
Computer genius I am NOT. How do I unblock an email address I want to receive mail from? I accidently blocked an address I want to receive mail from when I was blocking a slew of aggravating junk. I contacted MSN but they are so slow to reply and I figured it would be quicker to ask you guys.

Speaking of email - I have been receiving, almost daily, some really disgusting porno mail - I don't open it of course, just block it. How did these scum get my address and is they're anything I can do? Some of the titles reference teenagers which to me is criminal. Who would I report it to. MSN? State Attorney's Office?

TIA! :)

I'm not sure how to unblock an email. As for the porn email, I too was receiving some. They can find your email address very easily! I even get some sent to my work email and I never give that to anyone. Hotmail lets you set what type of junk mail you want to receive. So now all of those porn emails go straight to the junk mail folder. If something I want to get goes to that folder, you just check that the address is not junk. Maybe your email system is similar.
Hi Lorie,

I wonder if you are using Hotmail? I'm asking because I have an account and had the exact same problem - I used to block all the porn ones that would be filtered into my junk mail folder. Then I ran out of room for blocked addresses so I started deleting them and you know what? I hardly get any anymore! I wonder if blocking actually sends them a signal that you've received the mail. ANwyay there are tools you can buy to block spam, you should look into that.

Are you using Outlook Express or is it web based email?
If you are using Outlook then I can help you unblock it. (I think)
I have a Hotmail addy that I use for personal emails instead of my work addy. I have filled up my "block senders" list so I can no longer block. I have also set the Junk Mail filter on it's highest setting and for a while that helped, but now I get just as many porn/junk emails to my inbox as to my junk mail box. It's so pathetic the stuff that gets sent... disgusting. I shudder to think of young children with hotmail/web-based email accounts... what must they be seeing?!
Thanks everyone - I heard from MSN and now know how to unblock. If anyone is interested, let me know.

It really stinks that the perverts can get away with sending that crap. I wholeheartedly support free speech but when that kind of vulgarity shows up unsolicited in our mailboxes it makes my blood boil! Apparently, there's no way to stop it - GRRRR!

I have outlook express and hotmail and I can't block senders. When ever I click on message so I can the block sender isn't lit up so I can't do it. Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks! Tami

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