Does it matter what time of day to exercise?

Hi everyone,

Does it matter what time of day you exercise? I was talking with a lady at work and she said working out late at night is not good. That's when I do my treadmill! So, I'm wondering if I'm not getting any benefit! Please help!

Oh I hope not. I can't ever get up early to workout. I'm not a morning person, so I workout in the evening when I have much more energy.

I would think that as long as you are doing your exercise sometime during the day, it's good for you. Much better than sitting on the couch in the evening, anyway.
This question is a interesting one.I got into working out in the morning for a while , before that I normally worked out in the evening at around 8:30-9.Working out in the morning is suppose to be the best way to burn fat.Let me tell you...this girls fat ratio didn't change a bit.I look,feel,and weigh the same as I did before.
That wasn't why I started working out in the morning though.I got into getting it out of my way and having the rest of the day to myself.
I did read in one of my magazines this month that it doesn't matter what time in the day you work out,you still burn fat.If you eat your breakfast and then workout your not burning the food in your stomach b/c it's in your stomach.You will still be burning stored fat.
The lady probably told you this b/c the only thing about working out in the night is they say it can keep you awake if you go to bed shortly after.I can see that.But I don't see any of it making a big difference.Just as long as you are working out, thats all that really matters.Do it went it best suits your schedule....:)
Hi - I think the best time to exercise is the time of day that fits best into your schedule. That way, you'll have fewer reasons NOT to exercise. I'm a morning workout person -- 4am on workdays --- and it works well for me. However, I have found that my body likes doing weight work in the afternoons, so while I will always do cardio in the am, sometimes I do the weight stuff after work.
I used to work out after work. To be truthful, I found no difference in results from working out at "o-dark-hundred-hours." I found myself stressing out about the pm workouts, especially when the inevitable happened at work and my departure was delayed. The morning workouts are best for me because I get it out of the way first and have no excuse for missing my workout.
:) Suzanne
I would say that whenever you choose to work out, no matter what part of the day, it is beneficial. Do it when it's best for YOU and don't stress about it. As Suzanne said, you'll have fewer reasons to not exercise. Personally, I think that anyone who tells you that you should work out at a certain time every day because it will "burn more fat" or be more efficient is full of it. Only YOU can find out what works best for YOUR body. ;-)

Just editing to say that I wasn't quoting anyone here with the "burn more fat" thing - just quoting what people say they have heard, that's all!
I further support the "do it when it works for you" theory. Some research indicates that the timing of exercise during the day and its relationship to food intake or no intake and also what type of exercise (weight training vs. cardio) will either maximize or minimize fat burning. If it is not an optimal time for you specifically though, you probably won't give it your best and that is the real determinate of your results. More importantly stay hydrated and be sure to be properly warmed up before starting. I do find that when I work out first thing in the am around 5:30, I need to warm up more and drink even more than I would with a later day workout. Keeping your metabolism revved up (good weekly balance of weight and cardio workouts) and properly fueled by eating clean combinations of proteins and complex carbs every few hours will definely help!

Thank you everyone for your expertise! The woman I talked with does not work out - at all - so I don't know why I even listened to her. I guess it just kinda made me think. I will keep on plugging away when I can!!!


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