Dumbbell storage


I've been working with PS now for about two months. I started with 3 and 5 lb. weights and added 8 and 10 lb. dumbbells as I went along, and my barbell. I think it may be time now for me to buy 12 and 15 lb. dumbbells. Does anyone know of a dumbbell stand or holder that would keep all of these dumbbells neatly in one place in my living room. They're not all the same brand. Something that sits on the floor would be good. Thanks for your suggestions.
Hi Nancy:
I have the same problem - I have to store my dumbbells in my livingroom too. Because my husband lifts along with Cathe and me, I have more than 400 pounds of dumbbells to store!

I solved the problem quite attractively by purchasing a large retangular wicker basket (about 15" high, 21" wide and 26" long). The basket has a flat bottom. I stack the weights inside and then cover the top with a small throw blanket and I pile a couple of throw pillows on top. I looks like the basket is just filled with extra pillows. So many people have commented on how nice the basket looks. They are quite surprised to find out what's inside.

I got the basket from TJMaxx for about $20 or so. It was a lot cheaper than a weight rack and it looks a lot cuter too.

Hope this idea helps

Debbie Russo
Hi Anna,

Great question. The basket sort of sits in the corner out of the way so the answer is no. However I tried once to "scoot" it over so that I could get my weight lifting glove (which fell behind the basket). I couldn't move it an inch. I don't even want to know what the carpet looks like under the basket. :eek:

This set up has worked great for me. I also store about 200 pounds of plate weights under my bed along with 2 step benches (lucky for me I have a king-size bed).

I store 2, 6' bars behind my bedroom door. When you live in a small place you gotta be creative.

Take Care,
Debbie Russl
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-10-02 AT 04:44PM (Est)[/font][p]Nancy-

There are a few commercially available dumbbell racks that look good at a site (is it Fitness First?) - anyway my DH told me he would build me one if I showed him a few pictures. So I showed him the pics and he built me one! You can see the one he built if you check my profile under "web page." E-mail me if you want a bigger picture.

Some of those store-bought ones are awfully cute.

all I can say is God help any intruder who dares to break in to your house while you and all those plates, steps, bars are in it too!

Hey Connie! I checked out your website and I love it! You look beautiful in all of your pictures, but your fitness accomplishments in your more recent pictures are truly inspiring. And I love the dumbbell rack your husband made for you! Do you think I should put the address for my wedding website in my profile? It has nothing to do with fitness though :7 !
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-02 AT 08:53AM (Est)[/font][p]Seriously though, kudos to you. You look like a million bucks, as they used to say. Guess in today's market it would be more like a billion bucks! I don't know how to build anything, and my husband is better at building computer systems than he is at building furniture, so I guess I'll go shopping!! Yay!! The wicker basket sounds great, Debra!

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