Easter Dinner....

I so did not eat clean today}( :9 I've been very good since Christmas and especially through lent but now that's over. My Mom always cooks ham and scalloped potatoes for Easter, t'was yummy! I made some meatballs and green beans with toasted almonds to add to the buffet. Dessert was some chewy coconut bars with chocolate icing. I've been pretty good about the easter treats, just a few marshmallow eggs and some Cadbury Eggies (like an egg shaped M&M). So 'fess up ladies, what did you have for dinner and treats, hmmmmm?:)

I had a lovely 4k power walk after dinner with my 16 year old daughter Marley to pay the piper just a little bit.

Take Care
It was definitely not an eating clean day for me either!!In addition to the ham, green bean casserole, several helpings of mashed potatoes, sweet corn cake, and cake that I totally overindulged in, last night as I was filling the kiddos baskets I did the old one for DS1, one for DS2, one for DD, and two for mom with the candy.:)

Today, I had to be at church early so for breakfast I ate a banana nut muffin with Promise Low Fat margarine and Diet Pepsi. At church, we have cookies so I had a few of those with black tea. For Sunday brunch, it was the All-American Slam at Denny's although I don't like bacon. Plus, I've been snitching Girl Scout Cookies all day today. Although, after my nap, I did KPC in it's entirety and then ordered KickMax.
Although, what you and Beth had sounds really good too. I must admit I do indulge on the weekends and I still see results.

Happy Easter!!
I did have some bad stuff. Peanut M&M's (Easter colors of course), and some dark chocolate M&M's. But dinner was good. Portobello Mushrooms stuffed with Chipotle Mashed potatoes and a very big green salad....:)
I went to my SIL's house for Easter/nephew's birthday party on Saturday. Fortunately, there was really nothing on the menu that was so delicious that I overindulged. However...since it was the day BEFORE Easter, adn I was running around all morning and very hungry by noon....I had my first Big & Tasty burger and fried from McDonald's in a month. I only ate half the fries, so I didn't feel TOOOOO bad.

The challenge came yesterday walking by the Robin's eggs every minute or two. The bags of leftover Robin's Eggs and Rolos are now here at work on the community candy stand. I can stay away from them there and hopefully Josh the Garbage Disposal will have them gone soon!!!!
I made a keylime pie and it was heavenly. Only had one piece, it was soooooo good. Now I just have to get it out of my house.
I was good all day....UNTIL... everyone went to bed and I lost it! I was just craving chocolate, probably from watching everyone overindulge all day, and I proceded to eat many, many chocolate bunnies (yes, many big ones) that I was....and continue today to be sick to my stomach, not to mention I was up half the night from the caffeine/sugar combo. Usually I am sooo good and never eat bad stuff but I just thought "well you owe it to yourself"... that'll learn me! Not only am I sick, I'm soo mad at myself I could scream!!

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