Does Drinking coffee=FAT?


Just wondering if anyone has experienced this or even heard of it.But I have been drinking coffee for about 2 years now.I only drink one cup in the morning,Skim milk,alittle sugar.
And have noticed that I am just plain chunky in the middle mostly and am not sure if the coffee contributes.How about any of you? Have you noticed this about yourselves?Thanks,Vonnie
I hadn't heard this before. As far as I know, coffee has no calories, only the cream and sugar you add do.
No. Did you know that your body cannot distinguish between any liquid and water? That's right. Although with the caffien in coffee you want to limit yourself. I have heard that caffien causes cravings. but, it's highly unlikely that coffee causes fat. Sugar...if you are sensitive to carbohydrates, then sugar could be the culprit. I drink two cups of coffee in the morning, but I never put sugar in. then I switch to some other form of liquid. Diet soda, or water usually.
Dr. Nagler and Dr. atkins both have the same concept of what causes weight gain and fat retention. It breaks down to hormonal imbalances due to carbs. check out and there you will find a lot of information about dieting myths. crash diets, what works and what doesn't. I used to go to Dr. Nagler untill I found I could control my carb intake on my own. But he has many helpful tips. HE's totally awsome, I lost 64 lbs. after my first child using his methods and kept it off until I had my second baby, and now I"m trying to get that eccess weight off. Coffee has never been a restriction for me.

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