Double Pump


Have any of you done this workout? I obtained a dvd of it at a yard sale today. It is by Shpresa, who is editor and chief of fit body magazine. Anyways, she does fast moves w/ light weights, step moves on the floor only (no step),pretty cool lunge sets and some ab moves that I have seen in some of Cathes workouts. For the die hard Cathe-ites, I think this is something you would do on a day that you didn't feel good. LOL. I did it, felt it and will do it again. She does move kind of fast, so I would keep the weights light for fat burning. She calls the workout "total body cardio toning". I haven't seen a workout that different since being introduced to Cathe's.
I'm not understanding what you are saying. I'm glad Kathryn found something on the net. For my level right now I liked it.

I just saw the 60 second clip of it on collage. She doesn't show you the lunges she does. You do a reverse lunge, lift that same knee as you come out of it and automatically go into a front lunge w/ the same leg. She does about 6 reps on each leg. They were tough.}(

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