donating blood ?


Active Member
Good evening all,

Quick question...

I donated blood several days ago, and yikes, my perceived exertion has gone off the charts.

Three days after I donated I tried to do IMAX 2, normally not a killer workout for me. I had to stop after interval 5, I had absolutely nothing left to give. I didn't just hit the wall, I hit it and then it fell on me.

The rest of the week I have really had to lower my intensity level from a cardio stand point. I'm not having any weight training issues.

Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how long did it take you to get back to your normal level of intensity? I read that it takes 4-6 weeks for your body to replace the hemoglobin, plasma volume is restored after 48 hours.

I guess working out at "Cathe-Intensity" you really miss those little red blood cells.:(

Debbie Russo
I donate blood all the time and I totally experience what you are saying. "I hit it and then it fell on me" LOL!!!

I end up "feeling it" for about a week, I'd say. Drink a LOT of water...boy do I end up sleeping like a LOG too.

I donate frequently and definitely notice it. They say not to lift heavy for 24 hours so I usually do a cardio the day after. My HRM shows a huge increase in average heartrate the day after. It will be a little higher for a couple more days but then goes back to normal.

Also I always have to remember to stand up slowly getting out of bed the day after. The lower level of blood and the dehydration makes me lightheaded. There's been a couple times where I had to brace myself on a piece of furniture for a moment until the feeling passed.

I've found that drinking lots of water over the next couple days helps me bounce back to normal faster.
Yup, what you experienced is the same for me too. I donate regularly and know it will take 1 to 2 weeks before I'm at the same pre-donation level of endurance. But it is temporary and being a blood donor is hugely important, so please don't let this stop you.
I cook in my cast iron pans to help replace the iron in my system faster. I try to use them as often as I can. This really helps. I miss not being able to donate blood since we moved where they don't have a place to give donations.


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