 the past few times I checked it . So I better get busy if I want to be around awhile longer. I am giving myself a 2mos limit to get these numbers better then I will have to go see the doc and get meds.x( Losing some lbs. would help here too!;-)
I stopped at sam's yesterday and loaded up on some more produce. Just call me bugs bunny