Does Drinking coffee=FAT


Just wondering if anyone has experienced this or even heard of it.But I have been drinking coffee for about 2 years now.I only drink one cup in the morning,Skim milk,alittle sugar.
And have noticed that I am just plain chunky in the middle mostly and am not sure if the coffee contributes.How about any of you? Have you noticed this about yourselves?Thanks,Vonnie :-(
I drink one cup in the morning also with skim milk, but no sugar. I have done so for years. I don't think it makes me fat or chunky around the middle. I think my extra around the middle is attributed to the other goodies in my diet like chocolate and portions that are on the larger side. In fact, caffeine is a popular weight-loss drug used in many supplements and diet pills. I don't think it's a good idea to take those, but I don't see any harm in one cup of coffee per day.
I'll be interested to see if anyone else has experienced weight gain due to drinking coffee.
I was just wondering how fattening the starbucks lattes are..w/skim milk.I love there "skinny"lattes and mochas.YUM!:9
Coffee will only = FAT if you put fat into your coffee, say in the form of milk or cream. There is little to no calories in coffee (as long as you don't add sugar) so I wouldn't worry about it. I've been drinking coffee for years - I've lost weight without reducing coffee intake.

One thing to be wary of is that coffee is a diuretic so be sure to drink plenty of water. A rule that I've heard is that you should drink one extra glass of water above your normal water intake for each cup of coffee you drink.
As everyone else said, if you're not putting anything that's high in fat in your coffee, coffee is not making you fat. But, the caffeine in your coffee will slow your weight loss by up to 50%.

Hi Deb - I'm intrigued by your last statement about caffeine slowing weight loss, I've never heard that before and (respectfully speaking) I'm not sure I believe it. If you don't mind me asking, where did you learn this?
I'd look elsewhere than the coffee. Do you have it with a sweet roll }(

I would think there would be no relation between coffee consumption and fat, though the caffeine would perhaps boost your metabolism a bit.
Caffeine slows weight loss by up to 50% ?????? YIKES!! Is that really true? I love my coffee in the morning.... Any more info on this??

I have never heard this before and I've been around the fitness block a few times. (A funny thought. I would probably feel obliged to do intervals if I went around the fitness block for 30-45 minutes)

I'm waiting for some reputable references before I worry about this piece of information.

What I've heard, on the contrary, is that it temporarily raises your metabolic rate and also suppresses your appetite.
Never heard of that and I have coffee with cream every am. It's a quality of life thing gotta have my Dunkin Donuts (cream/no sugar) yumm :)
Well, I can *seriously* put away coffee. I LOVE it, and only drink that and water (occasionally tea too). I do have some caffeinated coffee, but drink a lot of decaf too. I probably drink 10 cups a day between regular and decaf, and I have 15% body fat .. so IMHO, coffee has nothing to do with weight gain or weight loss. It all comes down to calories in versus calories out.

Just my .02
Vonnie, it's not the coffee, it's the company it keeps.Caffeine is a diuretic meaning it triggers fluid loss, so it's not the source of bloating.

Research on caffeine is mixed. Many endurance athletes believe it enhances endurance by increasing fat metabolism during exercise & some studies support this belief. (This is from Burke & Berning's "Training Nutrition". Liz Applegate's "Eat Smart Play Hard" concurs.) I've never read that caffeine slows the metabolism outside of this thread.

Consider that caffeine is combined with ephedra products in many of the popular but dangerous diet aids like Xenadrine & Metabolife. The caffeine isn't in there to counteract the ephedra.

I wouldn't worry about a cup a day coffee habit. Of course I'm sitting here with my morning java start - a non-fat latte!

I make Starbucks here at home every morning and take thermos of it with a splash of whole milk to work daily. I have lost 80 lbs.

Can't be true LOL


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