Okay, but these companies are not breaking the law by selling donuts or fried chicken. I think it's too esay to dump the blame in their laps (oh they are the ones selling it) when they have customers that are BUYING it. Now I agree with his healthy eating message, but he should have known better than to call out specific restaurants and shouldn't be surprised that he was sued.
Let's stop acting like we the people dont know the truth and facts about healthy eating and are little more than helpless sheep.
Well, tobacco companies don't break the law either and there was a massive campaign against them by the government. Quite honestly I don't think there is one bit of difference between Philip Morris, KFC and Dunkin Donuts. Their products kill people!
Don't think just because you or I know a little bit about healthy eating and exercise that the Average Joe or Average Jane knows the same.
I think the majority of Americans do NOT know the truth and facts about healthy eating and the reason is that companies like KFC, Dunkin, etc. are allowed to continue their deceptive advertising and that if you say something against them you will have your pants sued off or lose your job.
I know it's mindboggling but most people do believe what they hear from advertisers. KFC (and others) a couple of years back started to advertise that they don't use transfat anymore. Well, that's nice, but it doesn't make their chicken any healthier, however, if you ask, the majority of people thinks it does. KFC also advertised that their chicken is healthier than Burger King
Most doctors that I have encountered know little to nothing about nutrition and healthy lifestyle, nor do they educate people about it, instead, you will leave with a prescription for a pill. So who really educates the general public? People like this guy who are trying to educate the public by being direct are shut down.
I think as long as companies have the right to continue their deceptive advertising, people should be allowed to dispute whatever those companies say by using their slogans against them.