DOMS Report

Is there any body part that you work out that you have yet to experience DOMS?

I think I have experienced DOMS in every body part so far.

Hey Charlotte,

I have pretty much experience DOMS in every body part, but the hardest one here lately is my shoulders. I didn't feel them after my workout this week. I felt them more when I did chest. And let me tell you that my chest is the worst one of my upper body to get DOMS. Ouchie!x(

After my workout today, tri's and bi's will have some serious DOMS!

I've got some serious butt DOMS right now! I mean serious. It hurts to sit on the toilet--(sorry if that's TMI)--LOL! I did a TLT w/o yesterday--Tracie Long's Endurance for Movement.

ETA that I have full body DOMS right now, but my rear end is especially sore!

I usually can get DOMS everyplace except my shoulders. I never get sore there. I know that I'm working them good, but I'm very careful with my shoulders because I never want them to be injured...I've seen too many people suffer with shoulder issues.

Michele...sounds like you had an awesome workout!! Go on with your BAD self!!

I have the most difficulty getting DOMS in my back. I can never do it through weights. The bands sometimes help. What killed me though was a combo of CTX Kickbox and the CK drills. Wow!!

Michele - you stud you! What a workout! YOU GO GIRL!! I hope you can sit soon, though - that's never fun.
Marietta, I have a hard time getting sore with my shoulders. But when I am working them, I am burning big time! I think that the next day I will hear those muscles screaming.

I ALWAYS have DOMS somewhere in my body. I figure that's a good thing because I must be working my body.

I have a friend who says she never gets sore from working out. She also never gets any results from working out. I carefully try to question whether or not she's working hard enough. She swears she is. DH swears she isn't! :)I think I'd have to agree. I can't imagine never having DOMS.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
I rarely have DOMS anymore, but when I do I think I am on to something. I have experienced it everywhere down to the wrists from wrist curls.
Diane Sue

Everytime I do a Cathe workout, I have DOMS. If I don't, then I'm doing something wrong.


"Whoo Hoo"
-Cathe Friedrich-
Funny, right now my butt muscles are causing me to experience DOMS, and it usually happens when I haven't done kickboxing for awhile. Most people like the pain, but I have to tell you--I don't. It slows my workouts for awhile and, worst of all it makes me feel old! Like I need a cane or a walker with some tennis balls on the wheels! Boo Hoo!

I rarely get DOMS, but I can't think of a muscle group that hasn't had it at one time. I do work out hard - I regularly lift heavy at the gym to supplement my home workouts. Sometimes I wish that I would get DOMS more often or I workout really hard hoping to get it, but it rarely happens.

I am almost always sore somewhere!

It is usually my legs because I run so much, plus I do lots of Cathe leg work. I am less sore in my upper body, but there are certain workouts guaranteed to give me DOMS. The GymStyles, Muscle Max, MIS and Power Hour are always sure fire DOMS.
I get DOMS all the time, but I've NEVER had it in my shoulders. Why is that? Quads, check. Glutes, check. Biceps, check. Chest, check. Tricps, check, abs check. But never the shoulders.
Chrissyu: DOMS=delayed onset muscle soreness

Never get it in my back. Shoulders sometimes--got it this week from the pushups in GS Chest and Triceps, which I did for the first time in a while. Never get it in my quads, ever, though my glutes and hamstrings get sore all the time.
I have gotten DOMS in every body part at some point pretty much but my thighs are the most common.

I've gotten it in my thighs, calves, hams and butt all in the last couple of weeks since working the Slim Series into my rotation! :eek: My body can tell I am doing something different and is revolting!!!}( }( }( This is a GOOD thing though!:)

When I do too much of the same stuff even if I work hard DURING the work out I won't get DOMS any longer and then I know I have to change it up again....
I've never had DOMS in my forehead. Does that count? Because if it doesn't, I've had them everywhere. Feet and hands and face included. (Okay, face was from the dentist, not Cathe, but that wasn't your question...)
I don't get DOMS in my shoulders - I wonder why, seems like several people are saying this. They get tired the next day (eg hard to blow dry my hair) but never sore.

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