Does EVERYBODY do this?!


I keep reading posts that say "I did 60 min. of cardio before PLB" or "I did ME in the a.m. and Cardio and Weights in the p.m.". I am sorry, but I can't work out for 2 hours a day. It's like my body just refused to let it happen. I get hungry and grouchy if I do more than 90 min., preferrably 60 min. But after reading all of these posts, I feel lazy and gross. Anyone else only do about an hour/6x's a week?
I don't know about other people, but I tend to go a little crazy when I have new workout tapes. I've noticed that I've done two workouts in a day when I was excited because I had something new. But in general, I only do one workout a day. I might tack on abs to an hour cardio tape but that's about it. Personally I think that ME and Cardio & Weights in the same day is overdoing it.
I was actually feeling a little guilty reading all the posts about Donna's rotation. I only work out about 1 hour every day, 6 times a week, like you do.

I've been thinking I might step it up a notch since I have a little time before school starts again, but I don't have any long-term plans to exercise more than 1 hour per day.

I think 1 hour per day is a great amount of time to exercise. To a lot of people that is a very long workout. I think we fitness freaks get a little overachieving sometimes. :) Not that there's anything wrong AT ALL with working out more!
I'm with you on this. I find if I do more than 60 minutes I end up eating the rest of the day. I've been reading alot of posts
lately like you have mentioned and so I started trying to do a
workout in the morning and another a night. I was not only really tired, but starving all the time. I've decided that instead of trying to workout that much, I will continue to do 60 min. of Cathe 6 days a week and add on a long walk every morning.
For some reason walking has the opposite effect on my appetite,
and I get some fresh air to boot. This is my goal for this year.
Either walk every morning or do a yoga video if the weather is bad (better for the joints too) I'm a total Cathe addict but
I can't do more than an hour. Just wanted to chime in.:)

Hey Miss Jillybean:

I work out one hour per day usually 5 or 6 days per week.
Once a week or so I do 90 minutes. (usually a PS tape and a short cardio tape). But that's not the rule. My body doesn't like to do more than one hour (at this point, but my body changes all the time so, maybe in 6 months I'll be able to work out longer, who knows?).

PS I love all of your rotations. You're a whiz at that!!!!
I do 60/6X a week; however on the weekends I do 90 as I generally have more time. I usually only do 2 hours if I'm trying to learn a new tape so then I know I won't be taxed out the whole time (well sometimes learning a new tape completely does me in!).
I work out 5X per week, and the shortest workout I do (my wed. nite aqua class) is about 80 minutes. Saturdays and Sundays I average about 3 hours per session, and Mondays/Thursdays I average about 105 minutes per session (not including cooldown stretch).

I'm a cardio-then-strength person, and after about 45-50 minutes of kick-butt cardio I'm all pumped up for strength work. In fact, if I can't work out for at least 75 minutes I usually don't do it; for me it would feel like stopping in the middle of a Number-One in the ladies' room.

But . . . I never said I wasn't strange.

Jilly -

NO not everybody does that, least of all me! I am not an a.m. exerciser and by the time I get home from work there is no way I can make more time than an hour to workout. Otherwise I'll be eating dinner at 8 or 9 pm and I hate doing that. Like you, my body won't go much longer, plus I lose interest. Don't worry - you are far from lazy and gross!! Especially with the workouts that we do, 60 min is plenty of time to get not only great health gains but also to help you look and feel great. No WAY am I feeling guilty for keeping my workouts to an hour. In fact, I've had people say to me - "wow, you work out for a whole hour each day?!" We all need our own fitness programs, no two bodies are exactly the same. You just keep on keepin' on with your bad self! ;-)

PS - how is your twice a week IMax rotation treating you? I just got back into mine this week and did my 2nd IMax for the week last night (threw my back out not long ago and had to take it easy for a while).
Hi Jillybean! I'm w/you. I can only manage to do 1 hr. in the p.m. usually around 8:00. Too many things going on life! I get up at 5:30 a.m. hit the big city where I work I don't get home until 6:30 p.m. where I have to cook the meal, clean up, check my son's homework, give him a shower, etc., etc. If I have more time, I'll work out on Sat. yoga in the a.m. and then 30-45 min. of cardio in the p.m. but even that's rare. I don't feel guilty at all. I look pretty good for my age (49). So more power to those ladies that can do that much. Best, Kathy
RE: Barbie

Barbie, I just wanted to thank you for your post. You made me smile on a day of forecasted frowns. Thank you so much.
Great! How is your Imax 2x's a week going? I find that the more I do that tape, the more I like it. I love knowing exactly what comes where. I am now onto a S&H rotation (until the DVDs arrive) so I will be cutting down my cardio a bit. I am doing a S&H and a CTX cardio on Sat and Sun, the 3rd S&H on Mon, Imax on Tues, Power Hour Wed, then CK on Thurs. I'm tired! Thanks for your post! You gals always know how to make me smile. Even psycho-powerhouse Annette!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-03 AT 03:54PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi, I work out 5 days a week for about 1 hour a day. karen
I know I can do Step and Yoga daily with no problems but if I do Step and even one body part per day weights I get that overtrained feeling bigtime real fast.

I have no clue why on this.

KayM said:

I only work out about 1 hour every day, 6
times a week, like you do.

Kay --

Remember, those of us who "only" work out 6x per week for 60 minutes are doing better than probably 90% of the population. Don't sell yourself short! Working out six times a week is plenty!

I don't think this meaning is what you orignally intended, but I just wanted to give ourselves some encouragement.

With all the demands day-to-day life puts on us, we are doing great and should not compare ourselves to each other too much, as hard as it is not to!

Susan G.
Here's a different view. :D
I don't usually reply to threads that may or could pit one side against another but I felt I had to give my thoughts on this one because the quotes were from a thread I started for the Intense Series checkin.
Susan is correct in saying only about 90% of the population workout. One should really feel proud that they are part of that elite group. By working out, a person is doing many positive things for themselves. Both physically and mentally.
Add that on to being consistant week after week and you're really getting somewhere. As a rule, one hour is plenty and great results will occur. Also as this thread is noting, most exercisers stay within that one hour time frame.

Then there is a group, although smaller, who exercises more. Maybe they are training for a competition or perhaps maybe they have to for medical reasons, or it just feels good for them.
For myself, one hour doesn't get it. Especially if I do an upper body workout. I have to work my legs, hard, everyday or I end up having to be carried. That is embarrassing!! I have lupus and exercise keeps me able to walk. With few things that I can do, working out gives me the feeling of 'yes I can.'

Everybody is different. Every body is different. We all train or workout with as many individual goals as there are people. That is why it is so important not to compare oneself with another.
The weights some of you girls lift, I could never do in my lifetime. I just do the best I can with the limitations I have.

Isn't that what it is all about? To be the best we personally can be? Comparisons tear down and that is defeating the purpose of an exercise program, isn't it? Be proud you are working out and prouder still when you get through Cathe's workouts. :-jumpy

Hi Wanda, that was a nice post. I don't think anyone was knocking people who work out a lot, but I do think that some of us were getting a little inferiority complex going (well maybe not that bad, but a little bit of one) because for a few days there it seemed like everyone was doing that challenge and going to be working out a whole bunch.

It's kinda like when I first started perusing these boards - everybody talked about how such-and-such video was good for a "light" day when it was an intense workout for me! Or they'd talk about how a video was good, but at 40 minutes long wasn't long enough. :) I developed a little complex at that point because of all of the people working out a whole HOUR each day!!

Now I realize that even though it seems like everybody is doing more than I am, really I'm doing just great with my fitness goals and there's no need to feel badly about it. And for every person who works out 1 hour a day or 2 hours a day, there's about 100 who don't work out regularly at all!

So what I'm trying to say is, I agree with you, but I am glad that this thread was started because it's easy to feel like an underachiever with all of you guys around. :)
I agree with Wanda. Vive la difference, as long as you are getting the exercise you need in terms of frequency, intensity, duration and modes. There is a fine line between comparing notes and comparing selves; what works for one might not work for another.

I remember getting very intimidated when hearing about the class schedules other group fitness instructors carried, those who usually performed the workouts while leading them. Like Wanda, however, I came to believe that if that works for them, fine, but it doesn't work for me. By the same token, many out there might not want to work out at the volume I do, but are perfectly healthy and fit and get the results they want.

It is sadly true that, according to many statistics, fewer than 20 PERCENT of Americans get any sort of regular exercise, and the numbers get even smaller when you talk about consistent, productive exercise that strengthens the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Comparing notes is fine, but let's all give ourselves a pat on the back while doing so!

RE: Wanda

It wasn't like I was saying, "WHY are these people working out so much?" It was more like, "HOW?" because I can't. Maybe I can and am just lazy. I am jealous, not confused or angry. I strive to be one of those who works out that much, but with working 9 hours a day, traffic, a social life, chores, and all of that busy crap, I just don't seem to find the time, energy. I really wasn't pointing fingers Wanda. I am impressed, awed, and inspired by you, Donna, Sue, Annette, and so many others on this forum.
RE: Wanda


I don't think anyone took what you said negatively. You sound like you have a lot going on in your life already - you NEED another hour of working out like I need another five pounds on my A$$ - HAHA!

You certainly don't sound lazy to me! And as I, for one, limped through the last weeks of that rotation I aksed you about - the endurance one, I mean, I will repeat for emphasis - you are NOT lazy!

Susan G.
RE: Wanda

Jillybean, my hat is off to you. You have a job and let's face it, the world is a stressful place in its own right these days. Not to mention fighting the road rage to and from work. Then you come home and exercise. You are to be commended. It makes me tired to think about working 9-5. :D
I was responding to why people workout longer and how. The how is their particular goal. Those like me, it is almost no choice but survival. But Jillybean, I've been at this for over 17 years. It took me a long time to work up to it and have had setbacks where I literally had to start at ground zero again. I'm sure many here knows the feelings of setbacks, and days where we just don't have it all there.

The road to Fitness is a lifetime committment. You are to be congratulated for being on it. Are you lazy? No girl, I don't think so!! From what I read about you, you are a take charge of your life person. That's what it takes, right? ;-)


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