DVD for VHS trade

Ok, many of you are making the move from VHS to DVD & don't know what to do with your tapes except to trade them away for stuff that isn't as good as Cathe's (my opinion anyway). I have a dilema. I own CTX on DVD & NEVER use it because my DVD player isn't in my workout room & I'm too lazy to drag out all my equipment so I can use this series. And when I had the room where my DVD player is, I loved this series. Unfortunately, I can't afford another DVD player because I'm unemployed. So....


Here's the catch. I am only willing to trade someone who's name I recognize as being a regular here on the forums. You won't see this on any other forum. Reason? I have a trade in the progress of being investigated by YaYa's. I'm afraid of getting burned again. This is an expensive DVD & I don't want to stick it in the mail to a "total stranger." The other thing is I would like the boxes to be in good shape. I know I'm being really picky but this is CTX we're talking about! LOL

Let me know via e-mail--

[email protected]
Hi Deborah,
OOOOH if only I had a DVD player! That is a great deal you are offering.
Are you really really really sure that you won't be getting a job in the future and could buy another DVD player? The videos are good but wow, the DVD's can do so much more.
You almost could ask for a trade plus the rights of the trader's firstborn. LOL

I say this as I wonder how to get the funds to buy a player with my debt load.:-(

I know if the farm stays in business, I will get a player by summer but that is too long for you to wait.

Still jealous of you getting to see Cathe in 7 more days!!!! :D

I e-mailed you. Hope they haven't been trade already!



Oh yeah, I am formerly known as Teena on this board. I changed with
the new forum.

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