Donating blood affecting the next day's workout?


Hi all! Today I did Power Circuit and I really felt drained. Well, by the end of it, it occurred to me that yesterday I gave blood!

This got me to thinking about the last time I felt like that, doing IMax (see"Passing out after exercise, I'm gonna post this info there next) and looked in my log and sure enough, I had had 2 periods in 2 weeks and that workout was 5 days into the second one.

I conclude from this experiment, with one subject (me! Ha haaa) that possibly, some blood loss can contribute to a below par performance in high intensity cardio. Anyone verify this?
I agree. I have also had problems with weakness when working out when I have especially heavy TOM's. I know for a fact that anemia, and even a slight deficiency in iron can cause general weakness and inability to work out. I used to be highly anemic and had a problem just staying awake (now I make sure to take an iron supplement, especially at that TOM).
Is a regular multivitamin that says it has 100% of the daily iron requirement sufficient? I haven't been taking mine (I think I'll get up right now and take one) but if you know of a better one please post. Thanks.

I always have reduced performance for a day or 2 after I donate blood. There was a big thread about it last year at VF, and everyone there agreed that they have had the same experience. Within a few days you'll be feeling back to normal.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-02 AT 01:55AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Connie - My doctor actually prescribed an iron supplement that was for prescription only (can't remember the name - but this was when I was anemic), but I only took it for 2 weeks and then he stressed I needed to stop because at high doses, iron is toxic. I would definitely think that your multi-vitamin with 100% DV iron would be more than sufficient for you, I use a multi-vitamin with iron now (Comprehensive Formula) and haven't had a problem in awhile. It does however take time for iron to build up in your system so it may be awhile (that is only if your iron deficient) before you notice the benefits. You may want to get your iron levels tested at the doctor next visit to make sure (ask about ferritin levels as well -- those are the iron store levels). HTH. :)
Kristine- thank you for the information! I will ask for a ferritin test if I have the problem again enough to need a blood test. (Also a cholesterol test) but right now I'm through being stuck with needles for a while! LOL

Until then I'll stick :) with my multi.
Blood donation can often affect your workout the next day

It happened to me -- and, incidentally, my next-day's workout was Power Circuit, too! Didn't pass out or anything, but I sure was pooped! I had to FF to the weight work halfway through the cardio section. I was able to do the weights just fine; it was only the cardio that I had trouble with.
Absolutely--loss of blood volume means a loss of red blood cells, which will temporarily reduce oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. The body's extra work load in rebuilding blood volume could contribute to lower energy levels for the workout, also.

Give yourself a few days to recover before hitting a really high intensity workout--especially if the duration is longer than 20-30 minutes!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-02 AT 09:16PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks Maribeth! I am just now feeling closer to the "top of my game" so I think I'll be able to do a full hour of something tomorrow morning. What a wimp I felt like for a couple of days. I don't suppose this entitles me to eat an extra large serving of anything in particular, does it? :D

Lynne- I felt it more with the cardio too. I wonder if the lunges in Power hour would still be too much for me tomorrow? I did 10-10-10 today and it was okay.


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