Dumbells (PowerBlock/SportBlock)


Has anyone tried the PowerBlock or SportBlock dumbell systems? They seem nice because they wouldn't take up as much room as a bunch of other dumbells, but they seem like they might be awkward to work with. Just wondering...

Hi Melissa,

We have the powerblock and I like it. Doesn't take up much room. It does take a little bit to get used to the squareness of the weights but I over came that.

How do these work for exercises where you hold one dumbell in two hands (pullovers and overhead tricep presses, for example.)

An interesting tidbit: I just discovered that Powreblocks are made in my hometown...wonder if they'd give me a discount ;-)
Thanks for responding Rhonda.

The squareness/bulkiness is what concerns me, especially for exercises like tricep kickbacks or dumbell rows where your arm is supposed to remain close to your body. Won't the PowerBlock dumbells hit your body if you maintain proper form? Do you know what I mean?

Thanks again,
I hold the dumbells for pullovers by holding onto the bars on the powerblock. Palms facing each other and it works for me. Overhead ext I use my normal dumbells. I have 5,8,10 pound dumbells, can't seem to get pass 8 or 10 for those.

I haven't had a problem keeping my form on kickbacks or rows.


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