You all know about my crazy dogs. Buster, the baby, has this habit of attacking my feet and pant legs when I'm wearing my slippers. I'm working on getting him to stop, so I give him a loud "NO!" when he does it. This, of course, gets Cricket's attention and she sees him attacking my feet - then comes tearing across the room and attacks him. It's a highly stressful situation because I've got one dog biting my feet, I'm trying to get him to stop, and another dog yelling and nipping. At first, I thought she (Cricket) was just being bossy, like she always is, but then I thought maybe she thinks she's helping me out.
What do you think? Should I try to correct both of them, or just Buster? It was funny the first coupld times he attacked the slippers, but it's kind of dangerous because he does it while I'm walking.
What do you think? Should I try to correct both of them, or just Buster? It was funny the first coupld times he attacked the slippers, but it's kind of dangerous because he does it while I'm walking.