dpiglet............Oh Donna!


You mentioned in my "so embarassing" thread that your dh hikes the Superstitions all the time. Which trails does he go on, what level of difficulty would he consider them? I researched the area and found 2 I want to go on. They are relatively short (3 miles) but sound really fun. Massacre Grounds ( you hike to old Spanish ruins) and Siphon Draw. Have you been to REI yet? I got shorts and hat today. The shorts I did end up buying in mens because a: they didn't have my size in womens and b: I like the longer ones, but yet you can also roll those up. The shorts I got are the 50 spf and quick drying ones, the hat is the one w/ the longer flap in the back to protect the neck.
Heather!! I guess you had fun the other day! I love it too...that is when it is not too hot. Massacre grounds, according to my husband is a pretty mild hike....too easy for him, but he is the one who likes to hike when it it 110. We have done Siphon draw twice...you know that is the beginning of my husband's favorite hike, to top of Flatiron. Sipon draw is a bit challenging...I get winded in some spots(but that is a good thing, right??), but we took the kids twice and they did just fine. It is also a good one to start with, cause if you are like me, and get lost in the Chandler Fashion Mall(inside or out!), it is a popular trail, lots of people with lots of moral support...hikers tend to be a friendly bunch. The trail is well marked and you won't get lost. Where did your sister take you the other day?? Did I miss your followup post?? I haven't been to the REI store yet, but the dh goes there all the time. I got a new Camelback for my b-day(that I haven't got to use yet, boohoo!)that came from there....got to ask for a weekend day off soon so I can use it!! He is hiking tomorrow and I am hopelesslu jealous.....
We have also hiked two other trails, Black Mesa loop....that is a long one, and Second Water Trail....that is shorter, but a little tricky(I would get lost)
Let me know where you go!! He has a couple of really good books....I'll get the titles for you if you want them. Take Care, Donna
I will check out the other hikes you mentioned. I stuck w/ Massacre Grounds b/c we don't have a whole lot of time and we can only go so fast w/ my sil. Siphon Draw sounds and looks really good on the internet, but they consider it "very difficult" on that last stretch up to Flatiron. I would like to at least hike to the top of the basin. I also saw First Water on there. Have you seen that and is there water out there? Here is the link from when we got back from the hike:

P.S. Walmart has this fanny type pack w/ water bottles already in it. It is by Outdoor products and is 10 bucks. I took the water bottles out and had bought 2 different ones at REI for 7 bucks each. They are taller but just as wide and they hold more.

P.P.S. Guess what else I noticed? Whether we go to Usery or the Superstitions, they are each 8 miles from my house.:7
Hey Heather! I have never done that final climb to Flatiron...I'm too much of a chicken! The hike up to there is fun, scenic, and hard...but not impossible. You stop before it gets too bad....that big almost vertical rock is too scary looking for me. The other really long hike that we did one day is Black Mesa loop....a ten mile sucker that exhausted me for days....but I burned almost 1200 calories on it that day.....it is a long one though. There is a little trickle of water in the steam bed at First Water, but nothing to get too excited about. I have been in the Usery Mountains too....Wind Cave trail....that was a nice hike too....did that last August when it was still kinda hot though, so not much fun. I really wish I had more time off work to do more hiking.....it is such really great exercise! So glad you are having fun and so great you have someone to go with!!
It is so nice to have those mountains in our back yard!!

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